File 417.00/21.
The American Minister to the Minister for Foreign Affairs.
Managua, March 21, 1911.
Sir: I have the honor to inform your excellency that I am directed by my Government to inform the Government of your excellency that pursuant to the desire heretofore expressed by the Government of Nicaragua to place itself in accord with the Department of State of the Government of the United States in the formation of a tribunal to investigate and pass upon all unliquidated claims against the Government of Nicaragua, including such as may arise out of the abolition or discontinuance of the monopolies, concessions, leases, and other contracts created during prior Nicaraguan administrations, so that there may be given a guaranty of impartiality to foreigners in the adjustment of these matters, the Government of the United States has assented to the proposal made by your excellency’s Government to form such a tribunal, and agrees to join the Nicaraguan Government in the constitution and establishment thereof.
It is understood by my Government that the said tribunal or claims commission shall be composed, for all cases, of three persons acting as one tribunal; the three persons being: One Nicaraguan, and one citizen of the United States, the latter recommended by the Government of the United States, both to be appointed by the Government of Nicaragua, and an umpire to be appointed by the Department of State of the United States; every case in which the above-mentioned claims are involved to be initially presented before the tribunal so constituted and to be heard in its entirety and decided by the tribunal, a majority vote of the three members being sufficient for a decision upon all matters coming before it; the two commissioners and the umpire all sitting as a court on all cases presented and all voting on each case.
I have the honor further to inform your excellency that I am directed to say that my Government recommends Thomas P. Moffat, Esq., to your excellency’s Government for appointment as the second member of said commission.
I avail, etc.,