File No. 812.00/4877.
The Acting Secretary of State to the American Ambassador.
Washington, September 12, 1912—8 p.m.
Consul Dye and agents of the Department of Justice report an attack by insurrectionists upon Aguaprieta is impending. The Vice Consul at Nogales reports a similar attack imminent upon that place also. If fighting occurs at either place bullets discharged in the contest may pass across the boundary line and endanger American citizens on American soil. The Department has accordingly requested the War Department to issue to the general in command along the Arizona border instructions similar to those issued to General Steever when an insurrectionist attack upon Ciudad Juárez seemed imminent in June last.1 Immediately inform the Mexican Government of the situation at Aguaprieta and Nogales, and earnestly say that if either is attacked, Federal forces must be instructed to make their counter movements in such manner and from such position that no bullets can cross the line. You will also suggest that the insurrectionary forces be opposed at a point as far as possible from the boundary line.
The instructions referred to are as follows (File No. 812.00/4264):
Adjutant General McCain to Colonel Steever, Fort Bliss, Texas.
War Department,
The Adjutant General’s Office,
Washington, May 21, 1912.
Notify commanding officer of present garrison of Juárez to prevent firing into United States territory in case of engagement. You are authorized to make these instructions public in El Paso. Report conditions.
In case of sudden emergency you are authorized to move troops to threatened points on border for purpose of maintaining neutrality laws in accordance instructions previously sent you. Keep in touch with conditions at El Paso and keep this office informed of situation there and elsewhere on border within limits your command.
By order Secretary War;
McCain, Adjutant General.
War Department,
The Adjutant General’s Office,
Washington, May 22, 1912.
Supplementing instructions sent yon May 21, 1912, you will, in addition to notifying commanding officer of garrison at Juárez to prevent firing into United States territory in case of engagement, notify commanding officer or officers of any Mexican Federal detachment in vicinity of Juárez to prevent firing into United States territory in case of engagement. You are authorised to make these instructions public in El Paso. Acknowledge.
By order Secretary War:
McCain, Adjutant General.