File No. 312.11/759.

The American Ambassador to the Secretary of State.


Department’s telegram of July 26, 3 p.m. The persons mentioned by Senator Fall have never been heard of at the Embassy, and it is believed that any American consular officer in Mexico would be sure to report such indignities to the Embassy and to the Department if known. The allegations of Senator Fall cannot be investigated in the absence of reasonably specific data concerning time and place. If there is any truth in the allegations at all it is more than likely that they may be traced to retaliatory border raids between Americans and Mexicans.

No case presented to this Embassy, either directly by a claimant or through official channels, has failed to be supported by the necessary diplomatic representations to the Mexican Foreign Office. Senator Fall ought, it appears to me, in the interest of the relations between the United States and Mexico, to be answered by a senator conversant with the facts.
