Chargé Fletcher to
the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Peking, February 7,
No. 1360.]
Sir: Referring to my No. 1354 of the 1st
instant, on the subject of constitutional reform in China, with which
was inclosed a translation of the edict refusing the prayer of the
memorial of certain delegates from the provincial assemblies to advance
the date of the opening of the Imperial Parliament, I have the honor to
inclose herewith a translation of the edict, issued on the 3d, in reply
to the memorial of the censor, Chao Hsi.
I have, etc.,
[Page 331]
edict issued february 3, 1910.
On the 20th day of the twelfth moon the censorate memorialized for
the delegates of the Chihli and other provincial assemblies, Sun
Hung-yin and others, asking for the early opening of the national
parliament and we have already published a just and sincere, and
carefully worded proclamation for the perusal of all officials and
people both at Peking and in the Provinces. But yesterday, the
censor, Chao Hsi, memorialized charging the ministers with
conspiring to gain popularity and involve their sovereign in
trouble, and asking that severe punishment might be dealt them.
On reading this memorial we have been astonished. The court has been
most zealous in promoting the cause of constitutional government,
and expects that the parliament will certainly be assembled at a
future time. We are striving to accomplish the result by following a
regular order. There must necessarily be a regular program. We have
carefully considered all these things with the ministers of the
grand council, and have many times asked their advice. They have
assisted in all the affairs of State and can not evade
responsibility for any merits or faults. These ministers have been
the recipients of great favor and they have consciences, and we are
sure that they have not planned to put blame on their sovereign. How
have such idle rumors been collected? They are slanderous. The
memorial is highly improper. This edict is published that all may