File No. 837.00/640.
The American Minister to the Secretary of State.
Habana, May 29, 1912—7 p.m.
The president of Guantánamo & Western Railway, Mr. Lewis, who arrived this morning from Oriente, informs me that when the store of his sugar estate at Marcos Sanchez was robbed two days ago, leader of band, who could not read or write, gave what he evidently thought was a receipt for the goods taken, but it was really an original order from Estenoz to his lieutenants, and in translation reads about as follows:
To the lieutenant [who] receives this and to all my other loyal lieutenants:
If by June 1 the Morúa law is not repealed you will at once start to destroy all railroad bridges, telegraph and telephone lines, and other property of American ownership, and if this does not accomplish our purpose with the present [Page 251] Government, within 15 days thereafter you will start killing men not of our color irrespective of nationality.
Lewis has original document in his safe. If it is authentic and not a spurious document deliberately allowed to fall into foreign hands for the purpose of inspiring alarm, it would appear to be the most significant indication we have had as to intentions of leaders and reasons for lack of violence to date.
Lewis also showed me letter from Estenoz to him demanding 25 rifles and 5,000 rounds of ammunition, under penalty of destruction of his property.