File No. 312.111 Ad 11.
The Acting Secretary of State to the American Consuls at Ciudad Juárez and Chihuahua.
Washington, July 5, 1912—8 p.m.
Information received of the murder of an American citizen, William Adams, at Colonia Diaz, by rebel soldiers. The Department also learns that the retreat of the rebels toward that section will probably place American citizens and American property there in the most serious danger. You will call the case of Adams and the general situation of American colonies immediately to the attention of the rebel authorities, and with the utmost seriousness unofficially represent to them that insurrectionists must not disturb Americans nor their property.
The probable breaking up of the rebel forces as they move northward into small marauding bands causes the Department grave apprehension, and you are instructed to do your utmost to protect American life and property.