File No. 812.00/4785a.
The Acting Secretary of State to the American Ambassador.
Washington, September 2, 1912—1 p.m.
Say to the Mexican Government that now that it is again in control of the entire northern frontier of Mexico the Government of the United States would view with concern any failure on the part of the Mexican Government to make that control secure, and begs to express the earnest hope that no effort will be spared to prevent the advent of a situation similar to the unfortunate state of affairs that has existed along the Chihuahua frontier for months past during the rebel occupation of Ciudad Juárez—a state of affairs which not only tends seriously to jeopardize the good relations between the United States and Mexico, but operates as a direct annoyance to the American Government, to the people of the State of Texas, and to many Americans in the interior of Mexico. You are instructed to request officially and most earnestly that the Mexican Government place at all strategic and other important points along the boundary garrisons adequate to deal with any untoward incident that may arise, and to say that in the opinion of this Government garrisons should be placed as follows: At Ciudad Juárez at least 1,500 men; at Aguaprieta, 700; at Naco, 500; at Nogales, 500; at Piedras Negras, 500; at Ojinaga, 500; at Nuevo Laredo, 300; at Mexicali, 300; at Matamoros, 300—the numbers being increased as occasion requires. You may intimate that the Governors of Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico have unofficially expressed their willingness to consent to the passage of Mexican Federal troops over their respective territories, and that if the Mexican Government so desires the Department will favorably consider a request to allow the transportation of Mexican troops across United States territory for the immediate establishment of these garrisons. In addition to these frontier garrisons the Government of the United States requests that a sufficient number of men be kept in the immediate vicinity of the Mormon colonies in northwestern Chihuahua and in Sonora to afford them from now on prompt and adequate protection. Request a reply as soon as possible.