File No. 819.74/9.

The Secretary of the Navy to the Secretary of State.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of January 6, 1912, relative to the subject of wireless telegraph installation existing or proposed on the Isthmus of Panama; and to express my sincere appreciation of the efforts of your Department to further the Navy’s interests in the erection and operation of wireless installations on the Isthmus.

Referring to your suggestion as to the advisability of inserting a provision in the Mann bill authorizing the President to regulate the control of wireless on the Canal Zone, I beg to inform you that it meets with our approval, and a letter to this effect will be transmitted to the chairman of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce.

When the selection of sites for subsidiary wireless stations along the coasts of Panama has been completed, the Department will submit recommendations concerning an agreement with the Government of Panama for the operation of the wireless system on the Isthmus, outside the Canal Zone.

Respectfully yours,

Geo. von L. Meyer.