File No. 812.113/388.
The Attorney General to the Secretary of State.
Washington, April 11, 1912.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 9th instant,1 and its inclosures, relating to the general matter of exceptions to the prohibition of the President’s proclamations of March 14, 1912.
I have advised those interested in procuring orders making such exceptions that the President will deal with each particular case as it arises, and that the application should state the facts showing the necessity for the exception and that the dynamite or powder will reach its destination in safety and not fall into the hands of the insurrectionists or otherwise contribute to the disorder in Mexico. And in each instance, in making my recommendation to the President, I have been guided by your advice on the condition of that part of the Mexican territory through which the shipment must pass.
It seems to me that there is no need for action in this Department, and I have the honor to suggest that you will hereafter advise the President directly on these requests. This will render it unnecessary for me to suggest answers to the several inclosures of these letters.
- Not printed.↩