File No. 812.113/386.
The Acting Secretary of State to the President.
Washington, April 13, 1912.
My Dear Mr. President: In pursuance of your general instructions relative to the matter, I have the honor to submit herewith a letter addressed to the Secretary of the Treasury,1 prepared in substantially the same manner as the two letters which accompanied my communication to you of the 11th1 instant, directing exception under your proclamation of March 14, 1912, in the case of a specific consignment of arms and munitions of war for the use of British subjects resident on the estate of the Sonora Land & Timber Co. (Ltd.), at Yzabal, State of Sonora, Mexico, referred to in the note of April 12, 1912 (and inclosures), from the British Ambassador at this capital, copies of which are inclosed herewith.2
This Department favors excepting the arms and ammunition asked for from the operation of your proclamation of March 14, 1912, and if the exception of the above-mentioned shipment meets with your approval I shall so notify the British Ambassador in order that he may take the necessary steps to have the arms and ammunition go forward, stating, however, that this Government can assume no obligation or responsibility with regard to them.
I beg to request that when you sign the inclosed letter to the Secretary of the Treasury it be returned to this office so that proper information and particulars can be supplied to the Treasury Department for the issuance of orders to the customs officers concerned.
I have [etc.]