File No. 033.1100 K77/116.
The American Minister to
the Secretary of State.
No. 84.]
American Legation,
March 9, 1912.
Sir: Referring to my despatch No. 79 of the
5th instant, I have the honor to enclose a copy of a note dated the 2nd
instant, which I addressed to Señor Arjona, Minister for Foreign
Affairs, conveying to him and to the Panaman Government a repeated
expression of the thanks and appreciation of the Secretary of State for
the reception tendered to him by the Panaman Government, as well as a
copy and translation of the reply of Señor Arjona, dated the 6th
instant. Señor Arjona has subsequently taken occasion to thank me for
the opportunity afforded to him by my note for placing upon record the
sincere appreciation of President Chiari and of the Panaman Government
for the Secretary’s visit.
I have [etc.]
[Inclosure 1.]
The American Minister
to the Secretary of State for Foreign
Excellency: I have the honor to inform
your excellency that I have been requested by his excellency the
Honorable Philander Chase Knox, Secretary of State of the United
States of America, to convey in his name to your excellency and
through your excellency to the Government of Panama a further
expression of his sincere thanks and appreciation of the magnificent
and cordial reception
[Page 1250]
graciously tendered to him during his visit in Panama, in which Ms
excellency, was especially pleased to note that representatives of
all political parties equally participated.
I avail [etc.]
[Inclosure 2.—Translation.]
The Secretary of Mate for
Foreign Relations to the American
Excellency: The information conveyed to
this Department by your excellency in your courteous communication
of the 2d instant, has been the cause of just gratification to His
Excellency in Chargé of the Executive Power.
That high Magistrate greatly appreciates the interest taken by his
excellency the Honorable Philander C. Knox, Secretary of State of
the United States, in making known to him his appreciation of the
entertainments which, in the name of the Panaman Government and
people, were organized in his honor during the brief visit with
which he honored us in his journey to some of the Central and South
American republics. And it is an additional cause of satisfaction to
His Excellency in Chargé of the Executive Power that the
entertainments organized and demonstrations made should have merited
the land acceptance and entire approval of the distinguished
American statesman.
The consideration that the festivities should have as a basis the
expression of national sentiment and not that of a particular
political party, in order to demonstrate in a genuine and sincere
manner the cordiality existing between the Panamans and the American
Government and people, inspired the Executive to designate special
committees for the organization of the reception in honor of the
distinguished guest, and, for this reason, all the representatives
of the existing political parties had, in the committees nominated,
the place of honor to which they were entitled in the demonstration
of Panama to his excellency, Mr. Knox. Otherwise, neither the
Government nor the people of Panama would have done their duty nor
paid homage worthy of the importance of the guest entertained.
Will your excellency be kind enough to inform his excellency the
Honorable Mr. Knox of the contents of this communication and assure
him, once again, in the name of His Excellency the Designate Charged
with the Executive Power, and of this Department, of the impressions
of sincere consideration and respect of the Panaman Government and
I am [etc.]