Reply of Mr. Knox.
Mr. Collector: It will be a pleasing message, sir, that I will be enabled to carry to the President and people of the United States as the result of my visit to Venezuela. President Taft conceived in his mind that because of the early opening of the Panama Canal the relations of the United States to our neighbors on the littoral of the Caribbean Sea must necessarily be closer and more intimate. He believed that if he would send to you that officer of the Government of the United States who is charged with the duty and responsibility of our relations with foreign governments, the more intimate, direct, and personal acquaintance would be an advantage not only to us but he hoped also to them; and when I return I can cheerfully say to the President, and through him to the people of the United States, that in the great Republic of Venezuela from the moment my foot first touched its shores until the moment when I said to you my last farewell there has been nothing but kindness and hospitality, not only upon the part of the people but upon the part of your President, to whom you have referred, and who has been kindness itself to us all.