File No. 2491/95.
The Secretary of State to the Costa Rican Minister on Special Mission.
Washington, December 16, 1909.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 6th instant, in which you inform the department that your Government accepts with pleasure the suggestion made in the department’s note of the 4th instant, that yourself and the minister of Panama visit the department on the 15th proximo, or soon thereafter, to consider and discuss with the Secretary of State the question of the boundary dispute between Costa Rica and Panama.
In a note, dated the 6th instant, the minister of Panama informs the department that he has no instructions from his Government to deal with the question of the boundary dispute; but that he has informed his Government of the department’s suggestion.
The department has addressed a note this day to the minister of Panama, telling him that you are prepared to take part in the conference and informing him that the department awaits the receipt from him of a note, which, it is confidently hoped, will advise the department that he has been empowered to sign an agreement for arbitration so ample as to include all the questions in dispute as to the boundary, and not limited to any one or more of them.