File No. 838.00/567.
The American Minister to the Secretary of State.
Port au Prince, June 22, 1911.
Sir: I have the honor to inform the department that President Simon to-day told me that he contemplates leaving here on the recently acquired warship Antoine Simon about the 25th instant. The President will go as far as Cape Haitien on the boat, touching at the various points en route. From Cape Haitien he will march with a division of the army to Ouanaminthe and the frontier, where he will make personal investigation to ascertain if it is true that the Dominican authorities are harboring Haitian guerillas and permitting them to make raids into Haiti. * * *
President Simon also had news that arms had been landed in the vicinity of Fort Liberté and that that section would soon revolt. He desires to personally investigate the matter. He hopes to return to Port au Prince in about 10 days.
I have, etc.,