The undersigned having considered in detail and with expert assistance the steps to be taken in consequence of the award in connection with the objections of the United States Government to existing regulations of the fisheries in Canadian and Newfoundland treaty waters as recorded in Protocol XXX of the proceedings before the Tribunal of Arbitration, and having conferred as to the best means of dealing with these objections, have arrived at the following conclusion:
It is unnecessary to refer any existing regulations to the commission of experts mentioned in the award in application of Article III of the special agreement of January 27, 1909,3 or to reconvene the Tribunal of Arbitration; but any difference in regard to the regulations specified in Protocol XXX, which shall not have been disposed of by diplomatic methods, shall be referred to the Permanent Mixed Fishery Commissions to be constituted as recommended by The Hague award, under Article IV of the special agreement in the same manner as a difference in regard to future regulations would be so referred under the recommendations in the award, unless by mutual consent some other rules and method of procedure are adopted.
- Philander C. Knox,
- James Bryce,
- E. A. Morris,
- Chandler P. Anderson,
- A. B. Aylesworth,
- L. P. Brodeur.