File No. 381.81F47/6.
The American Minister to the Secretary of State.
Tangier, May 29, 1912.
Sir: I have the honor herewith to enclose two further letters from Mr. J. M. Macleod, the British Consul at Fez, with reference to our semsar Mohamed Lehsen El Filaly. The case was previously referred to in my cables to the Department of the 18th1 and 20th instant, and in my despatches Nos. 257, 2591 and 261,1 of May 20th, 22nd and 24th, 1912.
From the last letter enclosed, it will be noted that the case so far as Filaly, the semsar, is concerned seems to be closed, as the French Consul at Fez has now advised the British Consul that he was satisfied that no proceedings whatever against him were in contemplation, and Filaly has now, therefore, left the British Consulate. I am glad that an incident was avoided in this case, though I believe the matter has been considerably discussed in Fez, and my colleague from Holland, now the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps here, asked me concerning it yesterday. He said in commenting on the matter that he should not consent to a court martial by the French of any of his nationals should the question arise.
[Page 990]Mr. Macleod has endeavored in so far as possible to avoid the raising of the question in this case, though he advised me confidentially that he gathered from the French authorities that the reason the French closed the case as they did and not formally by writing was that they feared it would otherwise be construed by the powers here as an admission on their part that they did not have the power of court martial over foreign nationals. It would seem to be a matter of a good deal of importance should any further attempts of this character arise, but at least, pending the formal establishment and final assent by the powers to the French protectorate, and the wiping out of the Maghzen, it would, I feel very sure, be deemed by my colleagues here a great stretch of authority on the part of the French to contend that they now have such power. As the French are asking the favor of the nations as to their protectorate, it would seem to me, even as a matter of courtesy, if they felt that they could not concede it as a right, that they should first have consulted the power affected as to the form of trial before attempting summarily to proceed as they evidently intended to do in this case in the excitement of events there.
As the French Minister was in Fez, and pending any instructions from my Government, I have not deemed it wise to take the matter up at all with the French Chargé d’Affaires here, but rather to let the case be handled as it has been by the British Consul in Fez, who has apparently used much tact as well as firmness in the affair. M. Gaillard, the French Consul in Fez, is a man of much courtesy and consideration from all I have heard of him, and I have no doubt that his appreciation of the seriousness of the situation much assisted in the quiet settlement of it.
Awaiting the instructions of the Department, as to its attitude in this matter,
I have [etc.]