File No. 815.00/929.
The American Minister to Guatemala to the Secretary of State.
Guatemala, December 21, 1910.
Mr. Hitt says he is in receipt of a telegram from the consular agent at Livingston which states that rifles and ammunition were placed on board the Centenalla on the 16th, and that she proceeded to Manambique Point, where it is supposed she still was on the 19th; that the Emma left Livingston, proceeding in the direction of Gra-ciosa Bay, with arms; that it is reported that 45 Hondurans left for Graciosa Bay; that 25 Honduran strangers who arrived in Livingston on the 19th are expected to leave at any moment; that it is reported that the Hornet is expected, and that the Guatemalan minister for foreign affairs promises adequate measures. Mr. Hitt has telegraphed the above information to the American minister to Hopduras.