File No. 367.11/8.
The American Ambassador to the Secretary of State.
Constantinople, November 5, 1912—2 p.m.
The Minister for Foreign Affairs assures me that adequate protection will be given our schools at Scutari and Robert College. I am investigating, through the captain of the Scorpion the measures taken by the Turkish authorities; if necessary I shall add to the protection with some of our sailors. The pupils in the schools, mostly of Greek and Bulgarian nationalities, are under the protection of Russia and France. The Americans have ail been told where to take refuge in case of need. I hope to be able to protect them, but if necessary I will ask aid of neutral vessels. I consider it prudent to keep all Americans living in the outskirts as long as possible in Robert College. As we have no ships here I am not consulted by my colleagues, who have conferred as to plans for their own use.