File No. 611.3731/9.
The American Minister to
the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Habana, January 6,
No. 550.]
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a
copy and translation of a note just received froni the Cuban Department
of State. * * *
I have, etc.,
The Cuban Secretary of
State to the American
Mr. Minister: In order to complete a
memorandum which is being prepared by this Department in respect to
the propriety of Cuba’s adhering to the convention in regard to the
control of sugar, signed at Brussels on May 5, 1903,2 it would like to
know your excellency’s authoritative opinion as to whether the
reduction of [the rates established in] sections 293 and 294 of the
Cuban tariff (which refer to the importation of crude and refined
sugars), in order to place
[Page 102]
the Republic in a position to adhere to that convention, would
affect the commercial relations regulated by the reciprocity treaty
between Cuba and the United States of America.
I avail, etc.,