File No. 817.00/1773.
The Acting Secretary of State to the American Minister.
Washington, May 14, 1912.
Sir: The Department has received your No. 24, of the 19th ultimo, transmitting a copy of a note in which the Minister for Foreign Affairs urges that the time has come for convoking the people previously to the elections of President and Vice President as provided for in the fourth and last of the so-called Dawson agreements. You also enclose a copy of your reply to the note mentioned, and communicate to the Department the substance of your interview on April 18 with the Minister, in relation to the same matter.
Your action in stating to Señor Chamorro that it is your Legation’s policy to devote its attention primarily to the economic situation, leaving political questions to be considered when the country shall have been established on a sound financial basis, is approved by the Department.
I am [etc.]