File No. 033.1100 K77/52a.

The Acting Secretary of State to the American Chargé d’Affaires.


The visit of the Secretary of State to the Republics surrounding the Caribbean Sea has long been in the mind of the President and is now suddenly decided upon for the reason that he considers the present moment peculiarly opportune. The approaching completion of the Panama Canal will, it is foreseen, initiate a new era in our intercourse with these Republics, one creating vast mutual interests and necessitating unity of effort if its benefits are to be fully secured. It is the earnest desire of this Government to establish closer political and commercial relations with them in anticipation of this new era, for the mutual furtherance of common ends and for the promotion of international peace and welfare. The visit is also for the purpose of carrying a message of good will, and is thus similar to that of Secretary Root in South America. It has no other objects than the above.

The foregoing is merely for your information and discreet personal use if this becomes locally the subject of conversation.

Huntington Wilson.