File No. 355.115 C76/19.
Brussels, July 26, 1912.
Sir:—Referring to previous correspondence which has taken place during the past five years on the subject of discriminations against American oils appearing in the specifications of Belgian Government departments, I have the honor to report that the Legation has continued [Page 17] its crusade against this injustice, and in addition to its removal from the specifications in the case of the Ministry of Railways and of the Bureau of Marine I am happy now to add that I have today received a note from the Foreign Office, a translation of which I beg to enclose,1 stating that the distinction between lubricating oils of American and other origins has been removed in the specifications for industrial oils for use in the service of the Minister of Colonies, which appears to be the last instance in which this discrimination can be found.
I have [etc]
- Not printed.↩