File No. 7357/776.
The American Minister to the Secretary of State.
Tegucigalpa, July 28, 1910.
Sir: I have the honor to report that on the 18th instant the Government received information that Lee Christmas was enlisting men at Point Manabique, Guatemala, for an invasion of Honduras inthe interest of former President General Manuel Bonilla who, since his overthrow in 1907, has resided in Belize. Gen. Bonilla left Belize on the night of the 20th.
On the morning of the 22d an attack was made on the barracks at Puerto Cortes. The leader, Gen. Eamon Octavio Marin, was killed and several of the attacking party captured. On the body of Gen. Marin were found instructions from Gen. Bonilla showing that simultaneous attacks were planned on Ceiba and Puerto Cortes.
On the 24th a schooner attempted to land men at Puerto Cortes. Shots were exchanged with the shore and the boat sailed toward Cayos Zapotillos, which belong to Great Britain. The Government communicated to the governor of Belize its suspicion that these cays were being used as a base by Gen. Bonilla.
On the 24th the Government of Guatemala, replying to a telegram of the minister for foreign affairs of Honduras, stated that orders had been issued to prevent the organization by Christmas in Guatemala or the departure therefrom of an expedition to invade Honduras.
I have, etc.,