File No. 819.74/24.

The Minister of Panama to the Secretary of State.

No. 42.]

Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your excellency’s communication No. 16 of October 12 last, in which this Legation is informed that the Department of State has received a note from the Navy Department inquiring whether it would be agreeable to my Government to deposit at the Consulate General of Panama at New York the sum due my Government for the wireless telegraphy receiving apparatus bought from it by the Navy Department.

In reply I have the honor to say that in Note No. S181 of November 8 the Foreign Office of my country transmits to me a note from the Treasury Department dated November 6 stating that the Government of Panama has not the least objection to the payment being made as above mentioned, which has been the custom on previous occasions.

I have [etc.]

Ramón M. Valdés.