File No. 2151/194.
Secretary of Legation Philip to the Secretary of State.
Casa Blanca, August 15, 1908.
Sir: I have the honor to report that the Casa Blanca mixed claims commission adjourned to-day, the 15th instant, and that it will reassemble September 24, 1908, for the purpose of continuing the consideration of claims for indemnity. During the past 25 days I have used every endeavor to hasten a thorough examination of the American claims, and it has been only with the greatest difficulty that I have succeeded in bringing the same before the commission prior to the adjournment.
I beg to state that I presented for consideration by the commission 16 claims for indemnity on the part of persons under American jurisdiction, that being all which have been found by me eligible for consideration. The total awards for these claims amount to about 194,370 francs, which figure may be subject to some little change when a minute investigation of the proceedings is made.
Several of the claims presented contain large items for debts due to claimants, and on account of insufficiency of proofs and lack of time before the adjournment I was unable to obtain a final vote by the commission upon several such claims for debt which have been voted to stand over for presentation at a subsequent date.
I am informed by the French vice president of the commission that, in his opinion, the ensuing four or five months will be consumed by the commission in passing upon various claims for indemnity. Other members consider eight months the probable duration of proceedings.
I have, etc.,