File No. 893.51/831.
The Acting Secretary of State to the American Minister.
Washington, April 8, 1912.
The following aide-mémoire handed to the Embassy at St. Petersburg April 6 reads in part as follows:
In consenting to participate in the reorganization loan the Russian Government believes itself obliged clearly to indicate from now on that the conditions of the loan should contain nothing that may be injurious in its nature to the rights and special interests of Russia in North Manchuria, in Mongolia and in West China. With this reservation the Russian Government is ready to designate the Russian-Asiatic Bank as being the representative of the Russian financial group in the consortium that will take upon itself the issue of the Chinese reorganization loan.
The Department understands that this reservation refers only to such special interests and rights as arise out of treaties and agreements with China, in which understanding the British Government concurs.