File No. 893.51/956.
The American Ambassador to France to the Secretary of State.
Paris, June 19, 1912.
Russian Government will approve signing of agreement by Russian group if the following is incorporated in the minutes of the meeting:
If the object of any advance or loan under the agreement be disapproved by the Japanese group or the Russian group, but is nevertheless concluded by the other groups or any of them, the Japanese Government or the Russian Government shall notify the other Governments concerned that the said object is contrary to the interests of Japan or of Russia, and the Japanese group or the Russian group shall be entitled thereupon to withdraw from the agreement; but the retiring group shall remain bound by all engagements into which it may have entered prior to such withdrawal. The withdrawal of the Japanese [Page 141] group or the Russian group shall not affect the rights or liabilities of the other groups.
If the foregoing is accepted Russia stands committed and can raise no further question. The Russian proposition has been approved by the British, French and German groups and their Governments. Therefore we are in the undesirable position of holding up the matter. I regard immediate affirmative answer of the greatest importance.