File No. 419.11 D 29/31.

The American Chargé d’Affaires to the Secretary of State.

No. 238.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that noticing the authorities of Panama to not be showing energy in seeking the apprehension of those members of the national police who must have been guilty of the unjustifiable assault upon American citizens in the affair of the 4th of July—and this in spite of the insistence exhibited in your instruction telegraphed September 24th—I have addressed a note to the Foreign Office calling attention to the necessity of apprehending those guilty as being a necessary part of any adjustment, notwithstanding the delay unavoidably existing before a resumption of negotiations.

I have the honor to herewith enclose a copy of my note.

I have [etc.]

Wm. Whiting Andrews.

The American Chargé d’Affaires to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs.

Excellency: I have the honor to bring to your excellency’s attention—in view of the very considerable and unavoidable delay which is occurring before a resumption of negotiations directed towards an adjustment of the issue between [Page 1259] my Government and your excellency’s Government arising from the incident of the clash that occurred July 4th last, between American citizens and police of the Republic—that any basis of adjustment between my Government and your excellency’s will mainly hinge upon the punishment of those members of the national police criminally liable for the murder of one American citizen and the wounding of many others.

The delay can not be considered as indicating any abandonment of the extreme interest which the Government of the United States feels in the apprehension and adequate punishment of those guilty.

I avail [etc.]

Wm. Whiting Andrews.