File No. 033.1100 K77/6.]
The Minister of Nicaragua to the Acting Secretary of State.
Washington, February 15, 1912.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge your note of February 131 in which you advise me that, impressed with the importance of the relations between the United States and the Republics of Central America and the Caribbean Sea, the President has directed the Secretary of State to visit the capitals of the Republics referred to, stopping also at the capitals of Venezuela and Panama and probably visiting Mexico and Colombia as well.
And you add that you reserve for a later communication the information of the precise date of the visit of the Secretary of State to Nicaragua.
I want to express our great appreciation of this visit and how much obliged we are to the President of the United States and to the Secretary of State, who will honor my country as it has never before been honored by so powerful a nation.
I have communicated with Managua, and the President has directed me to say that the Government and people of Nicaragua are rejoicing greatly over this happy event.
We are sure that the visit of the Secretary of State, the first in the history of my country, will benefit us immensely and will establish forever the cordial relations between the United States and the Central American Republics; and I am also convinced that these countries will be proud of such a distinction and courtesy, and that they will make in the future every effort to deserve such an honor and to prove themselves worthy of so significant and friendly a demonstration.
Accept [etc.]