File No. 861.0145/13.
The American Chargé d’Affaires to the Secretary of State.
St. Petersburg, May 15, 1912.
Sir: Referring to the Embassy’s despatch No. 231 of April 13 last on the subject of the extension of Russian jurisdiction to twelve marine miles in the Sea of Okhotsk, I have the honor to report that I was informed by a member of the Japanese Embassy to-day that no change has occurred in the situation during the last month.
The Japanese Embassy is still carrying on pourparlers with the Russian Foreign Office with the end of at least obtaining a modus vivendi between the two Governments which will tide over the question until the present fishing season is passed. As the season begins almost at once the situation is causing anxiety and my informant considers that there will be continual conflicts between the Japanese fishermen and the Russian authorities if some sort of agreement is not immediately reached. The Japanese Government is therefore pressing the matter with energy.
My informant further stated that the report which appeared in the London Times of May 5, i. e., that the question is soon to be arbitrated at The Hague and that Japanese cruisers have been sent to the fishing grounds, is without foundation. His Government would be glad to have the matter decided by The Hague Tribunal, but to this Russia has not yet assented.
I have [etc.]