File No. 319.112 R 15/128.
The Acting Secretary of State to the American Minister.
Washington, April 6, 1912.
Sir: The Department is in receipt of your despatch No. 97, of March 23 last, in which you report regarding the case of Paulino Macías, Abelardo Bustos and Indalecio Franco who had been dismissed from the police force of Panama because of their connection with the Buffalo affair.
The Department is gratified to know of the prompt steps that were taken by the Panaman Government to rectify the error that had been made in restoring these men to positions on the police force of the Republic, and to find that the views expressed by the Department in its instruction No. 34, of the 19th of February last, are in entire accord with those held by the Panaman Government.
I am [etc.]