File No. 811.34537/46.
The Secretary of State to the American Minister.
Sir: Referring to the Department’s Nos. 114, of August 18, 1910, and subsequent correspondence regarding the desired enlargement of the United States naval station at Guantánamo, I inclose herewith a copy of a letter1 from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting two copies of a chart showing the present limits of the station and the proposed extension, in accordance with the recommendation of the joint board of the Army and Navy. These charts are sent to you herewith under a separate cover.
The Secretary of the Navy states that his department is of the opinion that the entire entrance to Guantánamo Bay should be under the control of the United States, including not only the west shore of the entrance, but also the waters at the entrance of the bay; and you will accordingly keep this point in view in such negotiations as may occur in future in relation to the matter. I am, etc.
- Not printed.↩