File No. 817.48/6.
The American Minister to the Secretary of State.
Managua, August 23, 1912.
I have issued to date in Managua through Navy Surgeon Stibbens, to the non-combatant deserving poor of whatever persuasion, about one-third of the provisions consigned to me by the American Red Cross. It was my intention to distribute the remainder in León, Masaya and Granada, where the suffering is acute and widespread, but owing to the danger of seizure by armed forces I may for the present be obliged to confine efforts to this vicinity. Any further shipments, of which there will be increasing need, should be confined to corn and beans, which are the staple food for the poor of this country. My two assistants have been Mr. Walter H. Hooper, an American missionary in Managua, and Padre Lezcano, a local Nicaraguan priest noted for his works of charity. They have executed this charity in a most impartial and efficient manner, and not only has suffering been alleviated but a strong sentiment of friendliness and good will has been fostered.