File No. 817.48/18.
The Secretary of the American Red Cross to the Acting Secretary of State.
Washington, September 4, 1912.
Sir: Referring to your letter of August 28, 1912,1 suggesting that the Red Cross could greatly alleviate the suffering which is bound to follow the revolutionary disturbances by making an additional appropriation of $2,000 worth of corn and beans to be distributed in the same manner as the supplies so far sent to Nicaragua, I have [Page 1130] the honor to advise you that the Executive Committee hereby authorizes the expenditure of $1,000 additional by the State Department for the above purpose.
As in the case of the former appropriation of $1,000, a check payable to the Secretary of State will be delivered to you upon the receipt of an account showing the exact amount of the expenditure.
The Red Cross very much regrets that its limited funds will not permit a larger appropriation at this time.
Very respectfully,
- Not printed.↩