File No. 811.34537/80.
No. 95.]
American Legation,
February 2, 1912.
Sir: Referring to previous correspondence in
regard to the proposed enlargement of the naval station at Guantánamo, I
have the honor to enclose herewith copy of a note on the subject which I
have today addressed to the Cuban Secretary of State, urging him to give
me some indication as to when I might expect a definite and final
I was prompted to send this note by the fact that the present session of
the Cuban Congress is rapidly drawing to an end and that there is a
considerable amount of discussion in the press as to whether the
Government should grant the enlargement desired.
I have [etc.]
The American Minister
to the Cuban Secretary of
No. 39.]
American Legation,
February 2, 1912.
Your Excellency: Referring to previous
correspondence and conversations in regard to the proposed
enlargement of the naval station at Guantánamo, I have the honor to
remind your excellency that although the legation has been
repeatedly informed that the matter was almost ready for settlement
my Government is still in ignorance as to the real status.
While I realize that your excellency is greatly occupied by other
important matters, I venture to emphasize once more the deep
interest felt by [my] Government in this question and to express the
earnest hope that it may be brought to a definite settlement with
all convenient speed.
[Page 294]
As my Government is making frequent inquiries as to the progress of
this matter, I beg that your excellency will be good enough to give
me an indication as to when I may expect a definite and final
I avail [etc.]