File No. 11675.
The Italian Ambassador to the Secretary of State.
Washington, February 7, 1908.
Mr. Secretary of State: Rome and Turin, with the cooperation of all the Italian Provinces, are making preparations for a solemn celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy.
As a part thereof the two cities have announced an international exposition, which will be held in 1911 under the auspices of His Majesty the King, at Rome in its artistic and historico-archeological part, and at Turin in the part that includes the products of industry and labor in their various manifestations.
In bringing this information to your excellency’s knowledge, by order of my Government I am further instructed to enlist the participation of the United States in the international competition of industry and labor at Turin, and of art and history at Rome.
His excellency the minister for foreign affairs lastly suggests that it would undoubtedly be expedient, in order to facilitate the participation, if it be decided to take part, that steps be taken here to appoint a commissioner general who might, at the proper time, communicate directly with the exposition’s committees on organization.
Accept, Mr. Secretary of State, the assurances of my highest consideration.