File No. 819.74/14.
The Secretary of State to the American Minister.
Washington, April 25, 1912.
Sir: Referring to instruction No. 43, of the 15th instant, relative to the establishment of wireless telegraph stations in Panama, I enclose herewith for your information, a copy of a letter2 from the Secretary of the Navy in which, in reply to the Department’s letter to him of the 15th instant, he says that in order to make selections of the exact localities for low-power radio stations on the Isthmus of [Page 1235] Panama, tests must be made of the electrical conditions in the vicinity of the places mentioned in his letter of January 23, 1912; that it is proposed to undertake these tests as soon as the services of the Navy Department’s radio expert can be spared to make them; and that when these tests shall have been completed and the appropriations for the erection of these stations secured, the Navy Department will furnish this Department with a list of the sites desired and a statement of the arrangements necessary for the erection, equipment, and operation of these stations.
I am [etc.]
- See ante, letter of April 19.↩