Senate Document No. 733, 62d Cong., 2d sess.; p. 44.]

Protocol de cloture of the International Opium Conference.

[Unofficial translation.]

The International Opium Conference, proposed by the Government of the United States of America and convoked by the Government of The Netherlands, assembled at The Hague in the Palace of the Knights, December 1, 1911.

The Governments, the enumeration of which follows, have taken part in the conference, to which they had designated the delegates hereafter named.


His excellency Mr. Felix de Müller, present privy counselor, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary at The Hague, first delegate plenipotentiary.

Mr. Delbrück, superior privy counselor of the regency, delegate plenipotentiary.

Dr. Grunenwald, present counselor of legation, delegate plenipotentiary.

Dr. Kerp, privy counselor of the regency, director of the imperial health office, delegate plenipotentiary.

Dr. Rössler, imperial consul at Canton, delegate plenipotentiary.

united states of america.

Bishop Charles H. Brent, delegate plenipotentiary.

Dr. Hamilton Wright, delegate plenipotentiary.

Mr. Henry J. Finger, delegate plenipotentiary.


His excellency Mr. Liang Ch’eng, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary at Berlin, delegate plenipotentiary.

Mr. T’ang Kwo-an, assistant secretary of the Wai-Wu-Pu, delegate.

Mr. Tchang Tsou-Soueng, chargé d’affaires ad interim at The Hague, delegate.

Mr. Wu Lien-Teh, M. D. (Cambridge), doctor with rank of major, director of the school of medicine, delegate.

Mr. F. A. Carl, former commissioner of the imperial maritime customs at Newchwang, delegate.

Mr. A. J. Commijs, assistant secretary in the bureau of the inspector general of the imperial maritime customs, delegate.

[Page 194]


Mr. Henri Brenier, consular inspector of the agricultural and commercial services of Indo-China, delegate plenipotentiary.

Mr. Pierre Guesde, administrator of the civil services of Indo-China, delegate plenipotentiary.

Dr. Gaide, physician with the rank of major of the colonial troops, technical counselor.

great britain.

The Right Hon. Sir Cecil Clementi Smith, G. C. M. G., member of the privy council, delegate plenipotentiary.

Sir William Stevenson Meyer, K. C. I. E., chief secretary of the government of Madras, delegate plenipotentiary.

Mr. William Grenfell Max-Müller, C. B., M. V. O., counselor of embassy, delegate plenipotentiary.

Sir William Job Collins, M. D., deputy lieutenant of the county of London, delegate plenipotentiary.


His Excellency Count J. Sallier de la Tour, Duke of Calvello, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary at The Hague, delegate plenipotentiary.

Prof. Rocco Santoliquido, deputy of Parliament, director general of the public health, delegate.


His Excellency Mr. Aimaro Sato, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary at The Hague, delegate plenipotentiary.

Dr. Tomoe Takagi, engineer of the General Government of Formosa, delegate plenipotentiary.

Dr. Kotaro Nishizaki, technical specialist, attached to the laboratory of hygienic service, delegate plenipotentiary.

the netherlands.

Mr. J. T. Cremer, former minister of colonies, president of the Dutch Commercial Co., delegate plenipotentiary.

Mr. C. Th. van Deventer, member of the First Chamber of the States-General, delegate plenipotentiary.

Mr. A. A. de Jongh, former inspector general chief of the opium regié service in the Dutch Indies, delegate plenipotentiary.

Mr. J. G. Scheurer, member of the Second Chamber of the States-General, delegate plenipotentiary.

Mr. W. G. van Wettum, inspector of the opium regié of the Dutch Indies, delegate plenipotentiary.


Mirza Mahmoud Khan, secretary of the Persian legation at The Hague, delegate plenipotentiary.

[Page 195]


His excellency Mr. Antonio Maria Bartholomeu Ferreira, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary at The Hague, delegate plenipotentiary.

Mr. Oscar George Potier, consul general of the first class, delegate of the ministry for foreign affairs, delegate.

Mr. A. Sanches de Miranda, captain of artillery, former governor of the colonies, delegate of the ministry for the colonies, delegate.


His excellency Mr. Alexandre Savinsky, minister of ceremonies, present counselor of state, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary at Stockholm, delegate plenipotentiary.

Mr. Chapiroff, honorary physician of the court of His Majesty the Emperor, medical inspector of the Corps of Frontier Guards, delegate.


His excellency Phya Akharaj Varadhara, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary at London, The Hague, and Brussels, delegate plenipotentiary.

Mr. William J. Archer, C. M. G., counselor of legation, delegate plenipotentiary.

In a series of meetings held from the 1st of December, 1911, to the 23d of January, 1912, the conference determined upon the text of convention hereto annexed.

The conference has further expressed the following wishes:

The conference is of the opinion that there is reason to draw the attention of the Universal Postal Union:
To the urgency of regulating the transmission by post of raw opium.
To the necessity of regulating, so far as possible, the transmission by post of morphine and cocaine and their respective salts, and of the other substances contemplated by article 14 of the convention.
To the necessity of prohibiting the transmission of prepared opium by the post.
The conference is of the opinion that it is advisable to study the question of Indian hemp from the statistical and scientific standpoint, with a view to regulating its misuse, should the necessity therefor make itself felt, by domestic legislation or by an international agreement.

In testimony whereof the plenipotentiaries have affixed their signatures to the present protocol.

[Page 196]

  • For Germany:
    • F. De Müller.
    • Delbrück.
    • Grunenwald.
  • For the United States of America:
    • Charles H. Brent.
    • Hamilton Wright.
    • Henry J. Finger.
  • For China:
    • Liang Cheng.
  • For France:
    • H. Brenier.
  • For Great Britain:
    • W. S. Meyer.
    • W. G. Max Müller.
    • William Job Collins.
  • For Italy:
    • G. de la Tour Calvello.
  • For Japan:
    • Aimaro Sato.
    • Tomoe Takagi.
    • Kotaro Nishizaki.
  • For the Netherlands:
    • J. T. Cremer.
    • C. Th. van Deventer.
    • A. A. de Jongh.
    • J. G. Scheurer.
  • For Persia:
    • Mirza Mahmoud Khan.
  • For Portugal:
    • Antonio Maria Bartholomeu Ferreira.
  • For Russia:
    • A. Savinsky.
  • For Siam:
    • Wm. J. Archer.