File No. 767.70/107.
The American Ambassador to the Secretary of State.
Constantinople, November 11, 1912.
Although six days have elapsed since the request for mediation the European Powers have not informed Turkey whether or not they accept or have taken steps to accept mediation, or have communicated with the Balkan States. The Minister for Foreign Affairs said to me to-day that if Europe fail him he may withdraw the request, and asked me whether in that case the United States would use its good offices to ascertain some basis for direct negotiations with the Allies—the advisability of which direct action I had suggested to him as a purely personal opinion. I replied that I could not forecast my Government’s attitude, but that he might inquire through his Ambassador at Washington. I desire instructions in case of a renewal of this subject in conversation with the Minister.
The forces already here seem quite adequate to meet any emergency, about 2,000 men on the various vessels here.