File No. 893.51/946.
The American Minister to the Secretary of State.
Peking, June 15, 1912.
I had an interview with Tong previous to receipt of your June 14, and pointed out the danger from hasty action, which would play into the hands of those not desirous of China’s welfare. He replied evasively. Williams to-day handed the President a note communicating the substance of your telegram, and similar notes have been sent by the British, French, and German ministers. The President told Williams that since the negotiations began three months have passed, during which the groups would neither loan nor permit others to loan; that the present need is too pressing to admit delay, the situation dangerous with revolt of troops in many Provinces and all Government operations blocked by lack of funds; he must have 6,000,000 taels before Wednesday festival which is the general settlement day. He appeared unyielding. There is persistent report here that Russia has arranged a loan of £10,000,000.