File No. 812.00/5168a.

The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of War.

Sir: With reference to the various informal conversations had by the Judge Advocate General with Mr. Clark, the Solicitor, and Mr. Dearing, of the Latin-American Division, of this Department, on the matter of the detention of Mexican insurrectionists who enter American territory, I have the honor to say that the Department of State would be glad to have the Department of War arrest and detain any and all such insurrectionists who, for any purpose whatsoever, may enter American territory. It is believed that ample authority for such a course is to be found in section 14 of the United States Penal Code, neutrality laws.

For the purpose of assisting the Department of War in the discharge of its functions in the matter of the enforcement of this law the Department of State will be glad, whenever information comes to it regarding the presence in the United States of any Mexican insurrectionists, immediately to transmit such information to the War Department for its intelligence and use.

The course above mentioned appeals to this Department as being particularly desirable for the reason that members of the insurrectionary forces would in all likelihood, if they were free to go back to Mexico, immediately reengage, upon their return there, in the wanton destruction of American property and the unnecessary and unjustifiable molestation of American citizens, which has been so baneful and disastrous a feature of their activity since they first rose in arms.

I have, [etc.]

Huntington Wilson.