List of papers with subjects of correspondence
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
Circular | 1908. May 13 | Expatriation and protection of Americans in China. Instructions regarding application to Americans resident in China of sec. 2 of act of Mar. 2, 1907, and par. 144 of Diplomatic Instructions and Consular Regulations, as amended by Executive order of Apr. 6, 1907. | 1 | |
do | May 14 | Amendment to rule (A) to overcome the presumption of expatriation. Quotes amendment to Rule A prescribed in circular instructions of Apr. 19, 1907, and Dec. 11, 1907. | 2 | |
do | May 15 | Third Pan-American Conference conventions. States that the conventions signed by delegates to the conference at Rio de Janeiro have been ratified by the United States, and directs that inquiry be made as to whether the respective Governments have ratified any or all of these conventions. | 2 | |
do | June 24 | Death of Hon. Grover Cleveland. Incloses copy of President’s proclamation announcing death of ex-President Grover Cleveland, and gives instructions regarding period of mourning. | 3 | |
do | Sept. 16 | Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition. Incloses invitation to be extended to the respective Governments and makes known department’s interest therein. | 4 |
argentine republic.
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
Mr. Portela to Mr. Bacon | 1907. Sept. 28 | Employment of private detectives in locating fugitives from justice in extradition proceedings. Requests location of Oreste Rosen, charged with fraudulent bankruptcy in Buenos Aires. | 10 | |
44 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Portela | Oct. 15 | Same subject. Acknowledges his note of Sept. 28, and informs him that location of Oreste Rosen should be ascertained through private channels. | 10 |
666 | Mr. Wilson to Mr. Root | 1908. Jan. 10 | Same subject. Reports receipt of note from foreign office stating that it should not be obliged to employ private means in locating criminals in the United States when extradition has been reel uested. | 11 |
154 | Mr. Root to Mr. Beaupré | Jan. 21 | Jurisdiction over estates of American citizens dying in the Argentine Republic. Incloses correspondence relating to estate of Frank Bates, an American citizen, and instructs him to take the matter up with the Argentine Government with a view to obtaining possession of the property. | 6 |
164 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Wilson | Feb. 29 | Employment of private detectives in locating fugitives from justice in extradition proceedings. Acknowledges his No. 666 of Jan. 10, explains procedure, and says that difficulties suggested by Argentine Government are more apparent than real. | 11 |
Mr. Portela to Mr. Root | Mar. 28 | Same subject. Refers to previous correspondence, and expresses surprise at attitude of United States, inasmuch as Argentina has acted on like requests on assumption that they would stand on reciprocity in accord with international usage. | 12 | |
723 | Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Root | Apr. 7 | Jurisdiction over estates of American citizens dying in the Argentine Republic. Refers to previous correspondence and incloses notes exchanged with the foreign office. | 7 |
57 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Portela | Apr. 21 | Employment of private detectives in locating fugitives from justice in extradition proceedings. Acknowledges his note of Mar. 28, and expresses regret that United States can not afford reciprocal assistance in matters of apprehension Of fugitives from justice. States that method outlined in department’s No. 164 of Feb. 29 will prove effective and satisfactory. | 13 |
743 | Mr. Wilson to Mr. Root | May 12 | Message of the President of the Argentine Republic to the Argentine Congress. Incloses text and discusses. | 13 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
78 | Mr. Root to Mr. Francis | 1907 Jan. 31 | Expulsion of Selig Fink from Austria. Incloses copy of correspondence and instructs him to exercise further good offices to secure extension of decree of expulsion. | 18 |
181 | Mr. Francis to Mr. Root | Feb. 23 | Same subject. Acknowledges No. 78 of Jan. 31, and quotes note from foreign office showing stand taken by Austria in a similar case. Requests further instructions. | 18 |
98 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Francis | Apr. 13 | Same subject. Acknowledges No. 181 of Feb. 23; sets forth department’s attitude, and instructs him to recall case to attention of foreign office. | 20 |
225 | Mr. Francis to Mr. Root | May 8 | Same subject. Acknowledges No. 98 of Apr. 13, and incloses copy of note to foreign office re attitude of United States toward general question of return of former Austrian subjects to State of origin after having become naturalized American citizens. | 22 |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Francis | July 16 | Same subject. Acknowledges his No. 225 of May 8, and says department awaits reply of foreign office to his note of May 7. | 27 | |
448 | Mr. Francis to Mr. Root | 1908 Feb. 5 | Same subject. Supplementing his No. 225 of May 8, 1907, incloses copy of note from the foreign office in reply to his note of May 7. | 27 |
453 | Same to same | Feb. 11 | Restrictions on American meats imported into Austria. Incloses copy of note and memorandum from the foreign office defining position of the two Governments on the admission of American meats. | 32 |
469 | Same to same | Feb. 29 | Same subject. Supplementing his No. 453 of Feb. 11, incloses copy of note from foreign office in further relation to admission of American meats. | 33 |
827 | Baron Hengelmüller to Mr. Root | Apr. 11 | Renunciation of American citizenship by persons desirous to secure Hungarian citizenship. Refers to note No. 49 of Dec. 23, 1903; incloses letter relative to the renunciation of American citizenship, and asks in what form and before what authority a Hungarian should declare his renunciation of American citizenship. | 29 |
338 | Mr. Bacon to Baron Hengelmüller. | Apr. 24 | Same subject. Explains action of the consul general at Budapest with reference to the declaration of the renunciation of American citizenship by Samuel Stark Meisels. | 30 |
217 | Mr. Root to Mr. Francis | Apr. 29 | Restrictions on American meats imported into Austria. Refers to previous correspondence and incloses copy of letter from Department of Agriculture calling attention to regulations of United States regarding meat and meat food products. Directs that matter again be brought to attention of Austrian Government. | 34 |
520 | Mr. Francis to Mr. Root | May 12 | Same subject. Incloses copy of note to the foreign office, again bringing the matter to its attention. | 35 |
President Roosevelt to Emperor Francis Joseph (telegram). | May 22 | Sixtieth anniversary of the reign of the Emperor of Aus tria-Hungary. Extends, through Ambassador Francis, congratulations and best wishes. | 31 | |
Emperor Francis Joseph to President Roosevelt. | May 23 | Same subject. Expresses appreciation of congratulatory telegram. | 31 | |
650 | Mr. Rives to Mr. Root | Oct. 7 | Annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Incloses copy of letters addressed by Emperor Francis Joseph to his ministers and copy of proclamation addressed to the people. | 36 |
259 | Mr. Root to Mr. Rives | Oct. 22 | Recognition of Mouley Hand as Sultan of Morocco. See instruction No. 162 of Oct. 20 to Morocco. | 651 |
President Roosevelt to Emperor Francis Joseph. | Dec. 1 | Sixtieth anniversary of the reign of the Emperor of Austria-Hungary. Offers cordial felicitations and expresses intention of attending the celebration of the event to be held in Washington. | 32 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
Mr. Root to Mr. Wilson (telegram). | 1908. Jan. 9 | Affairs in the Kongo. Asks what has recently occurred regarding Kongo cession, and says that in view of recent reports of continued oppression of natives United States is much indisposed to delay urgent representations in sense of letter to Ambassador Reid of Nov. 4 and transmitted to him Nov. 6. Requests prompt cable report. | 537 | |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Root | 1908. Jan. 10 | Same subject. Acknowledges telegram of Jan. 9; states that death of Prime Minister de Trooz alters situation relative to annexation of the Kongo, and says Minister Schollaert insisted on such changes in the treaty of annexation as would lead to the absolute suppression of the so-called domain of the Crown. Inquires whether department desires him to make immediate representation based on instructions and telegram of Dec. 16 to Ambassador Reid. | 537 | |
279 | Same to same | Jan. 15 | Same subject. Gives declaration made by the new premier, Mr. Schollaert, in Chamber of Representatives, of the policy of Belgian Government in regard toKongo matters. | 538 |
283 | Same to same | Jan. 20 | Commercial treaty between Belgium and Servia. Transmits text. | 39 |
Same to same (telegram) | Jan. 23 | Affairs in the Kongo. Gives substance of interview with British minister, Sir Arthur Hardinge, in which were made representations in accordance with instructions. | 540 | |
Same to same (telegram) | Jan. 30 | Same subject. Reports contents of memorandum handed to him for copy and return from Belgian minister for foreign affairs in regard to interview of Jan. 23. | 540 | |
290 | Same to same | Jan. 31 | Same subject. Confirms telegram of Jan. 30 and incloses copy of memorandum referred to therein. | 541 |
Same to same (telegram) | Feb. 5 | Same subject. Reports withdrawal of Kongo annexation treaty from consideration of Parliament with statement that it was proposed to submit a new project in lieu of it. Expresses opinion that new treaty will afford solution of Kongo question satisfactory to Belgian and international opinion. | 542 | |
295 | Same to same (telegram) | Feb. 6 | Same subject. Confirms telegram of Feb. 5 and reports re certain events in explanation of information contained therein. | 543 |
Same to same | Mar. 6 | Same subject. Reports that by treaty of annexation just laid before Parliament, domain of Crown is suppressed and all holdings in Europe and Africa transferred to Belgium. Says special fund of $9,000,000 is to be applied to completing projects already inaugurated, and a special fund of £10,000,000 at disposal of King to carry out future projects. | 544 | |
306 | Same to same | Mar. 9 | Same subject. Transmits copies of document No. 129 of the Belgian House of Representatives containing bill approving additional act for annexation of Kongo, and also translations of statement of ministry, project of law, additional act of annexation, and royal decree suppressing foundation of the Crown. | 544 |
308 | Same to same | Mar. 10 | Same subject. Refers to his No. 306, with its incisures, and discusses results consequent upon the conclusion of the convention. | 549 |
Mr. Root to Mr. Wilson (telegram). | Mar. 19 | Same subject. Informs him of purport of telegram of Mar. 18 from Ambassador Reid and instructs him to telegraph fully whatever overtures or proposals his British colleague may make. Says instructions already received by him amply defines position of United States. | 550 | |
312 | Mr. Wilson to Mr. Root | Mar. 25 | Same subject. Quotes statement made by Belgian premier concerning the agreement between France and Belgium of Feb. 5, 1895, as to right of preemption over Kongo possessions. Says that negotiations between France and Kongo as to delimitation on frontier on the Shiloango, and fixed tariff of Konso railway will be continued by Belegium. | 553 |
Same to same (telegram) | Mar. 26 | Same subject. Reports adoption by committee of 17 of colonial law carrying with it Kongo annexation bill. Savs bill will be adopted. | 554 | |
316 | Same to same | do | Same subject. Refers to department’s telegram of Mar. 19, and says British Legation has received no instructions of kind referred to therein. | 554 |
Same to same (telegram). | Mar. 30 | Same subject. Reports receipt of copy of instructions to British minister referred to in department’s telegram of Mar. 19. Enumerates important points in said instructions. | 554 | |
318 | Same to same | Mar. 31 | Same subject. Transmits copy of instructions of British Government to its minister at Brussels referred to in his telegram of Mar. 30. | 555 |
Mr. Root to Mr. Wilson (telegram). | Apr. 1 | Same subject. Refers to his telegram of Mar. 30, and instructs him independently and coincidently to express the views of the United States in the same sense as Great Britain does. | 556 | |
319 | Mr. Wilson to Mr. Root | 1908. Apr. 1 | Same subject. Incloses copy of correspondence between the legation and Kongo foreign office as to right of American Christian missionaries to purchase or lease lands for missionary or school sites. | 556 |
321 | Same to same | Apr. 3 | Same subject. Incloses copies of French text of colonial law as reported by committe of 17 to Parliament. | 559 |
322 | Same to same | Apr. 7 | Same subject. Refers to department’s telegram of Apr. 1 and incloses copy of memorandum left at foreign office this date somewhat upon lines of British instructions. | 559 |
323 | Same to same | Apr. 8 | Same subject. Transmits copies of proposed Kongo annexation bill, and of proposed bill for government of Belgian possessions reported by committee of 17 to Parliament. | 562 |
Same to same (telegram) | do | Same subject. Reports that memorandum in sense of department’s telegram of Apr. 1 given to minister for foreign affairs Apr. 7. | 562 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Wilson (telegram). | do | Same subject. Refers to and confirms department’s telegram of Apr. 1 and instructs him in conference with British minister and in representations to Belgian Government support line proposed to be adopted by British minister for foreign affairs. | 563 | |
329 | Mr. Wilson to Mr. Root | Apr. 17 | Same subject. Refers to department’s telegram of Apr. 8; gives substance of conference with British minister, Sir Arthur Hardinge, and incloses copy of memorandum to Belgian minister for foreign affairs re forced labor and arbitration of commercial and economic questions. | 568 |
330 | Same to same | do | Same subject. Reports opening of discussion of Kongo annexation bill in Belgian Parliament Apr. 15, and comments on speeches made in relation thereto. | 570 |
334 | Same to same | Apr. 24 | Same subject. Refers to his No. 330 of Apr. 17 and says that owing to adjournment of Parliament for the Easter holidays there has been only single discussion of the Kongo question. | 571 |
159 | Mr. Root to Mr. Wilson | Apr. 29 | Same subject. Acknowledges his No. 319 of Apr. 1 and says his course in the Kongo matter is approved. | 572 |
Memorandum from Belgian legation. | May 7 | Same subject. Refers to memorandum of Apr. 7 handed by Minister Wilson to Belgian minister for foreign affairs, and discusses points indicated by both United States and British Governments. | 572 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Wilson (telegram). | May 9 | Same subject. Expresses approval of action reported in No. 329. | 574 | |
Memorandum from Belgian legation. | July 12 | Same subject. Refers to memorandum of Apr. 16 from United States Government, and explains the attitude of the Belgian Government toward the expression of the views of the former. | 574 | |
578 | Mr. Bliss to Mr. Root | July 16 | Same subject. Transmits copy of British memorandum of June 23, and of Belgian reply thereto, and says Belgian Government desires to publish in a second “Grey Book,” to be submitted to Belgian legislative bodies, American and British memoranda and Belgian replies thereto. Asks early consent to this effect. | 578 |
393 | Mr. Wilson to Mr. Root | Aug. 21 | Same subject. Transmits copy of colonial law adobtedby Belgian Chamber of representatives. | 578 |
401 | Same to same | Sept. 18 | Same subject. Reports adoption by Belgian Senate of treaty for annexation of Belgian Koneo. | 585 |
652 | Baron Moncheur to Mr. Root | Oct. 1 | Same subject. Transmits copy of pamphlet entitled “Belgique et Kongo,” which is accompanied by a resumé setting forth most interesting points in speeches delivered by the Belgian ministers of interior and justice in the Belgian Chamber. | 585 |
176 | Mr. Root to Mr. Wilson | Oct. 22 | Recognition of Mouley Hafid as Sultan of Morocco. See instruction No. 162 of Oct. 20 to Morocco. | 651 |
Mr. Wilson to Mr. Root (telegram). | Oct. 29 | Affairs in the Kongo. Reports that on Oct. 31 the King will create a department of colonies and appoint Mr. Renkin minister, and also on same day will appear the royal decree fixing date of Belgian assumption of sovereignty over Kongo. | 587 | |
737 | Baron Moncheur to Mr. Root | Nov. 4 | Same subject. Incloses copy of law approvmg treaty for resumption of Kongo by Belgium, and says new exequaturs will be issued to consular officers of Governments which request it. | 587 |
422 | Mr. Wilson to Mr. Root | Nov. 10 | Same subject. Transmits copy of note from minister for foreign affairs concerning royal decree, and copy of reply thereto. | 588 |
429 | Same to same | 1908 Nov. 27 | Same subject. Transmits copies of Official Bulletin of Belgian Kongo containing decree organizing colonial council of Belgium. Enumerates principal points of decree. | 592 |
434 | Same to same | Dec. 3 | Same subject. Transmits copies of report of session of Belgian Chamber of Representatives of Nov. 24 which contain proposed budget for administration of Belgian Kongo. | 592 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
Mr. Calderon to Mr. Root | 1908. May 6 | Election of Sr. Fernando E. Guachalla as President of Bolivia. Announces the election of Hon. Fernando E. Guachalla as President of Bolivia. | 40 | |
16 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Calderon | May 11 | Same subject. Expresses pleasure at election of Hon. Fernando E. Guachalla as President. | 40 |
389 | Mr. Monroe to Mr. Root | Aug. 5 | Death of Sr. Fernando E. Guachalla, President elect of Bolivia. Reports death of Dr. Fernando E. Guachalla, President elect of Bolivia, on July 24. | 41 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
180 | Mr. Dudley to Mr. Root | 1907. May 14 | Message of the President of Brazil to the Brazilian Congress. Transmits text. | 42 |
Mr. Dudley to Mr. Root (telegram). | 1908 Jan. 3 | Preferential tariff concessions in favor of American products. “Brazilian Congress continues during 1908 existing 20 per cent tariff reduction favor United States” | 48 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Dudley (telegram). | Jan. 15 | Same subject. Asks if it is true that decree signed by Brazilian President Jan. 11 puts reduction of 20 per cent in force retroactively as from Jan. 1. | 48 | |
117 | Mr. Dudley to Mr. Root | Jan. 23 | Boundary and navigation agreement between Brazil and Colombia. In continuation of No. 105 of Dec. 21, 1907, reports ratification of agreements. | 51 |
126 | Same to same | Jan. 28 | Preferential tariff concessions in favor of American products. Incloses copy of note to foreign office suggesting that decree conceding reduction of 20 per cent on certain articles of American origin under law in force should be promulgated with the least possible delay. | 48 |
141 | Same to same | Feb. 19 | Same subject. Refers to his No. 123 of Jan. 28, and reports further relative to refund. | 50 |
Same to same (telegram) | do | Same subject. “Brazilian minister of finance agrees refund 20 per cent.” | 50 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Nabuco | June 13 | Severing of diplomatic relations between the United States and Venezuela. Expresses appreciation of Brazil’s willingness to take charge of American interests upon withdrawal of diplomatic representatives from Venezuela, and incloses copy of telegram to be sent to Chargé Sleeper concerning archives, property, and interests of United States. | 821 | |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Dudley (telegram). | June 25 | Same subject. Informs him that by courtesy of Brazil American interests and property in Venezuela have been placed in hands of Brazilian diplomatic representative there. Instructs him to confirm to Brazilian Government sense of gratitude already expressed to Ambassador Nabuco. | 825 | |
210 | Mr. Dudley to Mr. Root | June 29 | Same subject. Acknowledges telegram of June 25, and incloses copy of note of thanks to foreign office and also newspaper clipping bearing upon the good offices extended American Government by Brazil. | 825 |
61 | Mr. Adee to Mr. Nabuco | July 10 | Same subject. Incloses, for transmission to Mr. John Brewer, acting as custodian of archives of American legation at Caracas, copy of note of June 20 by which Brazilian minister at Caracas informed Venezuelan Government he would have charge of American interests during suspension of diplomatic relations, and copy of Venezuelan Government’s reply under date of July 22. | 826 |
Mr. Nabuco to Mr. Adee | July 14 | Same subject. Announces forwarding to Brazilian chargé department’s communication to Mr. Brewer and discusses the question of diplomatic immunities. | 827 | |
63 | Mr. Adee to Mr. Nabuco | 1908. July 23 | Same subject. Acknowledges note of July 14 and discusses the attitude of Venezuela in regard to the diplomatic immunities to be enjoyed by Mr. Sleeper until his embarcation at Puerto Cabello. | 828 |
94 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Dudley | July 30 | Same subject. Acknowledges his No. 210 of June 29, and express approval thereof. | 829 |
67 | Mr. Adee to Mr. Nabuco | Aug. 27 | Same subject. Refers to Mr. Brewer’s communication of Aug. 5, and says that Mr. Brewer should be held to be department’s agent to receive moneys on account of awards of Mixed Commission of 1903 and custodian of legation to receive copies of correspondence between the Brazilian charge at Caracas and foreign office at that place. | 829 |
260 | Mr. Janes to Mr. Root | Sept. 25 | Treaty between Brazil and the Netherlands regarding the boundary between Surinam and Brazil. Transmits text. | 54 |
288 | Same to same | Nov. 11 | Arbitration treaty between Brazil and Argentine Republic. Transmits text. | 51 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
Mr. Knowles to Mr. Root (telegram). | 1908. Oct. 5 | Proclamation of independence of Bulgaria. “Bulgaria proclaimed her independence to-day.” | 57 | |
33 | Same to same | Oct. 6 | Same subject. Incloses copy of note from foreign office announcing independence of Bulgaria. | 57 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
223 | Mr. Hicks to Mr. Root | 1908. June 3 | Message of the President of Chile to the Chilean Congress. Summary of the message. | 58 |
126 | Mr. Adee to Mr. Hicks | Aug. 22 | Protection of Chinese in Chile and Ecuador. Incloses copy of note from the Chinese minister, and instructs him re protection of Chinese interests. | 61 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
284 | Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Root | 1906. Apr. 14 | Chinese indemnity for losses on account of riots in Shanghai, Dec. 18, 1905. Refers to No. 208 of Jan. 23, 1906, and reports being informed by British minister that he has demanded $80,000 Mexican indemnity for losses sustained by British subjects in the riots. | 146 |
Mr. Root to Mr. Rockhill (telegram). | June 8 | Same subject. Acknowledges his No. 284 of Apr. 14 and directs him to inform Chinese Government that if indemnity is paid for losses of others the United States will demand indemnities for losses of American citizens. | 146 | |
153 | Same to same | June 14 | Same subject. Says department sees no good reason why American citizens who suffered losses under identic circumstances should receive different compensatory treatment from that which may be accorded to British subjects. | 146 |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Rockhill (telegram). | 1907. Mar. 8 | Extradition of Horace G. McKinley granted by Chinese Government as an act of comity. Instructs him to inquire of foreign office whether request for extradition of McKinley, convicted of conspiracy to defraud United States Government, would be granted as act of comity, this Government being prevented by its laws from being able to reciprocate the favor should occasion arise. | 129 | |
Mr. Rockhill to M. Root (telegram). | Mar. 20 | Same subject. Reports being informed by Chinese Government that all American criminals can be extradited except those guilty of political offenses, and that the Chinese Government will take action in the case upon a statement of the exact nature of the crime and presentation of written evidence. | 129 | |
563 | Same to same | do | Same subject. Incloses correspondence with the Wai-wu-Pu re extradition of McKinley. | 129 |
344 | Mr. Adee to Mr. Rockhill | Aug. 13 | Same subject. Incloses evidence in the case of McKinley and record of indictment and conviction. Instructs him to take proper steps to obtain provisional arrest and detention. | 130 |
Mr. Fletcher to Mr. Root (telegram). | 1907. Oct. 5 | Same subject. Reports that McKinley has been arrested at Mukden by the Chinese authorities. | 130 | |
Same to same (telegram). | Oct. 9 | Same subject. Reports that Chinese authorities at Mukden have been instructed to surrender McKinley, and requests instructions by telegraph as to cnstodv. | 131 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Rockhill (telegram). | Oct. 10 | Same subject. Directs him to request the Chinese Government to hold McKinley at the expense of the United States until arrival of agent to receive the fugitive. | 131 | |
761 | Mr. Fletcher to Mr. Root | Oct. 17 | Same subject. Incloses copies of correspondence with the foreign office stating that the request for the arrest and detention of McKinley will be complied with. | 131 |
767 | Same to same | Oct. 22 | Mining regulations in China. Incloses copy of note from foreign office, transmitting new set of mining regulations. | 151 |
790 | Same to same | Nov. 29 | Same subject. In continuation of No. 767 of Oct. 22, incloses copies of the revised mining regulations of China, together with a synopsis for department, and a note from the British minister to the Prince of Ch’ing setting forth his objections to them and asking that they be revised in consultation with other powers before being put into effect. | 152 |
373 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Fletcher | Dec. 10 | Same subject. Acknowledges his No. 767 of Oct 22, and says department awaits with interest receipt of translations of new mining regulations and legation’s comments thereon. | 173 |
Mr. Denby to Mr. Root (telegram). | Dec. 11 | Chinese indemnity for losses on account of riots in Shanghai, Dec. 18, 1905. Reports payment to British and German subjects of losses on account of the Shanghai riots in 1905, and says the American losses have not been paid. Recommends that legation be directed to act. | 147 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Rockhill (telegram). | Dec. 13 | Same subject. Instructs him to report whether claims of American citizens have been carefully substantiated, and to forward them for approval. | 147 | |
801 | Mr. Fletcher to Mr. Root | Dec. 26 | Imposition of taxes or duties on American goods by inland Chinese authorities in addition to those prescribed by treaty. Incloses copies of correspondence with the Wai-wu-Pu in relation to the imposition at Nanking and Shun Te Fu of certain taxes on American kerosene oil. Requests instructions in the premises. | 134 |
804 | Same to same | 1908. Jan. 7 | Political reforms in China. Incloses translation of imperial edict on the subject of the preparation of the people for instruction of constitutional government. | 176 |
809 | Same to same | do | Customs in Manchuria. Incloses copy of “Experimental regulations for the collection of duty on native and foreign goods shipped to the new ports in Manchuria.” | 126 |
810 | Same to same | Jan. 10 | Same subject. Incloses translation of memorial recommending the establishment of a new judicial-system in Peking. | 178 |
Same to same | Jan. 15 | Railways in China. Reports signing of agreement between China and an English-German syndicate for a loan of £5,000,000 sterling at 5 per cent for 30 years for construction of the Tientsin-Chinkiang Railroad. Gives terms of agreement and says the line, is to be finished in four years. | 200 | |
817 | Same to same | Jan. 17 | Same subject. Incloses text of Tientsin-Pukow Railway agreement. Calls attention to certain provisions. | 200 |
818 | Same to same | Jan. 22 | Chinese indemnity for losses on account of riots in Shanghai Dec. 18, 1905. Forwards original statements of claims filed with the American consul general at Shanghai, together with findings with regard to each. Concurs in the findings of the consul general and recommends that they be adopted by department. | 148 |
830 | Same to same | Jan. 24 | Extradition of Horace G. McKinley granted by Chinese Government as an act of comity. Reports the delivering of McKinley into custody of J. F. Kerriean. agent of the Denartment of Justice. | 133 |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Fletcher (telegram). | Feb. 3 | Mining regulations in China. Acknowledges his No. 790 of Nov. 29, 1907, and directs him to inform Chinese Government, on lines followed by British minister, that United States views with dissatisfaction the proposed regulations. Names articles inconsistent with rights guaranteed by treaty, and those showing restrictive tendency. | 173 | |
839 | Mr. Fletcher to Mr. Root | 1908. Feb. 6 | Same subject. In continuation of No. 790 of Nov. 29, 1907, incloses copy of note to foreign office in compliance with telegraphic instructions of Feb. 3. | 174 |
841 | Same to same | Feb. 7 | Customs in Manchuria. Reports regarding delay in opening the customs stations at Manchuria and Pogranichnia. | 128 |
410 | Mr. Root to Mr. Fletcher | Feb. 12 | Imposition of taxes or duties on American goods by inland Chinese authorities in addition to those prescribed by treaty. Approves attitude and instructs him in the premises. | 138 |
413 | Same to same | do | Mining regulations in China. Informs him that department has reached the conslusion that the regulations are of such character as to justify a vigorous diplomatic protest by United States. | 175 |
845 | Mr. Fletcher to Mr. Root | Feb. 14 | Joint International Commission for investigation of the opium question in the Far East. Reports that agreement has been reached by British and Chinese Governments for obliteration of opium trade between India and China in 10 years, and incloses copies of memoranda exchanged between British Legation and Chinese foreign office on the subject. | 76 |
Mr. Root to Mr. Rockhill (telegram). | Mar. 12 | Chinese indemnity for losses on account of riots in Shanghai, Dec. 18, 1905. Directs that formal demand be presented to the Chinese Government for the losses suffered by American citizens amounting to $889.73. | 149 | |
873 | Mr. Fletcher to Mr. Root | Mar. 13 | Railways in China. Incloses copy of the Shanghai-Hangchow-Ningpo loan agreement signed on Mar. 6. | 201 |
435 | Mr. Root to Mr. Rockhill | Mar. 18 | Mining regulations in China. Acknowledges No. 839 of Feb. 6, and expresses approval of Chargé Fletcher’s note to the foreign office. | 176 |
878 | Mr. Fletcher to Mr. Root | Mar. 25 | Joint International Commission for investigation of opium question in the Far East. Incloses translation of memorial and edict in which the proper boards are ordered to draw up regulations and to take effective measures to reduce production and consumption of opium. | 80 |
888 | Same to same | Mar. 31 | Political reforms in China. Incloses translation of an imperial edict appointing Pao-hsi and Shen Yun-p’ei to assist in the organization of the Deliberative Assembly. | 181 |
894 | Same to same | Apr. 3 | Chinese indemnity for losses on account of riots in Shanghai Dec. 18, 1905. Incloses copy of note to foreign office making formal demand for losses sustained by American citizens in the riots. Reports that his note had been referred to the Taotai with instructions to settle the matter with the American consul general at Shanghai. | 149 |
898 | Same to same | Apr. 7 | Imposition of taxes or duties on American goods by inland Chinese authorities in addition to those prescribed by treaty. Incloses copies of two notes addressed to the Wai-wu-pu concerning collection of taxes on American goods and replies thereto. Incloses also copy of note of the dean of the diplomatic corps to the foreign office. | 139 |
900 | Same to same | Apr. 8 | Joint International Commission for investigation of opium question in the Far East. Incloses translation of imperial edict appointing a commission for suppression of opium. | 85 |
Mr. Root to Mr. Rockhill | Apr. 14 | Same subject. Expresses gratification concerning agreement between Great Britain and China for suppression of opium trade between China and India. | 86 | |
Same to same | May 7 | Same subject. See telegram of May 7 to Great Britain. | 86 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Rockhill | May 21 | Imposition of taxes or duties on American goods by inland Chinese authorities in addition to those prescribed by treaty. Acknowledges No. 898 of Apr. 7 and expresses approval of Mr. Fletcher’s two notes addressed to the Wai-wu-pu. | 142 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Rockhill (telegram). | May 25 | Payment of the Chinese indemnity. Return by the United States of a portion of its allotment. Informs him of the passage of the bill authorizing modification of the indemnity bond, and asks for an expression of views of China as to times and manner of remission. Instructs him regarding conferences on this subject. | 64 | |
468 | Same to same | 1908. May 27 | Protection of foreign trade-marks and copyrights in China and Korea. Refers to agreement between the United States and Great Britain for protection of trade-marks in China effected by exchange of notes on June 28, 1905, and incloses copy of note of May 19, 1908, from the British ambassador transmitting text of an amendment to order in council, 1907. | 523 |
469 | Same to same | do | Payment of the Chinese indemnity. Return by the United States of a portion of its allotment. Incloses copy of act of Congress and asks for suggestions from China as to times and manner of making remissions. | 64 |
112 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Wu | May 29 | Joint International Commission for investigation of opium question in the Far East. An appropriation for the participation of the United States in proposed investigation of opium question has been recommended. | 87 |
113 | Same to same | do | Payment of the Chinese indemnity. Return by the United States of a portion of its allotment. Incloses copy of act of Congress approved May 25, 1908, and requests an expression of opinion as to times and manner of remission. | 65 |
Mr. Wu to Mr. Bacon | June 4 | Same subject. Says contents of No. 113 of May 29 have been communicated to his Government. | 66 | |
937 | Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Root | June 8 | Joint International Commission for investigation of opium question in the Far East. Refers to No. 900 of Apr. 8 and incloses additional regulations for suppression of cultivation and consumption of opium in China. | 89 |
477 | Mr. Root to Mr. Rockhill | June 9 | Chinese indemnity for losses on account of riots in Shanghai, Dec. 18, 1905. Quotes telegram sent to consul general at Shanghai instructing him to forward to department, when received from the Chinese Government, indemnity for losses sustained by American citizens. | 150 |
943 | Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Root | June 17 | Same subject. Reports that payment of the American claims has been made in full. | 150 |
209 | Mr. Denby to Mr. Root | June 19 | Same subject. Incloses draft for 1889.73 amount paid by Chinese Government on account of damages to American citizens. | 151 |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Rockhill. (telegram). | June 20 | Joint International Commission for investigation of opium question in the Far East. See telegram of June 20 to Japan. | 92 | |
957 | Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Root | July 10 | Imposition of taxes or duties on American goods by inland Chinese authorities in addition to those prescribed by treaty. Refers to No. 898 of Apr. 7 and incloses copy of reply of Prince of Ch’ing to the dean of the diplomatic corps. States that the ministers of the Netherlands and Great Britain, and himself have been asked to undertake the discussion and settlement of the matter with the Wai-Wu-Pu. | 142 |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Rockhill | July 11 | Joint International Commission for investigation of the opium question in the Far East. See telegram of July 11 to Great Britain. | 92 | |
Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Root (telegram). | July 15 | Payment of the Chinese indemnity. Return by United States of a portion of its allotment. China expresses thanks and states that she has no wishes to express as to manner of remission. Announces the intention of sending yearly to United States numbers of students. | 66 | |
966 | Same to same | July 16 | Same subject. Incloses correspondence with foreign office in regard to establishment in United States of a Chinese educational mission. China asks that American minister at Peking be authorized to assist. | 67 |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Rockhill (telegram). | July 17 | Same subject. Directs him to express to foreign office appreciation of sentiments expressed by China, and gratification that students are to be sent to United States for educational purposes. Congratulates him on satisfactory outcome of the matter. | 69 | |
Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Root (telegram). | July 20 | Same subject. Reports that T’ang Shao-yi, who is given rank of president of a board and appointed special envoy to United States to express thanks for action in regard to the indemnity, will probably leave early in November. | 69 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Rockhill | July 21 | Joint International Commission for investigation of the opium question in the Far East. See telegram of July 21 to Great Britain. | 93 | |
Same to same (telegram) | 1908. July 22 | Payment of the Chinese indemnity. Return by the United States of a portion of its allotment. Directs him to express to the foreign office this Government’s satisfaction on learning of the deputation of T’ang Shao-yi. | 69 | |
490 | Mr. Adee to Mr. Rockhill | July 24 | Marriage of American citizens in Germany or on German territory. See instruction No. 15 of July 24, 1908, to Germany. | 362 |
969 | Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Root | July 27 | Railways in China. Incloses translation of imperial edict, directing that Chang Chih-tung shall assume absolute control of the Canton-Hankow Railway. | 208 |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Rockhill | Aug. 1 | Joint International Commission for investigation of the opium question in the Far East. See telegram of Aug. 1 to Japan. | 94 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Rockhill (telegram). | Aug. 3 | Payment of the Chinese indemnity. Return by United States of a portion of its allotment. Says department is gratified at expression of China concerning remission of indemnity and intention of sending students. Adds that Treasury has been called on for recalculation of indemnity on basis which will accord with intent of act, and which will form a basis for elaboration of general scheme. | 69 | |
Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Root (telegram). | Aug. 6 | Joint International Commission for investigation of the opium question in the Far East. “In reply to your telegram of the 21st ultimo, Chinese Government formally accept date and place opium commission. Will reply very shortly as to program.” | 94 | |
979 | Same to same | Aug. 12 | Same subject. Incloses copy of note from Prince of Ch’ing informing him of acceptance by China of program of preliminary inquiries of American delegates to joint opium commission and transmitting copy of memorial and imperial edict of May 23. | 95 |
9 | Mr. Wu to Mr. Adee | Aug. 13 | Protection of Chinese in Chile and Ecuador. Requests that American diplomatic and consular officers in Chile and Ecuador be instructed to protect the interests of Chinese subjects. | 59 |
116 | Mr. Adee to Mr. wu | Aug. 22 | Same subject. Acknowledges note No. 9 of Aug. 13 and states that American diplomatic officers in Chile and Ecuador have been instructed to look after the interests of Chinese residents. | 60 |
989 | Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Root | Aug. 28 | Political reforms in China. Refers to previous correspondence and incloses condensed translation of recent memorial concerning the mode of election to and the composition and duties of the provincial deliberative assemblies, from which the members of the constitutional assembly are ultimately to be drawn. | 182 |
993 | Same to same | Sept. 2 | Joint International Commission for investigation of the opium question in the Far East. Transmits copy of memorial submitting certain regulations penalizing the sale of morphia and of instruments for its injection. | 100 |
1005 | Same to same | Sept. 12 | Political reforms in China. Refers to No. 765 of Oct. 22, 1907, and incloses copy of a memorial containing regulations, 62 in number, defining the duties of the provincial deliberative assemblies, their membership, mode of election, qualifications of voters, etc., together with copy of imperial edict commanding the suppression of the Political Society (Chen-wen-ssu). | 189 |
118 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Wu | Sept. 28 | Protection of Chinese in Chile and Ecuador. Communicates information contained in telegram of Sent. 25 from Minister Fox. | 62 |
Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Root (telegram). | Sept. 29 | Joint International Commission for investigation of the opium question in the Far East. Was informed yesterday by foreign office all treaty powers having signified their assent prohibition of importation of morphia and instruments for injection; prohibition will be enforced from 1st next January. | 103 | |
1022 | Same to same | Oct. 8 | Regulations for the international settlement at Wuhu. Incloses copy of dispatch from American consul at Nanking transmitting communication from British consul at Wupu proposing certain changes in regulations governing the international settlement with a view to excluding missionaries from holding land in the settlement. Requests instructions in the matter. | 121 |
1024 | Same to same. | Oct. 12 | Railways in China. Incloses copy of new loan agreement for redemption of the original loan for construction of the Peking-Hankow Railway, together with translation of imperial decrees sanctioning it. | 202 |
1027 | Same to same | 1908. Oct. 15 | Joint International Commission for investigation of the opium question of the Far East. Incloses copy of note announcing that regulations prohibiting use of morphia and instruments for injection will become onerative from Jan. 1. 1909. | 103 |
1028 | Same to same | Oct. 21 | Railways in China. Incloses copy of the Pei-Han redemption loan contract. | 203 |
1034 | Same to same | Oct. 31 | Payment of the Chinese indemnity. Return by United States of a portion of its allotment. Incloses draft of plans concerning sending of students to United States. Recommends that remission of the indemnity begin from Jan. 1 next. | 70 |
1035 | Same to same | Nov. 5 | Railways in China. Incloses copy of an imperial edict giving Grand Councillor Chang Chih-tung absolute control of the construction of the Canton-Hankow Railway. | 209 |
Mr. Root to Mr. Rockhill | Nov. 6 | Joint International Commission for investigation of the opium question in the Far East. See telegram of Nov. 6 to Japan. | 108 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Rockhill | Nov. 11 | Same subject. See telegram of Nov. 11 to Great Britain. | 109 | |
Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Root (telegram). | Nov. 15 | Death of the Emperor and Empress dowager of China. Reports being informed by foreign office of the death of the Emperor Nov. 14 and issuance of an edict by the Empress dowager announcing accession of Pu-yi to the throne and assumption of the regency by Prince Ch’un. | 116 | |
12 | Mr. Wu to Mr. Root | do | Same subject. Announces death of the Emperor of China Nov. 14. | 116 |
13 | Same to same | do | Same subject. Announces that the eldest son of Prince Ch’un has been appointed to succeed to the throne, and Prince Ch’uu as Regent of Chinese Empire. | 116 |
Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Root (telegram). | Nov. 16 | Same subject. “It is officially stated that the Empress dowager died yesterday afternoon, two forty-five.” | 117 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Rockhil (telegram). | do | Same subject. Instructs him to convey to the Emperor and the Regent the regret and sympathy of the President, Secretary of State and American people upon the death of the Empress dowager. | 117 | |
14 | Mr. Wu to Mr. Root | do | Same subject. Announces death of the Empress dowager of China, Nov. 14. | 117 |
121 | Mr. Root to Mr. Wu | do | Same subject. Expresses regret and sympathy of the Government and people of United States. | 117 |
123 | Same to same | do | Same subject. Acknowledges note of this date and expresses regret and sympaths of the Government and people of the United States. | 118 |
15 | Mr. Wu to Mr. Root | Nov. 17 | Same subject. Incloses copy of telegram forwarded by foreign office from the Emperor of China to the President announcing the death of the late Emperor. | 118 |
16 | Same to same | do | Same subject. Incloses a message from the Emperor of China to the President announcing the death of the Empress dowager. | 118 |
Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Root (telegram). | Nov. 19 | Joint International Commission for investigation of the opium question in the Far East. Foreign office asks if it is possible to postpone the meeting of the joint opium commission to 1st next February. “My opinion is that under the circumstances this is very desirable. Chinese delegation certainly will not be ready” | 110 | |
124 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Wu | Nov. 21 | Death of the Emperor and Empress dowager of China. Acknowledges note of Nov. 17 and states that the message from the Emperor inclosed therein has been transmitted to the President as requested. | 119 |
125 | Same to same | do | Same subject. Acknowledges note of Nov. 17 and states that the telegram forwarded by the foreign office announcing the death of the Empress dowager has been transmitted to the President, and the American minister at Peking instructed to present a telegram of sympathy to the Emperor. | 119 |
17 | Mr. Wu to Mr. Root | Nov. 25 | Same subject. Incloses translation of an imperial message addressed to the President acknowledging his message of condolence. | 120 |
1049 | Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Root | do | Railways in Chma. Transmits translation of supplementary agreement signed on Nov. 12 concerning construction of the Kirin Ch’ang-chun Railway—called the Chich’ang Railway—in Manchuria. | 207 |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Wu | 1908 Nov. 27 | Death of the Emperor and Empress dowager of China. Acknowledges note of Nov. 25, and states that the imperial message addressed to the President has been transmitted to him. | 120 | |
19 | Mr. Wu to Mr. Root | Nov. 30 | Same subject. States that title of the reign of the new Emperor of China has been designated as Hsiiant’ung and Dec. 2 as day on which His Majesty will formally ascend the throne. | 120 |
520 | Mr. Root to Mr. Rockhill | do | Regulations for the international settlement at Wuhu. Informs him that no copy of the regulations of the international settlement has been received by department. Discusses proposed amendments which department is unwilling to accept and directs him to inform the Consul at Nanking in this sense. | 122 |
Same to same (telegram) | Dec. 3 | Joint International Commission for investigation of the opium question in the Far East. See telegram of this date to Great Britain. | 114 | |
Same to same (telegram) | do | Death of Emperor and Empress dowager of China. Directs him, in expressing felicitations of President and Government, to say it was particularly agreeable to receive T’ang Shao-yi, His Majesty’s ambassador. | 121 | |
129 | Mr. Adee to Mr. Wu | Dec. 11 | Protection of Chinese in Chile and Ecuador. Refers to his note of Aug. 13; to department’s note of Aug. 22, and incloses copy of dispatch from consul general at Guayaquil transmitting form of certificate to be given to Chinese subjects in Ecuador. | 62 |
Mr. Root to Mr. Wu | Dec. 31 | Payment of the Chinese indemnity. Return by the United States of a portion of its allotment. Transmits copy of executive order, Dec. 28, providing for the remission of the indemnity, and states that remission will begin Jan. 1, 1909. | 72 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Rockhill (telegram). | do | Same subject. Informs him the President has directed that remission of the indemnity commence Jan. 1, 1909, and indicates manner in which payments will be made. Directs that the Wai-wu-Pu be informed that proposed draft regulations for education of students in United States is acceptable. | 74 | |
Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Root | 1909. Jan. 14 | Regulations for the international settlement at Wuhu, informs him that United States is unwilling to accept the two proposed amendments to regulations for the settlement, and states that the consul at Nanking has been furnished with copy of this instruction. | 123 | |
90 | Mr. McNally to Mr. Bacon | Feb. 9 | Same subject. Incloses copy of the regulations of the settlement, together with a letter from T’ung Taotai at Wuhu to the British consul at that port. | 124 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
46 | Mr. Dawson to Mr. Root | 1908. Jan. 27 | Protection afforded Swiss citizens in Colombia by the American legation. Reports in regard to request made by a Swiss citizen for protection of his interests, and asks for instructions as to action to be taken by the legation. | 210 |
22 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Dawson | Mar. 3 | Same subject. Acknowledges his No. 46 of Jan. 27; and refers to circulars of June 16, 1871, Dec. 15, 1871, and June 28.1877. which still govern the Question. | 210 |
156 | Mr. Dawson to Mr. Root | Sept. 4 | Convention between Colombia and Spain regarding the reciprocal recognition of judgments. Incloses copy of recently ratified convention between Colombia and Spain in regard to reciprocal recognition of judgments together with copy of law approving the convention. | 211 |
Mr. Cortes to Mr. Root | Oct. 7 | Treaties of Colombia with certain other countries. Incloses copy of note from foreign office in which are named the national agreements to which the National Legislative Assembly gave its approval during its last session. | 213 | |
211 | Mr. Hibben to Mr. Root | Dec. 20 | Arbitration treaty between Colombia and France. Reports that an arbitration treaty between Colombia and France along the lines of the treaty of Feb. 10, 1908, between United States and France was signed on Dec. 6. States that a similar treaty is about to be concluded between Colombia and Great Britain. | 212 |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Hibben | 1909. Jan. 21 | Same subject. Acknowledges with gratification his No. 211 of Dec. 20, 1908. | 213 |
costa rica.
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
Mr. Anderson to Mr. Root (telegram). | 1908. May 7 | Inauguration of the court of justice for Central America. Announces the decision to install the court on May 25, and extends an invitation to the United States to be represented at the ceremonies. | 215 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Anderson (telegram). | do | Same subject. Announces the designation of Hon. W. I. Buchanan as special representative of the United States. | 215 | |
1332 | Mr. Weitzel to Mr. Root | May 11 | Message of the president of the Costa Rican Congress. Reports the convening of the Congress of Costa Rica on May 1 and the election of Juan B. Quiros as president of the Congress. Incloses a resume of the president’s message. | 247 |
Mr. Buchanan to Mr. Root (telegram). | May 27 | Inauguration of the court of justice for Central America. Reports receipt of telegrams expressing appreciative thanks for assistance rendered by the United States, and suggests that department telegraph each country acknowledging the courtesy. | 216 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Anderson (telegram). | May 28 | Same subject. Expresses appreciation of reference to assistance rendered by United States in efforts of the Washington conference culminating in inauguration of the court. | 216 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
429 | Mr. Padro to Mr. Root | 1908. Jan. 24 | Extradition procedure. Announces that Rafael Barbato, arrested and held at Tampa on a charge of larceny, has waived extradition proceedings, and asks whether under the circumstances extradition may be granted without waiting for evidence reauired by treaty. | 252 |
237 | Mr. Root to Mr. Padro | Jan. 28 | Same subject. Informs him that department can not give a definite assurance as to its action in any case of extradition in advance of report from the examining magistrate. | 253 |
773 | Mr. Tarler to Mr. Root | Sept. 29 | Sanitation of Cuban cities. Incloses copy of the provisional governor’s decree No. 935 appropriating $100,000 to carry on the sanitary service, especially the campaign against yellow fever. | 254 |
Mr. Morgan to Mr. Root (telegram). | Nov. 4 | Death of Ex-President Palma of Cuba. “Ex-President Palma died at 11 o’clock to-night at Santiago de Cuba.” | 250 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Morgan (telegram). | Nov. 5 | Same subject. Instructs him to convey, by direction of the President, sincere condolence and regret at the death of the ex-president and to express to the family his personal sympathy. | 250 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Morgan (telegram). | Nov. 7 | Same subject. Instructs him to convey to the family of the late don Tomas Estrada Palma an expression of sorrow and sympathy with them in their bereavement. | 250 | |
Mr. Gomez to Mr. Roosevelt (telegram). | Nov. 16 | Election of Jose Miguel Gomez as President of Cuba. Expresses congratulations and thanks for absolute impartiality, tact, and ableness observed by Governor Magoon and subordinates during the elections. | 251 | |
Mr. Roosevelt to Mr. Gomez (telegram). | do | Same subject. Extends congratulations on his election as President. | 251 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Magoon (telegram). | Nov. 17 | Same subject. Instructs him to make suitable acknowledgment in the President’s name of the message of congratulations and thanks from Gen. Gomez. | 252 | |
Mr. Gomez to Mr. Roosevelt (telegram). | Nov. 18 | Same subject. Expresses appreciation of the President’s congratulatory message. | 252 | |
210 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Morgan | Nov. 19 | Death of Ex-President Palma of Cuba. Conveys to the Government and people of Cuba department’s respectful sympathy. | 250 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
Mr. Egan to Mr. Root | 1908. June 18 | Issuance of emergency passports. Refers to circular instruction of Apr. 19, 1907, and inquires whether he would be authorized to issue emergency passports to persons desiring to enter Germany, where the lack of a passport is a decided inconvenience. | 255 | |
23 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Egan | 1908. July 8 | Same subject. Acknowledges his dispatch of June 18, and informs him he may issue an emergency passport if the inconvenience of not having it would be serious. | 255 |
Mr. Brun to Mr. Root | Aug. 20 | Commercial agreement between the United States and Germany. Requests recognition by American customs officers of certificates of value issued by the “Committee of the Wholesale Merchants’ Association of Copenhagen” on the same footing as like certificates issued by German chambers of commerce. | 341 | |
791 | Mr. Adee to Mr. Brun | Sept. 4 | Same subject. Acknowledges his note of Aug. 20, and asks that department be furnished with statement concerning organization and operations of said association. | 341 |
Count Moltke to Mr. Root | Nov. 23 | Same subject. Refers to previous correspondence, and incloses statement in regard to organization and operations of association. | 342 | |
7 | Mr. Root to Count Moltke | Dec. 23 | Same subject. Refers to note of Nov. 23, and informs him that provisions of point “F” of the diplomatic note annexed to the agreement with Germany have been extended to the association. | 342 |
dominican republic.
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
83 | Mr. McCreery to Mr. Root | 1908. Mar. 5 | Message of the President of the dominican Republic to the dominican Congress. Discusses the message and incloses translation of text. | 258 |
99 | Same to same | June 2 | Constitution of the dominican Republic. Refers to to his No. 61 of Nov. 23, 1907, and incloses copy of the constitution of the Republic adopted by the constituent convention. Feb. 22. 1908. | 259 |
Same to same (telegram) | July 1 | Election of Gen. Ramon Caceres as President of dominican Republic: “President executive inaugurated this moring for a new term of six years to which he was elected in May under the new constitution.” | 256 | |
103 | Same to same | July 8 | Same subject. Refers to his No. 94 of May 13 and reports the election of Gen. Caceres, as President, for six years. Incloses copy of inaugural address before Congress on the 1st instant. | 256 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
239 | Mr. Fox to Mr. Root | 1908. Apr. 2 | Sanitation of Guayaquil. Refers to his No. 222 of Mar. 17, and incloses translation of an executive decree based upon plan submitted by Drs. Perry and Llovd for the sanitation of Guayaquil. | 280 |
Same to same (telegram) | June 18 | Completion of the Guayaquil-Quito Railway: “Railway reached Quito yesterday. Golden spike driven by America Alfaro, President’s daughter.” | 276 | |
297 | Same to same | do | Same subject. Confirms his telegram of June 18, and states that the inauguration of the railway will commence on the 24th instant, and that he will give a reception on the 28th instant. | 276 |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Fox (telegram). | June 20 | Same subject. Directs him to convey to the minister for foreign affairs department’s congratulations on completion of the railway to Quito. | 276 | |
Mr. Roosevelt to Mr. Alfaro (telegram). | June 25 | Same subject. Extends congratulations on the completion of the railway to Quito. | 277 | |
Mr. Alfaro to Mr. Roosevelt (telegram). | June 28 | Same subject. Expresses thanks for the congratulatory telegram. | 277 | |
333 | Mr. Fox to Mr. Root | Aug. 15 | Message of the President of Ecuador to the Ecuadorian Congress. Text of message with summary thereof in English. | 277 |
611 | Mr. Adee to Mr. Fox | Aug. 22 | Protection of Chinese in Chile and Ecuador. See instruction No. 126 of this date to Chile. | 61 |
Mr. Fox to Mr. Root (telegram). | Sept. 25 | Same subject. “Government of Ecuador consents our protection resident Chinese.” | 62 | |
354 | Same to same | Sept. 29 | Arbitration of the difficulty between the Ecuadorian Government and the Guayaquil & Quito Ry. Co., an American corporation. Refers to his No. 346 of Sept. 3, and states that agreement has been reached between Ecuador, the English bondholders, and the American stock interests of the railway whereby all differences have been settled. Gives details concerning organization of arbitration tribunal and action taken by members; also incloses correspondence thereon together with memorandum filed with arbitration tribunal. | 273 |
381 | Mr. Fox to Mr. Root | 1908. Nov. 4 | Sanitation of Guayaquil. Transmits message of President Alfaro to the Ecuadorian Congress in regard to the necessity for a sufficient supply of potable water for Guayaquil, in connection with the sanitation of that city. | 281 |
390 | Same to same | Nov. 16 | Same subject. Transmits translation of a law creating a public health service, with Dr. B. J. Lloyd, of the United States Public Health and Marine Hospital Service, as director. Submits also report showing difficulties encountered in establishment of this service and successful efforts made for suppression of recent outbreak of plague, and betterment of sanitary conditions generally. | 285 |
407 | Same to same | Dec. 11 | Arbitration of the difficulty between the Ecuadorian Government and the Guayaquil & Quito Ry. Co., an American corporation, transmits joint letter addressed to the president by Dr. Cesar Borja and himself as arbiters in controversy between Ecuador and railway company, together with copy of contract, etc., embodying settlement of the controversies. | 274 |
418 | Same to same | Dec. 28 | Same subject. Refers to his No. 407 of Dec. 11, and incloses clipping from the Financial Times, of London, containing an account of the meeting of the English bondholders of the railway, at which the contract of Sept. 30, 1908, between Ecuador and the bondholders of the railway was ratified. | 275 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
Memorandum from the French Embassy. | 1907. Mar. 26 | Commercial agreement between the United States and France. In reply to observations set forth in department’s note of Sept. 8, 1905, says the arguments do not appear to warrant application of the French minimum tariff to Porto Rican coffees. States the French Government would be disposed to utilize the interval until Aug. 1, 1908, in ascertaining whether the Federal Government would be willing in exchange for such minimum tariff to grant to French merchandise the reduction provided by Section HI of the American customs law of July 24, 1897, on champagnes and sparkling wines which are not included in agreement of May 28.1898. | 289 | |
Memorandum to the French Embassy. | May 21 | Same subject. Acknowledges memorandum of Mar. 26, and states that the proposals of the French Government are receiving careful consideration and that a response thereto will be made in the near future. | 291 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Jusserand | June 19 | Same subject. Sends memorandum in reply to embassy’s memorandum of Mar. 26, relating to duty on Porto Rican coffee, and also letter suggesting certain changes in the French restrictive regulations applicable to American cattle, meats, fruits, and plants. Says United States is ready to join in appointment of a commission of tariff experts to consider tariff relations with France. | 291 | |
Memorandum to the French Embassy. | do | Same subject. Refers to embassy’s memorandum of Mar. 26, and submits observations on the proposed application of rates of French general tariff to imports of Porto Rican coffee now subject to minimum rates. | 298 | |
406 | Mr. Root to Mr. Jusserand | do | Same subject. Refers to department’s memorandum of this date, and calls attention to several ameliorative changes which the United States desires to have made by France in its present restrictive regulations affecting admission into France of American cattle, meats, fruits, and plants. | 302 |
French minister for foreign affairs to Mr. Jusserand. | Oct. 11 | International commission for the adjustment of damages growing out of the disorders at Casablanca. Announces the taking by France, jointly with Spain, of military measures demanded of it for repression of crimes and protection of foreign colonies threatened by aggressive attitude of tribes, and defines the general principles which should govern decision of the Shereefian Government in this matter. | 628 | |
Memorandum from the French Embassy. | 1907. Oct. 22 | Same subject. Announces the proposed appointment of a commission by the Sultan for examination of claims and the question of payment of indemnities, states that as soon as advised by the powers of approval of certain principles France and Spain will jointly submit propositions to the Sultan. | 630 | |
Memorandum to the French Embassy. | Oct. 23 | Same subject. Acknowledges memorandum of Oct. 21, and expresses approval of proposal for an indemnity commission. | 631 | |
do | Nov. 2 | Same subject. Acknowledges communication of Oct. 11 addressed by French minister for foreign affairs to the French ambassador and refers to department’s memorandum of Oct. 23. | 632 | |
Mr. Jusserand to Mr. Root | Nov. 12 | Commercial agreement between the United States and France. Communicates result of examination of the propositions formulated by United States Government in reply to those of France, and incloses tables of statistics. | 304 | |
Memorandum from the French Embassy. | Nov. 28 | Same subject. Submits statement based upon importations for 1906 according to French statistics, and upon exportations according to American statistics. Says fact can not be ignored that increase of American exports in 1906 is due to enjoying benefit of French minimum tariff, which fact shows value that attaches to concession of minimum tariff. | 315 | |
Memorandum to the French Embassy. | Dec. 3 | International commission for adjustment of damages growing out of disorders at Casablanca. Referring to embassy’s memorandum of Oct. 21 and to department’s memorandum of Oct. 23, states that American representative at Tangier will be instructed to sit on mixed commission when American claims are up for discussion. | 633 | |
Memorandum from the French Embassy. | Dec. 21 | Commercial agreement between the United States and France. Discusses provisions of the tariff law of United States of July 24, 1897. | 317 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Jusserand | Dec. 28 | Same subject. Transmits memorandum in reply to his note of Nov. 12 containing counter proposals of France for new commercial agreement, and also in reply to memorandum of Nov. 28 on same subject. | 321 | |
Memorandum to the French Embassy. | do | Same subject. Replies to French note of Nov. 12. | 322 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Jusserand | 1908. Jan. 11 | Same subject. Confirms in writing his answer to questions concerning publication of reports of the two commissions provided for in agreement. | 327 | |
Mr. Jusserand to Mr. Root | Jan. 25 | Same subject. Acknowledges his note of Jan. 11 and says French Government put forth no objection to statements therein. | 328 | |
Jan. 28 | Same subject. Text of additional agreement to agreements signed on May 28, 1898, and Aug. 20, 1902. | 329 | ||
do | Same subject. Text | 330 | ||
Mr. Root to Mr. Jusserand | Jan. 29 | Same subject. Acknowledges note of Jan. 25 and says view of French Government agrees with view of United States Government regarding power to be invested in the commissioners. | 328 | |
Mar. 14 | Arbitration convention between the United States and France. Text. | 331 | ||
Mr. Root to Mr. White (telegram). | May 7 | Joint international commission for investigation of opium question in the Far East. See telegram of May 7 to Great Britain. | 86 | |
344 | Mr. White to Mr. Root | May 29 | Maintenance of the status quo in territories bordering upon the North Sea. Refers to his No. 305 of Apr. 25 and transmits copy of a Yellow Book, just issued by French Government, containing text of declaration and memorandum explaining its object. | 337 |
June 15 | Agreement between the United States and other powers for the repression of the trade in white women. Text. | 333 | ||
Mr. Adee to Mr White (telegram). | June 20 | Joint international opium commission for investigation of opium question in the Far East. See telegram of June 20 to Japan. | 92 | |
Same to same | July 11 | Same subject. See telegram of July 11 to Great Britain. | 92 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. White | July 21 | Same subject. See telegram of July 21 to Great Britain. | 93 | |
Mr. Adee to Mr. White | Aug. 1 | Same subject. See telegram of Aug. 1 to Japan | 94 | |
Memorandum from the French Embassy. | 1908. Sept. 14 | Recognition of Mulai Hafid as Sultan of Morocco. Discusses the situation and submits points upon which the French and Spanish Governments believe the guarantees to be obtained from the new maghzen should bear. | 644 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Jusserand | Oct. 9 | Same subject. Incloses copy of memorandum in reply to embassy’s memorandum left at department Sent. 14. | 647 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. White (telegram) | Oct. 20 | Same subject. See telegram of Oct. 20 to Morocco. | 649 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Jusserand | do | Same subject. See note of Oct. 20 to Spanish legation. | 650 | |
278 | Mr. Root to Mr. White | Oct. 22 | Same subject. See instruction No. 102 of Oct. 20 to Morocco. | 651 |
528 | Mr. Vignaud to Mr. Root | Nov. 4 | Same subject. Reports the names of the three French delegates to the opium conference. | 108 |
Mr. Root to Mr. White | Nov. 6 | Same subject. See telegram of Nov. 6 to Japan | 108 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. White | Nov. 11 | Same subject. See telegram of Nov. 11 to Great Britain. | 109 | |
Same to same | Nov. 19 | Same subject. See telegram of Nov. 19 to Great Britain. | 110 | |
Mr. White to Mr. Root (telegram). | Nov. 30 | Same subject. “French Government have no objection to the substitution of the date of Feb. 1 to Jan. 1 for the meeting of the opium conference at Shanghai.” | 113 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. White (telegram). | Dec. 3 | Same subject. See telegram of this date to Great Britain. | 114 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
663 | Mr. Root to Mr. Tower | 1907. June 14 | Military service case of Carlos Stoetzel. Incloses copy of letter from George Stoetzel setting forth facts in regard to his son Carlos, who has been summoned to appear for military duty in Germany. Incloses also proof of the naturalization of Carlos StoetzePs father and instructs him to request the German Government to recognize Stoetzel as a citizen of the United States and relieve him from military obligations in Germany. | 373 |
3121 | Baron Sternberg to Mr. Root | July 25 | Shooting of Frank Xavier Dick, a German subject, by a policeman at Salem, Oreg. Incloses papers giving facts in connection with the shooting of Dick, and asks that indemnity be allowed. | 355 |
622 | Mr. Bacon to Baron Sternberg. | Sept. 26 | Same subject. Acknowledges No. 3121 of July 25, and incloses copy of communication from the governor of Oregon transmitting report from the prosecuting attorney who conducted the case. Says department does not consider circumstances of case would justify payment of an indemnity as act | 356 |
725 | Mr. Adee to Mr. Tower | Oct. 14 | Military service case of Joseph Mayer. Incloses for appropriate action copies of correspondence concerning the case of Mayer, who desires to obtain remission of fine imposed on him by German military authorities. | 371 |
5232 | Baron Sternberg to Mr. Root | Nov. 23 | Shooting of Frank Xavier Dick, a German subject, by a policeman of Salem, Oreg. Referring to department’s No. 622 of Sept. 26, again takes up the case and suggests that the granting of an indemnity by the State of Oregon or Salem would be equitable. | 358 |
663 | Mr. Bacon to Baron Sternberg. | Dec. 6 | Same subject. Acknowledges No. 5232 of Sept. 23, and states that representations regarding the granting of indemnity have again, as requested, been referred to the governor of Oregon. | 359 |
1288 | Mr. Tower to Mr. Root | 1908. Jan. 24 | Marriage of American citizens in Germany or on German territory. Refers to department’s No. 731 of Oct. 23, 1907, and incloses copy of note of Jan. 18 from minister for foreign affairs stating that difficulties could be avoided by appointment in United States, as has been done in most other countries, of officials authorized to issue certificates setting forth absence of any hindrance to marriages of American citizens wishing to be married in Germany. | 360 |
1289 | Same to same. | 1908. Jan. 30 | Military service case of Joseph Mayer. Acknowledges No. 763 of Jan. 11, and reports that no reply has been received to his note to the foreign office submitting case of Mayer, the time required by German Government for investigation and decision of military cases being on an average four months. | 371 |
1296 | Same to same. | Feb. 6 | Military service case of Carlos Stoetzel. Refers to previous correspondence and incloses copy of note from the foreign office stating that Carlos Stoetzel can not be stricken from the German military lists. Returns naturalization certificate of George Stoetzel. | 374 |
734 | Mr. Bacon to Baron Sternberg. | Feb. 28 | Shooting of Frank Xavier Dick, a German subject, by a policeman at Salem, Oreg. Refers to his note No. 5232 of Nov. 23, and states that the city of Salem has decided to tender to Dick $100, as a matter of equity, notwithstanding that the city is in no way liable for any damages. | 359 |
1034 | Count Hatzieldt to Mr. Hoot. | Mar. 7 | Extradition of Jr. O. Stensland from Morocco. Brings to department’s attention protest of Germany on account of alleged irregularity on the part of the American consul general at Tangier in connection with the manner of the extradition of Stensland. | 353 |
71 | Mr. Root to Count Hatzfeldt. | Mar. 16 | Same subject. Acknowledges his note No. 1034 of Mar. 7 and states that representations made therein will have consideration. | 354 |
148 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Hill | Mar. 24 | Commercial agreement between the United States and Germany. Incloses copy of letter from Treasury Department stating that provisions of point “F” have been extended to Netherlands chambers of commerce, and recommending that Oscar Gottschalk, confidential agent at Cologne, be accredited to Netherlands also, in accordance with point “E.” | 346 |
1331 | Mr. Tower to Mr. Root | Apr. 3 | Military service case of Joseph Mayer. Supplementary to No. 1289 of Jan. 30, incloses copy of note from the foreign office stating that Mayer’s American citizenship has been recognized, his name stricken from the German military lists, judgment against him canceled, and permission allowed him to make a visit to Wurtemberg not to exceed six months. | 372 |
Memorandum from the German Embassy. | Apr. 10 | Shooting of Frank Xavier Dick, a German subject, by a policeman at Salem, Oreg. Refers to departments’ No. 704 of Feb. 26, concerning payment of $100 as a full discharge of all claims, and protests against the insufficiency of the amount. Suggests that $200 additional be paid to Dick. | 359 | |
814 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Tower | Apr. 14 | Military service case of Carlos Stoetzel. Acknowledges his No. 1296 of Feb. 6, and instructs him to inform the German Government that department adheres to the position it has always taken and dissents from the view expressed by Germany with reference to Stoetzel. | 375 |
815 | Same to same | do. | Same subject, supplementary to instruction No. 814 of even date, refers to No. 615 of Feb. 27, 1907, and instructs him again to bring to attention of German Government case of Stoetzel urging that Questions involved be given consideration. | 376 |
Memorandum to the German Embassy. | Apr. 28 | Shooting of Frank Xavier Dick, a German subject, by a policeman at Salem, Oreg. States that a copy of embassy’s memorandum of Apr. 10 has been sent to the governor of Oregon for appropriate action. | 360 | |
1350 | Mr. Tower to Mr. Root | Apr. 30 | Military service case of Carlos Stoetzel. Acknowledges No. 815 of Apr. 14, and reports addressing a note to the foreign office requesting an answer regarding the case. | 377 |
1351 | Same to same | do | Same subject. Acknowledges No. 814 of Apr. 14, and states that he addressed a note this date to foreign office requesting that case again be brought to attention of German authorities and Stoetzel’s American citizenship recognized. | 376 |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Tower | do | Military service case of Joseph Mayer. Acknowledges his No. 1331 of Apr. 3, and expresses gratification at favorable decision of German Government in case. | 373 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Hill | May 7 | Joint international commission for investigation of opium question in the Far East. See telegram of May 7 to Great Britain. | 86 | |
750 | Mr. Bacon to Baron Sternberg. | 1908. May 16 | Shooting of Frank Xavier Dick, a German subject, by a policeman at Salem, Oreg. States that Dick has been paid $100 and his receipt taken in full for all demands. | 360 |
764 | Mr. Bacon to Count Hatzfeldt. | June 3 | Extradition of P. O. Stensland from Morocco. Refers to previous correspondence and advises him of result of department’s investigation of circumstances surrounding the extradition of Stensland. | 354 |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Hill (telegram). | June 20 | Joint international commission for investigation of opium question in the Far East. See telegram of June 20 to Japan. | 92 | |
Same to same | July 11 | Same subject. See telegram of July 11 to Great Britain. | 92 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Hill | July 21 | Same subject. See telegram of July 21 to Great Britain. | 93 | |
15 | Mr. Adee to Mr. Hill | July 24 | Marriage of American citizens in Germany or on German territory. Incloses copies of correspondence between department and consul at Tsingtau in regard to the authority of consular officers to issue certain certificates required by regulations of the colony of Kiaochow to persons who desire to be married. | 362 |
Same to same | Aug. 1 | Joint international commission for investigation of the opium question in the Far East. See telegram 1 of Aug. 1 to Japan. | 94 | |
Mr. Hill to Mr. Root (telegram). | Aug. 16 | Same subject. Reports that Germany agrees with proposals relative to organization and meeting of opium conference. Names delegates. | 95 | |
Same to same (telegram) | Aug. 24 | Death of Baron von Sternberg, German Ambassador to United States. “German ambassador to the United States died last night at Heidelberg.” | 339 | |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Hill (telegram). | do | Same subject. Expresses grief at the death of Baron von Sternberg and directs him to convey fitting expression of sorrow and condolence on behalf of President and Secretary of State. | 339 | |
Mr. Adee to Baroness von Sternberg (telegram). | do | Same subject. “In name of department and in the absence of the Secretary I tender heartfelt condolence upon the great bereavement you have suffered.” | 339 | |
Count Hatzfeldt to Mr. Root (telegram). | do. | Same subject. Announces the death of Ambassador Baron Sternberg at Heidelberg Aug. 23. | 339 | |
Mr. Adee to Count Hatzfeldt (telegram). | do | Same subject. States that the intelligence of the Ambassador’s death was received through Ambassador Hill, who was telegraphically directed to convey to the foreign office the President’s condolence. Says that the Baroness von Sternberg was cabled to at Heidelberg. | 340 | |
59 | Mr. Hill to Mr. Root | Aug. 28 | Same subject. Incloses copy of note verbale from the foreign office expressing appreciation of the expressions of sympathy from the President and Secretary of State upon the death of Baron von Sternberg. | 340 |
80 | Mr. Hill to Mr. Root | Sept. 22 | Expulsion of Mormon missionaries from Germany. Incloses copies of correspondence exchanged between the embassy and the consulate at Breslau concerning the expulsion of Adelbert A. Taylor and Henry A. Rich, Mormon missionaries, and requests instructions from department as to whether the embassy should offer remonstrance against said exoulsion. | 366 |
49 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Hill | Oct. 16 | Same subject. Acknowledging No. 80 of Sept. 22, incloses copy of recent note to Netherlands legation and gives department’s attitude in the premises. Refers to certain correspondence in foreign relations of 1898, and says it is proper to lay facts before German Government if satisfied that individual Mormon agents are seeking embassy’s intervention may not be teaching or secretly practicing polygamy. | 369 |
Mr. Root to Mr. Hill (telegram). | Oct. 20 | Recognition of Mouley Hafid as Sultan of Morocco. See telegram of Oct. 20 to Morocco. | 649 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Hatzfeldt | do | Same subject. See note of Oct. 20 to Spanish legation. | 650 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Hill | Nov. 6 | Joint international commission for investigation of the opium question in the Far East. See telegram of Nov. 6 to Japan. | 108 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Hill | Nov. 11 | Same subject. See telegram of Nov. 11 to Great Britain. | 109 | |
Same to same | Nov. 19 | Same subject. See telegram of Nov. 19 to Great Britain. | 110 | |
Mr. Hill to Mr. Root (telegram). | Nov. 28 | Same subject. Report that Germany agrees to postponement of conference to Feb. 1, and that Herr 1 Roessler, consul at Canton, has been given rank and character of consul general during conference. | 113 | |
153 | Same to same | 1908. Dec. 1 | Expulsion of Mormon missionaries from Germany. Refers to previous correspondence and incloses copy of memorandum addressed to German Government in which it is pointed out that Mormon missionaries are entitled to protection of United States the same as other American citizens so long as their religion is without moral grounds of objection. | 370 |
Mr. Root to Mr. Hill (telegram). | Dec. 3 | Joint international commission for investigation of the opium question in the Far East. See telegram of this date to Great Britain. | 114 |
great britain.
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
16 | Mr. Bryce to Mr. Root | 1908. Jan. 20 | Revolution in Haiti. Requests that naval authorities be instructed to afford protection to British subjects in Haiti pending arrival of H. M. S. Indefatigable. | 428 |
224 | Mr. Carter to Mr. Root | Jan. 21 | Affairs in the Kongo. Reports being informed that British minister to Belgium has been instructed to make to that Government communication already arranged with Minister Wilson as stated in Ambassador Reid’s No. 216. Says this will enable British minister to act as soon as Department instructs Minister Wilson. | 539 |
223 | Mr. Root to Mr. Bryce | Jan. 23 | Revolution in Haiti. Acknowledges his No. 16 of Jan. 20, and says that commanding officer of U. S. S. Eagle has been instructed by cable to afford protection to British subjects. | 428 |
545 | Same to same | Feb. 28 | Affairs in the Kongo. Reports substance of interview with Sir Edward Grey in regard to the Kongo during which Sir Edward denned more clearly his position. | 543 |
65 | Mr. Bryce to Mr. Root | Mar. 23 | Same subject. Announces forwarding to British Government report on conditions in the Kongo by Consul General Smith at Boma. | 553 |
Mr. Carter to Mr. Root (telegram). | Mar. 31 | Same subject. Reports forwarding copy of Sir Edward Grey’s instructions to British minister at Brussels in which is explained British Government’s view of treaty obligations of the Kongo Free State, and opinion of what is required to bring administration of that State into harmony with said obligations. | 555 | |
567 | Same to same | do. | Same subject. Incloses copy of note from foreign office of even date together with copy of dispatch from Sir Edward Grey to British minister at Brussels to which it refers. | 555 |
75 | Mr. Bryce to Mr. Root | Apr. 7 | same subject. Gives purport of telegram from Sir Edward Grey giving the line of policy he proposes to adopt toward the Belgian Government with reference to the Kongo. Says that in the event United States views prove similar to the British it is hoped instructions may be telegraphed to American minister at Brussels accordingly. | 561 |
287 | Mr. Root to Mr. Bryce | Apr. 8 | Same subject. Acknowledges note No. 75 of Apr. 7 and expresses thanks for information therein contained. Says that in response to views expressed by Sir Edward Grey department has telegraphically instructed the American minister at Brussels to join in representations in the same sense. | 562 |
582 | Mr. Reid to Mr. Root | Apr. 16 | Same subject. Refers to embassy’s No. 567 of Mar. 31, and incloses copy of memorandum transmitted with dispatch from Sir Edward Grey to British minister at Brussels in regard to annexation of the Kongo by Belgium. | 567 |
Mr. Root to Mr. Reid (tele-)gram). | May 7 | Joint international commission for investigation of opium question in the Far East. Instructs him to inform British Government that United States has named Shanghai, and Jan. 1, 1909, as place and time of meeting. Says a commission will be appointed, and outlines preliminary steps each commission should take. | 86 | |
June 5 | Arbitration convention between the united states and Great Britain. Text. | 382 | ||
Mr. Adee to Mr. Reid (tele-) gram). | June 20 | Joint international commission for investigation of opium question in the Far East. See telegram of June 20 to Japan. | 92 | |
640 | Mr. Reid to Mr. Root | June 25 | Affairs in the Kongo. Refers to his No. 626 of June 11, and incloses copy of Sir Edward Grey’s memorandum to Belgian minister at London. | 574 |
July 1 | Treaty between United States and Great Britain relating to fisheries in United States and Canada waters. | 379 | ||
1908. July 1 | Treaty between the United States and Great Britain relating to the Canadian international boundary. | 384 | ||
July 10 | Reciprocity treaty between the United States and Great Britain. | 397 | ||
Mr. Adee to Mr. Reid (telegram). | July 11 | Joint international commission for investigation of the opium question in the Far East. Directs him to inform foreign office that United States commission is at work on opium question; enumerates particular points to be considered, and suggests that it would be advantageous if each commission could, before the meeting at Shanghai, study the question as it affects each country. | 92 | |
Sir Edward Grey to Mr. Reid | July 15 | Newfoundland fisheries agreement between the United States and Great Britain. States that Newfoundland Government have expressed the desire that the herring fishery during ensuing season should be conducted on same principles as season of 1907. | 378 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr Reid | July 21 | Joint international commission for investigation of opium question in the Far East. States that department would be gratified to learn whether time and place of meeting of the commission are agreeable to British Government, and instructs him to report names and rank of commissioners to be appointed, also what action will be made before the meeting at Shanghai. | 93 | |
Mr. Reid to Sir Edward Grey. | July 23 | Newfoundland fisheries agreement between the United States and Great Britain. Acknowledges communication of July 15, and expresses gratification that Newfoundland Government was so well satisfied with modus vivendi for last year that American fishermen shall be permitted to conduct herring fisheries this year in same way. Says Mr. Alexander will be sent again this year. | 378 | |
Mr. Adee to Mr Reid | Aug. 1 | Joint international commission for investigation of opium question in the Far East. See telegram of Aug. 1 to Japan. | 94 | |
689 | Mr. Reid to Mr. Root | Aug. 25 | Same subject. Incloses copy of reply from foreign office, accepting proposal for meeting of commission; naming certain modifications in scope and procedure of commission deemed desirable, and stating that three British delegates will be named. | 96 |
Mr. Root to Mr. Reid (telegram). | Oct. 20 | Recognition of Mouley Hafid as Sultan of Morocco. See telegram of Oct. 20 to Morocco. | 649 | |
230 | Same to same | Oct. 22 | Same subject. See instruction No. 162 of Oct. 20 to Morocco. | 651 |
Same to same | Nov. 6 | Joint international commission for investigation of the opium question in the Far East. See telegram of Nov. 6 to Japan. | 108 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Reid (telegram) | Nov. 11 | Same subject. Informs him that the United States gives opium delegates simple designation as commissioners, and that it is hoped Chinese Government will grant them personal standing with, but before, consuls general. | 109 | |
756 | Mr. Reid to Mr. Root | Nov. 13 | Same subject. Reports the names and ranks of the British commissioners to the opium conference. | 109 |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Reid (telegram). | Nov. 19 | Same subject. States that owing to death of Emperor and Empress of China foreign office has requested postponement of conference until Feb. 1, and directs him to communicate information to British Government and report telegraphically its attitude. | 110 | |
Mr. Reid to Mr. Root (telegram). | do. | Same subject. Communicates request of Sir Edward Grey for further information, it not being clear how instructions to British delegates should be word ed. | 111 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Reid (telegram). | Nov. 20 | Same subject. States there has been some misunderstanding on part of British foreign office. Outlines again instructions to United States commissioners as to investigations before meeting at Shanghai. | 111 | |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Reid (telegram). | Dec. 1 | Same subject. Instructs him to inform foreign office that majority of powers have agreed to postponement and to ask early reply from British Government. | 113 | |
Mr. Reid to Mr. Root (telegram). | Dec. 2 | Same subject. “British Government approves postponement. Delay caused by the foreign office awaiting official assent of other departments.” | 114 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Reid (telegram). | Dec. 3 | Same subject. Instructs him to inform British Government that conference will convene Feb. 1, also to express appreciation at concurrence in the Chinese suggestion. | 114 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
35 | Mr. Root to Mr. Coromilas | 1908. Dec. 12 | Illegal immigration of Greeks into theUnited States. Incloses copy of report made by Miltiades M. Constantinides, interpreter in immigration service at Boston, relative to practice of certain Greeks who enter the United States as alleged priests of Greek Church, and requests an expression of views thereon. | 400 |
1454 | Mr. Coromilas to Mr. Root | Dec. 19 | Same subject. Acknowledges department’s note of Dec. 12 with its inclosure, and says an agreement has been reached between the Holy Synod of Greece and the Patriarchate of Constantinople according to which all priests emigrating to North America and belonging to the dioceses of Constantinople, Jerusalem, and Alexandria have been placed under the jurisdiction of the Holy Synod. Adds that it is possible to have certified to the sacerdotal capacity of clergymen, the manner of which certification will be announced later on. | 402 |
36 | Mr. Adee to Mr. Coromilas | Dec. 31 | Same subject. Acknowledges his note of Dec. 19 and expresses gratification that certification can be given in cases of clergymen of the Patriarchates of Constantinople, Jerusalem, and Alexandria. Adds that department will be glad to receive further information promised. | 403 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
15 | Mr. Sands to Mr. Bacon | 1907. Oct. 14 | Outrage on Milliken and Shine. Incloses affidavits of Simon Shine and George Milliken, relative to brutal beating of both by Gen. Ariz, governor of Zacapa, and his suite, with testimony of witnesses and correspondence with consul general at Guatemala City in regard to the matter. | 410 |
22 | Same to same | Oct. 21 | Same subject. Refers to his No. 15 of Oct. 14, and reports being assured by the minister for foreign affairs that he would be given full details as soon as they were received; also that severe sentence would be passed upon the assailants and that Gen. Ariz would be removed from office. | 411 |
24 | Same to same | Oct. 29 | Same subject. Refers to his Nos. 15 and 22 of Oct. 14 and 21, respectively, and reports assurance given by President Cabrera that the case should be satisfactorily terminated. Also reports proposition made by minister for foreign affairs that indemnity be fixed for injured men. Comments on difficulties of settling petty police cases without intervention of the President, and relations between legation and the Government. | 411 |
Mr. Sands to Mr. Root (telegram). | Nov. 6 | Same subject. Refers to his Nos. 15, 22, and 24; reports, after examination of negroes, the assault unprovoked and particularly brutal, and states that Guatemalan Government proposes money indemnification to victims and judicial punishment of minor offenders. Asks if proposal shall be accepted or whether he shall insist on trial of governor, officers, bodyguard, and iail officials. | 412 | |
Same to same (telegram) | Nov. 13 | Same subject. Reports that negroes assaulted at Zacapa are still awaiting department’s decision in case before departing; are without funds and living at his expense. Asks instructions. | 412 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Sands (telegram). | Nov. 15 | Same subject. Acknowledges telegrams of Nov. 6 and 13 and authorizes him to settle on basis of money indemnification and punishment of minor offenders. States that fixing of indemnity at $5,000 for each man is approved. | 413 | |
36 | Mr. Sands to Mr. Root | Nov. 20 | Same subject. Refers to his No. 32 of Nov. 14; reports communicating to the minister for foreign affairs contents of cabled instructions of Nov. 16, and gives account of the measures taken by him with a view to settling the matter. States that minister for foreign affairs seems willing to agree to department’s terms on all points except amount of indemnity, which is considered excessive. | 413 |
Mr. Barrios to Mr. Root | Nov. 30 | Completion of the Interoceanic Railway of Guatemala. Informs department that the railway will be formally opened Jan. 15, and asks that the United States be officially represented at the ceremonies. | 404 | |
Memorandum from the Guatemalan legation. | 1907. Dec. 6 | Outrage on Milliken and Shine. Discusses the alleged outrage on Shine and Milliken in Guatemala, from which it appears that the authorities were merely trying to quell a negro disturbance in Shine’s saloon, and asks for time in which to make a thorough investigation of the case. | 414 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Sands (telegram). | Dec. 7 | Same subject. Directs him informally to advise the minister for foreign affairs that ample time will be allowed for a thorough investigation of the facts of the cases; also instructs him to continue his investigations, reporting all material facts to department, and to take no further action until instructed. | 415 | |
Memorandum to the Guatemalan legation. | do | Same subject. Acknowledges memorandum of Dec. 6, and states that as the department desires that the cases shall be settled on their merits the fullest investigation of the facts is courted and the American charge d’affaires ad interim at Guatemala City has been instructed to advise the minister for foreign affairs that ample time is allowed for said investigation. | 415 | |
65 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Sands | Dec. 10 | Same subject. Acknowledges his No. 36 of Nov. 20, confirms department’s telegram of Dec. 6, and incloses copies of memoranda from and to the Guatemalan minister at Washington on the subject. | 416 |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Barrios | 1908. Jan. 6 | Completion of the Interoceanic Railway of Guatemala. Acknowledges his note of Nov. 30, 1907, and announces the selection of Maj. Gen. G. W. Davis, U. S. Army, retired, as the representative of the United States at the ceremonies attending the opening of the road. | 404 | |
Mr. Barrios to Mr. Root (telegram). | do. | Same subject. Announces completion of work on the Interoceanic Railway, and asks that an American delegation be sent to its inauguration on Jan. 19. | 405 | |
14 | Mr. Root to Mr. Herrarte | Jan. 7 | Same subject. Informs him that the President has commissioned Maj. Gen. George B. Davis, U. S. Army, retired, as minister on special mission, as the representative of the United States at ceremonies attending formal opening of railway. | 405 |
Mr. Root to Mr. Heimke (telegram). | do | Same subject. Instructs him to advise Guatemalan Government that Maj. Gen. Davis leaves this date with his secretary accredited as minister on special mission to represent United States at opening of railroad. | 405 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Barrios (telegram). | do | Same subject. Acknowledges telegram of Jan. 6, and offers congratulations on completion of railway. States that Maj. Gen. Davis has been designated to represent the United States at opening of the road on Jan. 19. | 405 | |
Mr. Sands to Mr. Root (telegram). | Jan. 8 | Outrage on Milliken and Shine. Reports concerning the proposition made by Gen. Ariz and the minister for foreign affairs for an immediate settlement of the affair, and inquires whether the offer shall be accepted. | 416 | |
Same to same (telegram) | Jan. 9 | Completion of the Interoceanic Railway of Guatemala. Expresses appreciation of President of Guatemala for appointment of so distinguished an American delegate to the opening of the railroad and friendly spirit of the United States. | 406 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Sands (telegram). | do. | Outrage on Milliken and Shine. Acknowledges his telegram of Jan. 8, and states that payment of $1,000 each to the two men and punishment of the policeman who wounded them will be acceptable with appropriate reprimand to the commanding general. | 416 | |
Mr. Barrios to Mr. Root (telegram). | Jan. 11 | Completion of the interoceanic Railway of Guatemala. Expresses thanks for felicitations and for sending of renresentative. | 406 | |
74 | Mr. Sands to Mr. Root | Feb. 21 | Same subject. Reports departure of Gen. Davis, Feb. 10, by special steamer for Colon, Panama, after attending ceremonies connected with opening of the railway, and describes the favorable impression created by Gen. Davis and courtesies extended to him by President Cabrera. | 406 |
89 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Sands | Mar. 10 | Same subject. Acknowledges his No. 74 of Feb. 21, and expresses gratification at the success of Gen. Davis’s mission and the courtesies extended to him by President Cabrera. | 407 |
91 | Mr. Root to Mr. Sands | 1908. Mar. 14 | Same subject. Incloses personal letter addressed by President Roosevelt to President Estrada to be transmitted through the channel most agreeable to the latter. | 407 |
Mr. Root to Mr. Barrios (telegram). | May 28 | Inauguration of Court of Justice for Central America. See telegram of even date to the Costa Rican minister of foreign relations, Mr. Anderson. | 216 | |
Mr. Heimke to Mr. Root (telegram). | Sept. 16 | Same subject. Reports inauguration of the bureau on Sept. 15. | 417 | |
Mr. Cabrera to Mr. Root (telegram). | do | Inauguration of the International Central American Bureau. Announces the inauguration of the bureau under most favorable auspices. | 417 | |
51 | Mr. Herrarte to Mr. Adee | do | Same subject. Announces that in accordance with the convention concluded at Washington, Dec. 20, 1907, the bureau was inaugurated, Sept. 15, 1908, at Guatemala City. | 417 |
Mr. Echeverria, Mr. Gillen, Mr. Pinto, Mr. Barahona, and Mr. Zeledon to Mr. Roosevelt (telegram). | do | Same subject. Announce the inauguration of the bureau, by the President of Guatemala, in impressive solemnity and amidst great rejoicing. | 417 | |
Mr. Echeverria, Mr. Gillen, Mr. Pinto, Mr. Barahona, and Mr. Zeledon to Mr. Root (telegram). | do | Same subject. Announce the inauguration, in Guatemala City, of the bureau by the President of Guatemala. | 418 | |
Mr. Cabrera to Mr. Roosevelt (telegram). | do | Same subject. Announces the inauguration of the bureau, and expresses gratitude as well as extending greetings in the name of Guatemala and in his own. | 418 | |
99 | Mr. Heimke to Mr. Root | do | Same subject. Reports details in connection with the inauguration of the bureau, in accordance with the convention signed at Washington, Dec. 20, 1907. States that the delegates are Ricardo Echeverria, Costa Rica; José Pinto, Guatemala; Manuel Echeverria, Honduras; Dr. Benjamin F. Zeledon, Nicaragua; and Dr. Carlos Gillen, Salvador. | 419 |
Mr. Barrios to Mr. Root (telegram). | Sept. 17 | Same subject. Announces inauguration this day of the bureau, in accordance with the convention signed at Washington. | 420 | |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Echeverria, Mr. Gillen, Mr. Pinto, Mr. Barahona, and Mr. Zeledon (telegram). | Sept. 20 | Same subject. In the name of the Secretary of State extends cordial congratulations to the members of the bureau, and good wishes for a useful and broad field of work. | 420 | |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Barrios (telegram). | do | Same subject. Offers appreciative acknowledgment of his gratifying telegram reporting the inauguration of the bureau. | 420 | |
Mr. Roosevelt to Mr. Echeverria, Mr. Gillen, Mr. Pinto, Mr. Barahona, and Mr. Zeledon. | do | Same subject. Offers cordial congratulations and good wishes for the success of the high purposes of the bureau. | 420 | |
Mr. Roosevelt to Mr. Cabrera (telegram). | do | Same subject. Conveys congratulations upon inauguration of the bureau. | 420 | |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Cabrera (telegram). | do | Same subject. Tenders congratulations upon the opening of the bureau. | 421 | |
Mr. Echeverria, Mr. Gillen, Mr. Barahona, Mr. Pinto, and Mr. Zeledon to Mr. Root. | Sept. 25 | Same subject. Refer to telegram announcing opening of the bureau on Sept. 15, and give assurances of intention to do all in their power to attain the high purposes for which the bureau was created, at the same time asking for the moral and effective support of personages like the Secretary who are interested in the peace, union, and progress of the Central American Republics. | 421 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Echeverria, Mr. Gillen, Mr. Barahona, Mr. Pinto, and Mr. Zeledon. | Oct. 14 | Same subject. Acknowledges their letter of Sept. 25, confirming their telegram of Sept. 16, and expresses gratification at the assurances of intention to attain the high purpose for which the bureau was created. | 421 | |
Same to same | Oct. 19 | Same subject. Acknowledges, by reference from the President, letter of Sept. 25, and expresses gratification occasioned by the assurances that it is their intention to do everything possible to attain the high purposes for which the bureau was created. | 422 | |
9 | Mr. Herrarte to Mr. Root | Oct. 30 | Special mission of the minister for foreign affairs of Guatemala to the United States. Announces arrival in Washington of don Juan Barrios, minister of foreign relations of Guatemala, appointed as envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary on special mission, and asks that an audience with the President be obtained. | 408 |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Herrarte | do | Same subject. Acknowledges note of even date and informs him that the President will receive him and Minister Barrios at the White House on Nov. 2. | 408 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
Mr. Furniss to Mr. Root (telegram). | 1908. Jan. 16 | Revolution in Haiti. Reports outbreak of revolution headed by Gen. Gumeau and the falling of Gonaives and St. Marc into hands of revolutionists. | 423 | |
278 | Same to same | Jan. 17 | Same subject. Reports meeting of diplomatic corps at legation, and incloses copy of note of protest against bombardment of St. Marc without notice, addressed to minister for foreign affairs and signed by American, French, German, and British representatives. | 423 |
280 | Same to same | do | Same subject, incloses copies of correspondence with foreign office relative to blockade decreed at Gonaives and St. Marc. | 425 |
Same to same (telegram) | do | Same subject. Reports formal notmcation ot the blockade of St. Marc and Gonaives. Says consular agent at Gonaives reports fall of that town and that Government officers have taken shelter in agency, the revolutionists refusing permission for them to embark. States that French minister has cabled for man-of-war. | 425 | |
Same to same (telegram) | do | Same subject. Reports interview with Haitian President who insists on bombarding St. Marc, and says diplomatic corps have decided to protest against bombardment. | 426 | |
1711 | Mr. Leger to Mr. Root | Jan. 18 | Same subject. Announces that the ports of Gonaives and St. Marc have been declared to be in state of blockade. | 426 |
Mr. Furniss to Mr. Root (telegram). | Jan. 20 | Same subject. “Haitian Government announces that St. Marc is in the hands of the Government troops.” | 426 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Furniss (telegram). | Jan. 22 | Same subject. Informs him it is understood that revolutionary leader at St. Marc is at American consulate and is agent of conspirators in New York. Instructs him to inform Government of dismissal of consul, and to go or send responsible person to receive archives. | 427 | |
Mr. Furniss to Mr. Root (telegram). | Jan. 23 | Same subject. Suggests that consular agency at St. Marc be temporarily turned over to a responsible person at that place, as it is impossible on account of lack of means of communication to go or send anyone from Port-au-Prince. Says that Haitian officials have sought shelter at consular agency at Port de Paix, which place is in hands of revolutionists. | 427 | |
28 | Same to same | Jan. 24 | Same subject. Refers to his No. 278 of Jan. 17, and incloses copy of note from minister of foreign affairs acknowledging his note of protest against bombardment of St. Marc. | 427 |
Same to same (telegram) | Jan. 28 | Same subject. Reports the surrender of Gonaives, which doubtless ends the revolution, and says the archives of the consular agency are in custody of Hugo Jurgensen, a German merchant, whom it will be necessary to designate as agent temporarily. | 429 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Furniss (telegram). | do | Same subject. Directs him to convey congratulations to Haitian Government on ending of revolution, and to assure minister for foreign affairs that revolutionists are not to be considered under protection of United States. Approved temporary designation of Hugo Jurgensen as agent at St. Marc, and gives instructions for attitude of agent at Gonaives toward anyone participating in revolution | 429 | |
Mr. Furniss to Mr. Root (telegram). | Jan. 29 | Same subject. Reports removal of blockade at Gonaives and St. Marc. | 429 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Furniss (telegram). | Jan. 31 | Same subject. Refers to department’s telegram of Jan. 28, and instructs him to proceed at once to St. Marc and Gonaives if necessary and report exact condition of affairs, as Haitian minister states that consular agent at St. Marc continues to protect revolutionary refugees. | 430 | |
Mr. Furniss to Mr. Root (telegram). | Feb. 1 | Same subject. Reports receipt of telegram from consular agent at St. Marc stating that 5 of the refugees at Miot’s have been shot and 10 put in prison; that consulate at Gonaives is guarded by Haitian troops, the Haitians therein refusing to leave; that the Indefatigable is at Gonaives, and that consular agent at Port de Paix reports having 11 refugees. Asks what instructions he shall give Port de Paix. | 430 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Furniss (telegram). | Feb. 3 | Same subject. Acknowledges his telegram and instructs him regarding the attitude he is to assume with regard to the refugees, in view of the altered situation at Gonaives and Port de Paix. | 430 | |
Mr. Furniss to Mr. Root (telegram). | 1908. Feb. 5 | Same subject. Reports conveying instructions of Feb. 3 to minister for foreign affairs, and says it is impossible to have refugees at Gonaives and Port de Paix brought to Port au Prince, Haitian Government agreeing to consider them under protection of legation. Urges department to await confidential dispatches before entering into agreement with Haiti as to giving up refugees for trial. | 431 | |
Same to same (telegram) | do | Same subject. Reports explainmg to diplomatic corps department’s position as to extending asylum to revolutionists. Quotes telegram sent by French, German, and British representatives to their Governments concerning the refugees and expressing a desire to request their embarkation on the declaration that they will not return to Haiti during the present Presidency. | 431 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Furniss (telegram). | Feb. 7 | Same subject. Acknowledges his telegram of Feb. 5, and instructs him not to lend either official or personal support to any action such as suggestion to deport all refugees to Cuba, as that island is under responsible administration of United States and any proposal to make it a place of political asylum could not be sanctioned. | 432 | |
Mr. Furniss to Mr. Root (telegram). | Feb. 10 | Same subject. Reports that Haitian refugees escaped from consular agency at Gonaives at their own risk and peril. Says consul at Cape Haitian reports he has 5 Haitian refugees who took no part in revolution and that they will be allowed to leave. | 432 | |
333 | Same to same | Mar. 17 | Same subject. Reiers to his No. 237 of Mar. 12 and incloses copies of correspondence exchanged between the legation and foreign office relative to his request for extension of few days in execution of orders of expulsion issued against 2 persons claiming American citizenship. Points out serious trouble likely to result from summary expulsion of foreigners from Haiti. | 433 |
347 | Same to same | Mar. 27 | Same subject. Refers to press reports concerning attitude of United States in the matter of asylum for Haitians being pursued for political offenses, and requests instructions as to future practice of the legation and consulates relative to acceptance of so-called political offenders. | 435 |
355 | Same to same | Apr. 9 | Refusal of Haitian Government to permit the landing of American travelers at Haitian ports. Incloses copies of correspondence had with ministry of foreign affairs relative to disposition of Haitian authorities to prevent landing of American travelers at Haitian ports. | 447 |
112 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Furniss | Apr. 11 | Revolution in Haiti. Acknowledges his No. 347 of Mar. 27, and instructs him as to question of asylum of refugees. | 435 |
117 | Mr. Root to Mr. Furniss | Apr. 27 | Refusal of Haitian Government to permit the landing of American travelers at Haitian ports. Acknowledges his No. 355 of Apr. 9, and expresses approval of his course in the matter. | 449 |
374 | Mr. Furniss to Mr. Root | May 12 | Revolution in Haiti. Refers to department’s No. 112 of Apr. 11, and reports that the policy of the United States in regard to asylum in the legation or consular offices in Haiti has been published. Incloses copies of correspondence with Consul Livingston and minister for foreign affairs. | 436 |
376 | Same to same | May 13 | Refusal of Haitian Government to permit the landing of American travelers at Haitian ports. Referring to his No. 355 of Apr. 9, incloses copies of correspondence had with foreign office concerning permission for Americans to land at Haitian ports, and gives details surrounding case of Martin J. lorns. | 449 |
384 | Same to same | May 22 | Revolution in Haiti. Incloses copy of note from minister for foreign affairs announcing abolition of custom of granting asylum by various legations and consulates in Haiti, and requesting that consular agencies be given precise instructions in conformity therewith. Calls attention to dissatisfaction of his colleagues with note in that it virtually conveys orders to them. | 437 |
121 | Mr. Root to Mr. Furniss | June 1 | Refusal of Haitian Government to permit the landing of American travelers at Haitian ports. Acknowledges his No. 376 of May 13, and expresses approval of his course in dealing with the matter. Department does not deem it advisable to raise any further question in the instance of Mr. Martin J. Iorns. | 452 |
389 | Mr. Furniss to Mr. Root | 1908. June 3 | Fees exacted from Americans for permits to leave Haiti. Incloses copies of correspondence with minister for foreign affairs concerning collection of fees for permits enabling Americans to leave Haiti. Calls attention to apparent desire of Haitian Government to avoid saying whether they intend doing away with the illegal fees, and requests instructions. | 452 |
Mr. Leger to Mr. Bacon | July 17 | Revolution in Haiti. Expresses thanks for department’s efforts in obtaining abolishment of alleged right of asylum in Haiti, and requests the Government of United States to aid in obtaining from European powers a relinquishment of the practice. | 439 | |
126 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Furniss | July 23 | Fees exacted from Americans for permits to leave Haiti. Acknowledges his No. 389 of June 3, discusses questions raised in correspondence inclosed therein, and instructs him that in case specific instances of improper collections are brought to his notice to again bring such instances informally to the attention of the minister for foreign affairs and request that restitution be directed. | 455 |
417 | Mr. Furniss to Mr. Root | Aug. 10 | Same subject. Acknowledges department’s No. 126 of July 25, and reports that since his representation to Haitian Government there has been no further cause for complaint so far as treatment of Americans who have made application for permits to leave Haiti is concerned. | 455 |
Same to same (telegram) | Nov. 21 | Revolution in Haiti. “Haitian Government has officially notified me that the port of Aux Cayes is declared blockaded.” | 439 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Furniss (telegram). | Nov. 23 | Same subject. Acknowledges his telegram of Nov. 21 and instructs him to convey to Haitian Government the usual notice that blockade must be proclaimed and maintained by adequate force in order to be respected. | 439 | |
Mr. Furniss to Mr. Root (telegram). | Nov. 26 | Same subject. Reports minister for foreign affairs admits Haitian Government’s inability to make blockade effective, and has notified local steamship agents that merchandise for ports declared closed must be landed at Port au Prince. Requests instructions concerning American merchandise on German vessel from New York. | 440 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Furniss (telegram). | Nov. 27 | Same subject. Informs him that blockade and closing of ports held by insurgents without previous notice and effective force will not be recognized, and indemnity may be claimed for losses sustained bv reason of refusal to clear vessels for such ports. | 440 | |
Same to same (telegram) | Nov. 28 | Same subject. States that circumstance that part of cargo of German vessel may be American property does not give United States right to intervene on behalf of vessel, and adds that German legation is competent to deal with the case. | 440 | |
458 | Mr. Furniss to Mr. Root | do | Same subject. Incloses copies of correspondence exchanged between legation and foreign office concerning the blockade and closing of the ports of Aux Cayes, Jeremie, and Aquin, together with copies of decrees relative to said ports. | 441 |
Mr. Root to Mr. Furniss (telegram). | Dec. 5 | Same subject, informs him that in absence of naval vessels of European powers with interests in Haiti, American naval forces will afford protection and refuge from immediate violence upon urgent request for protection. | 442 | |
Mr. Furniss to Mr. Root (telegram). | Dec. 6 | Same subject. Reports Haitian Navy has professed loyalty to Simon, who has convoked Congress for immediate session to elect President. Reports also arrival of returning exiles. | 443 | |
Same to same (telegram) | do | Same subject. Refers to instructions of this date and inquires whether it was intentional to exclude dominicans and Cubans who are without war ships and expect protection from United States. Reports on situation, and asks whether in the event Simon and his party set up provisional government without the adherence of all Haiti, he should recognize it. | 443 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Furniss (telegram). | Dec. 7 | Same subject. Refers to supplementary telegram of Dec. 5 and says temporary protection will be cheerfully extended, as far as practicable, to citizens of any friendly State not having naval vessel at hand, instructs him to show this to senior American naval officer. | 444 | |
Mr. Furniss to Mr. Root (telegram). | 1908. Dec. 11 | Same subject. Reports publishment of decree convoking Congress on Dec. 17 for election of President, also giving the cabinet of Simon, and receipt of note from Gen. Simon, provisional minister for foreign affairs, which is presumably a request for recognition. Inquires whether he shall recognize the provisional government. | 444 | |
Same to same (telegram) | do | Same subject. Refers to his telegram of yesterday and says diplomatic corps unanimously decided that situation is not opportune to recognize present existing authority. | 444 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Furniss (telegram). | Dec. 11 | Same subject. Acknowledges his telegrams of Dec. 11, and states that no formal act of recognition is necessary or expedient. Outlines nature of answer he should address to provisional minister for foreign affairs. | 445 | |
Mr. Furniss to Mr. Root (telegram). | Dec. 17 | Same subject. “Simon unanimously elected President by Congress to-day at noon. All is calm.” | 445 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Furniss (telegram). | do | Same subject. Instructs him to recognize the de facto presidency of Simon, and to confer with naval commander as to salutes. | 445 | |
Mr. Furniss to Mr. Root (telegram). | Dec. 18 | Same subject. Reports recognition of de facto Government this date, and states that inauguration of President will be on Dec. 20. | 445 | |
Same to same (telegram) | Dec. 21 | Same subject. Reports inauguration of President Dec. 20, without incident. | 446 | |
478 | Same to same | Dec. 24 | Same subject, incloses copy of decree of the Haitian Congress declaring Gen. Antoine Simon elected President, and also copy of presidential decree declaring appointments to the new cabinet. | 445 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
9 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Gregory | 1908. Mar. 20 | Extradition of William Adler et al from Honduras. Instructs him to ascertain whether, in view of pending negotiations between United States and Honduras for an extradition treaty, the latter would be willing, as act of comity, to surrender fugitives from justice charged with embezzlement. | 470 |
9 | Mr. Gregory to Mr. Root | May 1 | Same subject. Refers to No. 9 of Mar. 20 and states that Honduran Government will grant extradition of fugitives if crime is of recent date and parties not Hondurans. | 470 |
14 | Mr. Dodge to Mr. Root | May 18 | Same subject. Refers to No. 9 of May 1, from Mr. Gregory, and incloses copy of note of Apr. 28 from minister for foreign affairs to consul at Tegucigalpa stating that extradition will be granted. | 471 |
Mr. Root to Mr. Giallos (telegram). | May 28 | Inauguration of the Court of Justice for Central America. See telegram of even date to the Costa Rican minister of foreign relations. Mr. Anderson. | 216 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Dodge (telegram). | June 1 | Detention of the Goldsboro and extradition of Francis G. Bailey, Albert W. Bailey, Alfred Oxley, and Herbert H. Meyers from Honduras. Informs him of request of Governor of New York for extradition of Francis G. Bailey, from Honduras, who is alleged to have sailed from New York, May 2, on tramp steamer Goldsboro. Gives description of Bailey, and instructs him to request detention of vessel and cargo. Authorizes him to communicate with consul at Tegucigalpa. | 474 | |
Mr. Dodge to Mr. Root (telegram). | June 3 | Same subject. Reports that minister for foreign affairs has ordered the arrest of Bailey and detention of the Goldsboro and cargo. | 475 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Dodge (telegram). | June 4 | Same subject. Acknowledges his telegram of June 3; requests him to advise department immediately upon arrest of Bailey and detention of Goldsboro, and instructs him to ascertain what formalities will be required before turning Bailey and vessel over to the United States. | 475 | |
Mr. Dodge to Mr. Root (telegram). | June 7 | Same subject. Reports that Bailey and the Goldsboro are held at Ceiba, and advises that an officer come as soon as possible to take him into custody. Says only copy of indictment issued by the New York authorities is required by Honduran Govern- | 476 | |
Same to same (telegram) | June 9 | Same subject. Reports that Bailey and vessel will be conveyed to Puerto Cortes. | 476 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Dodge (telegram). | 1908. June 10 | Same subject. Directs him to convey to the Government of Honduras satisfaction and appreciation for prompt and considerate action in arrest and detention of Bailey and the Goldsboro. | 476 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Alger (telegram). | June 13 | Same subject. Refers to telegram of June l to legation to Salvador and instructs him to request provisional arrest and detention of Albert W. Bailey with view to extradition to United States. Directs him to state that this Government is unable to extend same courtesy in absence of extradition treaty. | 476 | |
Mr. Alger to Mr. Root (telegram). | June 14 | Same subject. Reports arrest of Albert W. Bailey. | 477 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Dodge (telegram). | June 19 | Same subject. Refers to department’s telegram of June 16 and directs him to request provisional arrest and detention of H. H. Meyers and Alfred Oxley on charge of conspiring to commit offense against United States and using mails with intent to defraud. Instructs him to direct consul at Puerto Cortes to turn Goldsboro and cargo over to official designated by Honduran Government. | 477 | |
Mr. Dodge to Mr. Root (telegram). | June 20 | Same subject. Acknowledges telegram of June 18; reports detention of Oxley and Meyers 6 days and says detention limit will not effect detention of Bailey and party. | 478 | |
Mr. Alger to Mr. Root (telegram). | June 25 | Same subject. Reports Government prepared to deliver both Baileys, Oxley, and Meyers to agent merely upon certification that agent has authority. | 478 | |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Dodge (teleegram). | June 26 | Same subject. Refers to his telegram of June 25 and informs him President’s warrants have been mailed to consul at Puerto Cortes. | 478 | |
Mr. Dodge to Mr. Root (telegram). | July 1 | Same subject. Refers to department’s telegram of June 26, reports the delivery of the men to the agent on June 29 and the escape of Francis G. Bailey on June 30. States that the crew is mutinying, claiming that responsibility for wages and transportation to New York rests with Honduran Government. Adds that President of Honduras desires relief from the shin’s custody. | 479 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Dodge (telegram). | July 2 | Same subject. Acknowledges his telegram of July 1, and says department regards disposition of the vessel and cargo and rights and remedies of crew under maritime law as against the vessel and cargo as a matter to be decided by Honduran authorities. Instructs him to communicate substance of this cable to Honduran Government. | 479 | |
30 | Mr. Dodge to Mr. Root | July 21 | Cancellation of the exequaturs of the American consul and vice consul at Ceiba, Honduras, by the Honduran Government. Quotes telegram from consul at Ceiba regarding disturbances against foreigners and reports his action in the matter. | 456 |
47 | Mr. Adee to Mr. Dodge | do | Detention of the Goldsboro and extradition of Francis G. Bailey, Albert W. Bailey, Alfred Oxley, and Herbert H. Meyers. Refers to previous correspondence and instructs him to ask the Honduran Government for permission to bring the men to trial not only for the specific charge for which extradition has been granted, but also upon any indictment that may be found against the men either in the State or Federal courts. | 480 |
Mr. Dodge to Mr. Root (telegram). | July 28 | Cancellation of the exequaturs of the American consul and vice consul at Ceiba, Honduras, by the Honduran Government. Reports cancellation of exequaturs of American consul and vice consul at Ceiba, and also of French consular agent. Says no reason is given for this step. | 457 | |
32 | Same to same | do | Same subject. Refers to his No. 30 of July 21 and reports circumstances in connection with cancellation of exequaturs of consul and vice consul at Ceiba. Suggests appointment of vice consul at Puerto Cortes to take charge temporarily at Ceiba. | 457 |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Ugarte | July 31 | Same subject. Calls attention to embarrassment caused by action of Honduras in matter of exequaturs, and expresses desire that the issue be speedily settled. | 458 | |
Mr. Ugarte to Mr. Root | Aug. 1 | Same subject. Acknowledges note of July 31, and gives reasons which gave rise to action of Honduras regarding the consular officers. | 459 | |
Same to same | Aug. 5 | Same subject. Announces receiving reply from minister of foreign relations and states he will be glad to give explanation and submit such data as may be necessary. | 461 | |
37 | Mr. Dodge to Mr. Root | 1908. Aug. 5 | Detention of the Goldsboro and extradition of Fran cis G. Bailey, Albert W. Bailey, Alfred Oxley, anc Herbert H. Meyers from Honduras. Acknowl edges No. 47 of July 21 and reports being informec by minister for foreign affairs that Francis G. and Alfred W. Bailey, Alfred Oxley, and Herbert H Meyers may be tried for other criminal charges which may be made against them, provided tha crime or crimes with which they are charged are of those which give occasion for extradition. | 480 |
Same to same (telegram) | do | Same subject. Acknowledges No. 47 and reports that Honduran Government agrees to trial of mer on other criminal charges provided crimes are suet as give occasion for extradition. | 481 | |
Same to same (telegram) | Aug. 9 | Cancellation of the exequaturs of the American consul and vice consul at Ceiba, Honduras, by the Honduran Government. Reports publication of revocation of decree, but says suspension of it can be secured, probably, if desired, until successors of consul and vice consul have been appointed States that investigation convinced Honduran Government of consul’s incorrect action, and public opinion forced the action. | 462 | |
40 | Same to same | Aug. 11 | Same subject. Refers to his No. 34 of Aug. 3, and reports concerning communications exchangee with Consul Alger at Tegucigalpa, in regard to the cancellation of the exequaturs of the American consul and vice consul at Ceiba. | 462 |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Dodge | Aug. 14 | Same subject. Acknowledges his No. 32 of July 28 and refers to department’s telegram of Aug. 6 stating that it did not seem advisable to place anyone in charge of consulate at Ceiba at present. | 463 | |
Same to same (telegram). | do | Same subject. Discusses the Ceiba incident and states that the United States can accept no less than fair play and a just disposal of the incident by agreement of the 2 Governments meeting as equals, nor could enter into any discussion which disregards equality and treats the course of Honduras as irrevocable. | 464 | |
Same to same | Aug. 19 | Same subject. Confirms department’s telegram of Aug. 14, and incloses copies of papers in the case. Calls attention to department’s note of July 31 to Honduran minister at Washington and to minister’s notes of Aug. 1 and 5 in reply. Sets forth department’s attitude and informs him that much will depend upon his discretion and tactful handling of the matter. | 464 | |
Mr. Dodge to Mr. Root (telegram). | Sept. 3 | Same subject. Reports agreement by minister for foreign affairs to settlement of Ceiba incident subject to approval by department of suggested decree. Quotes decree and says Reynolds is objectionable to Honduras on grounds other than recent incident, and future usefulness of Linard impaired. Adds that Mexico has offered mediation if necessary. | 465 | |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Dodge (telegram). | Sept. 5 | Same subject. Says the suggested settlement ot Ceiba consul question seems to be satisfactory with the exception of the word unjustifiable, the omission of which would not prejudice full opportunity of Honduras to establish its allegation. Expresses appreciation of Mexican offer of good offices but says department is glad to believe that a direct satisfactorv settlement is in sight. | 466 | |
Mr. Dodge to Mr. Root (telegram). | Sept. 7 | Same subject. Acknowledges telegram of Sept. 5 and reports settlement of the Ceiba incident. | 466 | |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Dodge (telegram). | Sept. 8 | Same subject. Compliments Mr. dodge upon settlement of the Ceiba incident and directs his return to Salvador. Instructs him to notify Honduran Government of appointment of Mr. Gibson as secretary of legation to Honduras. | 466 | |
51 | Mr. Dodge to Mr. Root | Sept. 9 | Same subject. Refers to his No. 42 of Aug. 19, and reports the steps taken by him in matter of the restoration of exequaturs of the American consul and vice consul at Ceiba. Incloses newspaper clippings containing text of official decree annuling cancellation of the exequaturs. | 466 |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Dodge | Sept. 30 | Same subject. Acknowledges his No. 51 of Sept. 9 and commends his treatment of the question. | 469 | |
3 | Mr. Root to Mr. Gibson | Oct. 15 | Extradition of William Adler et al. from Honduras. Incloses copies of department’s note of Oct. 1 to Honduran minister, Minister dodge’s No. 14 of May 18 with inclosures, and instructs him to ascertain whether Honduran Government will, as act of comity, grant extradition of William Adler, William H. Simmons, and John Ripplinger. | 471 |
Mr. Dodge to Mr. Root (telegram). | 1908 Nov. 9 | Same subject. William Adler sailed from Puerto Cortez Nov. 3 by steamer Ellis, destination New Orleans. | 472 | |
1 | Mr. Gibson to Mr. Root | Nov. 18 | Same subject. Reports action taken by him with view of obtaining extradition of William Adler, William Simmons, and John Ripplinger from Honduras, and incloses copy of communication from minister for foreign affairs discussing matter and stating that if formal request is made for delivery of persons named orders will be issued for their capture and delivery. | 472 |
5 | Mr. Adee to Mr. Gibson | Dec. 7 | Same subject. Acknowledges his No. 1 of Nov. 18 and expresses approval of course taken by him. | 474 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
Memorandum to Italian Embassy. | 1907. Dec. 3 | International commission for adjustment of damages growing out of the disorders at Casablanca. See memorandum of Dec. 3 to French embassy. | 633 | |
1908. Jan. 29 | Convention between the United States and other powers for the creation of an international institute of agriculture. | 483 | ||
Memorandum from the Italian Embassy. | Feb. 15 | Destruction of tobacco belonging to the Italian Government. Refers to department’s memorandum of Dec. 23, 1907, and asks that the attention of the governor of Tennessee be promptly called to the alarming conditions of affairs in that State. | 490 | |
Memorandum to the Italian Embassy. | Feb. 21 | Same subject. Acknowledges memorandum of Feb. 15, copies of which have been communicated to the governors of Kentucky and Tennessee. | 491 | |
139 | Mr. Root to Mr. Hitt | Mar. 14 | Punishment of Italians in Italy for extraditable crimes committed in the United States. Requests report of cases occurring within last five years in which request has been, made by department upon Italian Government for punishment of Italian subjects who have committed crime in United States and escaped Italy | 484 |
Memorandum to the Italian Embassy. | Mar. 16 | Destruction of tobacco belonging to the Italian Government. Quotes from letter received from the governor of Kentucky, dated Feb. 24, in which he advises department of precautions taken to protect the tobacco property of the Italian Government in that State. States that the memorandum of the embassy has been communicated to the governor of Tennessee. | 492 | |
Memorandum from Italian embassy. | Apr. 25 | Identification requested by Italian postal authorities. Sets forth difficulties encountered by foreigners in Italy because their passports when written in any other language than French are not recognized by employees of Italian post offices, and inquires whether United States Government would be willing to instruct its consular officers in Italy to certify to translations of passports held by American citizens. | 482 | |
Memorandum to the Italian embassy. | Apr. 30 | Same subject. Acknowledges memorandum and states that department sees no objection to instructing its consular officers in Italy to certify to translations of passports held by American citizens, and that department will advise, by public announcement in the press, American travelers to Italy to provide themselves withlivrete d’identité | 482 | |
358 | Mr. Griscom to Mr. Root | May 12 | Punishment of Italians in Italy for extraditable crimes committed in the United States. Acknowledges No. 139 of Mar. 14 and incloses detailed report of cases occurring within the last five years in which request has been made upon Italian Government for punishment in Italy of Italians who had committed crimes in United States. | 484 |
175 | Mr. Adee to Mr. Griscom | July 3 | Same subject. Acknowledges his No. 358 of May 12, and says department desires to be informed of the outcome, whether the accused was convicted or acquitted, in each particular case noted in list of those reported by him. | 488 |
417 | Mr. Griscom to Mr. Root | 1908 Aug. 26 | Same subject. Referring to department’s No. 175 of July 3, submits report giving outcome of 6 of the 12 cases, and states foreign office has been requested to assist in procuring information in regard to other 6. | 489 |
Mr. Root to Mr. Griscom (telegram). | Oct. 20 | Recognition of Mouley Hafid as Sultan of Morocco. See telegram of Oct. 20 to Morocco. | 649 | |
204 | Same to same | Oct. 22 | Same subject. See instruction No. 162 of Oct. 20 to Morocco. | 651 |
3656 | Mr. Mayor to Mr. Root | Nov. 6 | Destruction of tobacco belonging to the Italian Government. Gives list of factories engaged by agent of Royal Italian Regie to pack tobacco during forthcoming season and asks that special vigilance be had over goods purchased by Italian Monopoli, places where stored, and persons charged with custody thereof. | 492 |
Nov. 17 | Arrangement between the United States and other powers for the establishment of the international office of public health. Text. | 493 | ||
464 | Mr. Griscom to Mr. Root | Nov. 19 | Punishment of Italians in Italy for extraditable crimes committed in the United States. Refers to his No. 175 of July 3, and to No. 417 of Aug. 26 and transmits copy of note from the foreign office giving desired information, as to outcome of the trial of certain Italians, requested by department. | 489 |
703 | Mr. Adee to Mr. Mayor | Dec. 5 | Destruction of tobacco belonging to the Italian Government. Refers to department’s note of Nov. 24, and says governor of Kentucky informs department that no danger threatens the factories where tobacco of the Royal Italian Tobacco Regie has been stored. | 493 |
Mr. Griscom to Mr. Root (telegram). | Dec. 29 | Earthquake in southern Italy. Reports occurrence of disastrous earthquake in Sicily and southern Italy with 50,000 reported killed. Says he expressed to the King sympathy of the President and American people. | 499 | |
President Roosevelt to the King of Italy (telegram). | do | Same subject. Expresses sympathy and states that the American National Red Cross has issued an anneal for contributions. | 499 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Griscom (telegram). | do | Same subject. Quotes telegram from William H. Taft, president of the American National Red Cross, tendering to Italian Red Cross sympathy, and stating that an appeal has been issued for contributions. | 499 | |
Mr. Griscom to Mr. Root (telegram). | Dec. 30 | Same subject. Reports further concerning the earthquake, stating that he has asked the foreign office to furnish information as to consuls at Messina and Palermo, no word having been received from them. Says foreign nations are hurrying warships and suggests that United States send one or two at earliest possible moment. Requests authorization to send Naples vice consul to Messina immediately. | 499 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Griscom (telegram). | do | Same subject. Announces that American Red Cross will cable to-morrow for account of Italian Red Cross $50,000 for relief of earthquake sufferers. | 500 | |
Same to same (telegram) | Dec. 31 | Same subject. Acknowledges telegram of Dec. 31. Expresses regret no warships could reach Italy before arrival of fleet about Jan. 14, and informs him Scorpion ordered from Constantinople. Directs him to draw for $5,000 if necessary. | 500 | |
Mr. Griscom to Mr. Root (telegram). | do | Same subject. Reports accepting invitation of prime minister to proceed to Messina, leaving Rome Jan. 1, and taking with him Vice Consul Cutting, of Milan, to be put in temporary charge of consulate at Messina; interpreter of the embassy, one of staff of Naples consulate, and Winthrop Chanler, private citizen, to do special work searching for and aiding Americans. Asks for few thousand dollars in case of necessity. Says death of Consul Cheney and family is confirmed, that estimate of 100,000 dead is not exaggerated, and that aid for sufferers will be gratefully accepted. | 500 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Griscom (telegram). | do | Same subject. Quotes telegram from American Red Cross, asking Italian Red Cross to state whether clothing and food are desired from the United States, and to cable brief statement as to character and magnitude of relief operations. | 501 | |
Same to same (telegram) | do | Same subject. Directs him to draw on Secretary of State for $70,000, taking duplicate receipts from Italian Red Cross, $50,000 of which is contributed by American Red Cross and $20,000 by Louis Klopsch, of Christian Herald, New York. | 501 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
66 | Viscount Aoki to Mr. Root. | 1907 Nov. 7 | Tokyo Exposition. Outlines purpose and scope of National Exposition to be held at Tokyo from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31, 1912, and invites the Government and people of the United States to participate therein. | 515 |
156 | Mr. O’Brien to Mr. Root | 1908. Jan. 22 | Joint international commission for investigation of the opium question in the Far East. Acknowledges instructions 16 and 17 of Oct. 14 and 16, 1907, respectively, and quotes from a note from Japanese minister for foreign affairs stating that matter of time and place of meeting of the commission is left entirely to the United States for decision. | 75 |
171 | Same to same | Jan. 29 | Customs in Manchuria. Incloses copy of dispatch from the consul at Dalny reporting the opening, on the 8th instant, of the Port Arthur branch of the imperial Chinese maritime customs, and stating that the rumors to the effect that Port Arthur was to be opened to foreign trade on the same basis as Dairen have been officially denied. | 128 |
Mr. Roosevelt to the Emperor of Japan (telegram). | May 1 | Explosion of the Japanese war vessel Matsushima. Expresses sympathy on behalf of American people and himself. | 505 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. O’Brien (telegram). | do | Same subject. Directs that an expression of President’s and Government’s sympathy be extended the. Japanese Government. | 505 | |
The Emperor of Japan to President Roosevelt (telegram). | May 2 | Same subject. Expresses thanks for the President’s message of sympathy. | 506 | |
309 | Mr. O’Brien to Mr. Root | do | same subject. Acknowledges department’s telegram of May 1, and incloses copy of note addressed to the foreign office conveying the President’s and Government’s sympathy. Says Count Hayashi asked him to express the Japanese Government’s appreciation and thanks therefor. | 506 |
314 | Same to same | May 5 | Same subject. Refers further to his No. 309 of May 2, and incloses copy of note from minister for foreign affairs expressing appreciation of the President’s and Government’s sympathy. | 506 |
Mr. Root to Mr. O’Brien | May 7 | Joint international commission for investigation of opium question in the Far East. See telegram of May 7 to Great Britain. | 86 | |
Same to same (telegram) | May 21 | Tokyo Exposition. Directs him to inform minister for foreign affairs of passage of bill authorizing acceptance of invitation to participate in exposition and expenditure of $1,500,000 therefor. Also to announce confirmation by Senate of treaties regarding trade-marks, copyrights, and patents in Japan and Korea. | 515 | |
341 | Mr. O’Brien to Mr. Root | June 2 | Agreement between Japan and China relating to the Yalu Forest. Incloses copy of agreement, together with copy of summary of Dress comments. | 502 |
Mr. Root to Mr. O’Brien | June 5 | Explosion of the Japanese war vessel Matsushima. Expresses approval of his note of May 2 to the minister for foreign affairs. | 507 | |
Mr. Adee to Mr. O’Brien (telegram). | June 20 | Joint international commission for investigation of opium question in the Far East. Directs him to inform minister for foreign affairs the President has appointed Hon. Thomas Burke, Dr. Hamilton Wright, and Dr. Charles D. Tenney American commissioners joint international commission to investigate opium in the Far East. | 92 | |
48 | Baron Takahira to Mr. Root | do | Commercial agreement between the United States and Germany. Incloses copy of principal provisions of the law governing Japanese chambers of commerce and requests that the same treatment be accorded these chambers as is given those of Germany. Great Britain, and others. | 343 |
Mr. Adee to Mr. O’Brien | do | Tokyo Exposition. Refers to department’s telegram of May 21, and informs him of appointment, as commissioners general to the exposition, of Francis B. Loomis, Frederick J. V. Skiff, and Francis D. Millet. Incloses copy of act providing for participation by the United States. | 516 | |
Mr. Bacon to Baron Takahira. | June 29 | Commercial agreement between the United States and Germany. Acknowledges his note No. 48 of June 20 and informs him that copy thereof, with inclosures, has been transmitted to Treasury Department for consideration. | 344 | |
371 | Mr. Jay to Mr. Root | 1908. July 1 | Protection of foreign trade-marks and copyrights in China and Korea. Incloses copies of notes exchanged between the embassy and minister for foreign affairs which shows that Japanese Government intends to cancel or reject all wrongful registrations no matter how long they may have been registered. | 525 |
35 | Mr. Adee to Baron Takahira. | July 18 | Commercial agreement between the United States and Germany. Refers further to note of June 20 and states that customs officers will be instructed that provisions of point “F” of diplomatic note annexed to agreement with Germany have been extended to Japanese chambers of commerce. | 344 |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. O’Brien | July 21 | Joint international commission for investigation of the opium question in the Far East. See telegram of July 21 to Great Britain. | 93 | |
Mr. Jay to Mr. Root (telegram). | July 23 | Same subject. States that time and place of meeting designated perfectly agreeable to Japanese Government, and that the appointment of commissioners awaits early action by new cabinet. Adds that method of investigation must be referred to Government of Formosa, hence some delay unavoidable. | 93 | |
Mr. Adee to Mr. O’Brien (telegram). | Aug. 1 | Same subject. Directs him to inform minister for foreign affairs, Charles H. Brent replaces Thomas Burke as senior American commissioner on joint international opium commission. | 94 | |
Mr. Jay to Mr. Root (telegram). | Aug. 10 | Same subject. “Tsungiro Mitaski, councilor of embassy; Dr. Ybshizumi Tahara, expert, home department: Tomoye Takagi, expert, Government of Formosa, have to-day been appointed Commissioners” | 94 | |
Aug. 11 | Treaty between United States and Japan regarding-protection of trade-marks in Korea. Text. | 518 | ||
do | Treaty between United States and Japan regarding protection of trade-marks, etc., in China. | 521 | ||
408 | Mr. Jay to Mr. Root | Aug. 23 | Protection of foreign trade-marks and copyrights in China and Korea. Transmits translations of imperial ordinances No. 196–203 relating to operation of the new conventions for protection of industrial and literary property in China and Korea, promulgated in Official Gazette of Aug. 13, together with newspaper clippings containing articles commenting upon the ordinances. | 526 |
419 | Same to same | Aug. 29 | Same subject. Referring to department’s No. 174 of July 16, incloses copies of correspondence between Japanese officials and British Embassy relative to Article XII of the Japanese trade-mark law regarding cancellation of registered trade-marks. | 527 |
Sept. 1 | Arbitration convention between United States and Japan. | 503 | ||
Mr. Takahira to Mr. Root (telegram). | do | Tokyo Exposition. Announces that imperial decree to postpone exposition will be dated Sept. 1 | 517 | |
Mr. Jay to Mr. Root (telegram). | Sept. 2 | Same subject. Reports gazetting of postponement of the exposition and inquires whether Commissioner Loomis is coming to Japan. | 517 | |
430 | Same to same | Sept. 7 | Protection of foreign trade-marks and copyrights in China and Korea. Refers to his No. 408 of Aug. 23, and transmits translations of ordinances and regulations for carrying them out. | 529 |
432 | Same to same | Sept. 8 | Same subject. Acknowledges instruction No. 186 of Aug. 7, and calls attention to fact that a foreigner to obtain a patent in Japan must be represented before the Japanese patent bureau by a duly qualified agent resident in Japan; incloses list of patent lawyers in Japan. | 534 |
Mr. Adee to Mr. O’Brien (telegram). | Sept. 11 | Tokyo Exposition. Acknowledges telegram of Sept. 2, and states Commissioner Loomis sailed Sept. 8, and has personal rank of minister plenipotentiary. | 518 | |
443 | Mr. Jay to Mr. Root | Sept. 19 | Protection of foreign trade-marks and copyrights in China and Korea. Refers to his No. 419 of Aug. 29, and incloses copy of note from minister for foreign affairs to British ambassador, in which it is stated that according to interpretation of administrative authorities concerned under trade-mark law it is not necessary to have business in Japan in order to enjoy protection of a trade-mark. | 535 |
Same to same (telegram) | Oct. 6 | Tokyo Exposition. Quotes telegram Commissioner Loomis requested be transmitted in which it is announced that the exposition, on much larger lines, would takeplacein1917, and the President thanked in the Emperor’s name for his interest in the enterprise, and also for sending such a highly competent commission. | 518 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. O’Brien (telegram). | 1908. Oct. 9 | Extradition of Yoshitaro Abe from Japan to Hawaii. Instructs him to request provisional arrest and detention of Abe, charged with forgery in Hawaii, understood to be under arrest at Yokohama. | 512 | |
212 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. O’Brien | Oct. 13 | Same subject. Refers to department’s telegram of Oct. 13, informs him of issuance of President’s warrant authorizing Chester A. doyle to take Abe into custody for surrender to Hawaiian authorities, and incloses papers with instruction to present them to Japanese Government with formal requisition for extradition of fugitive. | 512 |
Mr. O’Brien to Mr. Root (telegram). | Oct. 15 | Same subject. Refers to department’s telegrams of Oct. 9 and 10, and states that foreign office requests assurance that United States will reciprocate under similar circumstances in the future. | 513 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. O’Brien (telegram). | Oct. 19 | Same subject. Refers to his telegram of Oct. 15 and informs him United States will surrender American citizens under similar circumstances. | 513 | |
Mr. Matsui to Mr. Phillips | Oct. 31 | Joint international commission for investigation of 107 the opium question in the Far East. States that the Japanese chargé d’affaires at Peking informed the Wai-wu-Pu on Oct. 15 of Japan’s assent to the prohibition of morphiaand its instruments to China. | 513 | |
Mr. Phillips to Mr. Matsui | Nov. 4 | Same subject. Acknowledges with thanks his note 107 of Oct. 31. | 107 | |
476 | Mr. O’Brien to Mr. Root | do | Extradition of Yoshitaro Abe from Japan to Hawaii. 513 Refers to dispatch No. 465 of Oct. 14, reports action taken with view to arrest and detention of Abe, and incloses copies of correspondence with the foreign office concerning the matter. | 513 |
Mr. Root to Mr. O’Brien (telegram). | Nov. 6 | Joint international commission for investigation of the opium question in the Far East. Informs him of countries composing commission and suggests that each commission should be able to inform whole commission at Shanghai, Jan. 1, as to regulations and restrictions in force in its respective country. | 108 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. O’Brien | Nov. 11 | Same subject. See telegram of Nov. 11 to Great Britain. | 109 | |
Same to same | Nov. 19 | Same subject. See telegram of Nov. 19 to Great Britain. | 110 | |
Mr. O’Brien to Mr. Root (telegram). | Nov. 27 | Same subject. “There is no objection on the part of the Government of Japan to the proposed postponement.” | 112 | |
Mr. Takahira to Mr. Root | Nov. 30 | Far Eastern policy of United States and Japan. Sets forth the aim, policy, and intention of Japan in the region of the Pacific Ocean. | 510 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Takahira | do | Same subject. Acknowledges note of even date and confirms on behalf of the United States the declaration of the two Governments. | 511 | |
514 | Mr. O’Brien to Mr. Root | Dec. 2 | Joint international commission for investigation of the opium question in the Far East. Incloses copy of note from foreign office stating that Japanese commissioners have completed opium question on lines similar to items of investigation by United States commissioners. | 113 |
Mr. Root to Mr. O’Brien (telegram). | Dec. 3 | Same subject. See telegram of this date to Great Britain. | 114 | |
31 | Mr. O’Brien to Mr. Root | Dec. 15 | Treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation between the Empire of Japan and the Colombian Republic. | 507 |
Mr. O’Brien to Mr. Root (telegram). | Dec. 17 | Extradition of Yoshitaro Abe from Japan to Hawaii. Reports that Abe is being conveyed to Yokohama for delivery to Hawaiian officer on board S. S. China sailing Dec. 23. | 514 | |
Same to same (telegram) | Dec. 23 | Same subject. Refers to his telegram of Dec. 17 and reports that Officer doyle sailed this date on the China with Abe en route to Honolulu. | 515 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
21 | Mr. Smith to Mr. Root | 1908 Mar. 21 | Affairs in the Kongo. Incloses report on political conditions of upper Ituri district, and calls attention to Conditions brought about by imposition of excessive rubber tax, and the working of the Kilomines by forced labor. | 551 |
Same to same | Apr. 9 | Same subject. Refers to report of Nov. 20, 1907, and transmits report on land legislation in the Kongo in its realtion to commercial policy of the state. | 563 | |
8 | Mr. Handley to Mr. Root | Nov. 24 | Same subject. Transmits summary of information received from British consul at Boma on the conditions in the Kasai district, particularly that of the Kasai Co. | 589 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
60 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Creel | 1907. July 2 | Claim of owners of Mexican steamship Tabasqueno. In reply to his No. 50 of May 9, gives results of department’s examination of claim and informs him that if its views meet with concurrence of Mexican Government, department will recommend to Congress an appropriation for settlement of case. | 615 |
2 | Mr. Godoy to Mr. Bacon | July 6 | Same subject. Acknowledges No. 60 of July 2 and says substance thereof has been communicated to Mexican Government. | 618 |
47 | Same to same | Oct. 5 | Same subject. Refers to his note of July 6 and submits statement of items Mexican Government asks concurrence in. | 618 |
139 | Mr. Root to Mr. Creel | Dec. 2 | Extradition of George Deering Reed to Mexico. Refers to embassy’s note of Mar. 10, 1906, and subsequent correspondence, and quotes telegram from Attorney General stating that Reed is under arrest and provisional detention in New Jersey. | 597 |
127 | Mr. Godoy to Mr. Root | 1908. Jan. 28 | Same subject. Announces that favorable decision has been given in case of Reed and order issued for delivery to Mexican authorities. Asks that warrant be issued for surrender of the fugitive. | 598 |
189 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Godoy | Feb. 14 | Same subject. Acknowledges note No. 127 of Jan. 28, and incloses warrant as requested. | 598 |
138 | Mr. Godoy to Mr. Root | Feb. 17 | Same subject. Refers to previous correspondence and asks that Reed be transferred to Laredo, Tex., there to be delivered to authorized Mexican agent. | 598 |
191 | Mr. Adee to Mr. Godoy | do | Same subject. Acknowledges his No. 138 of Feb. 12, outlines practice of United States in re delivery of fugitives, and says if embassy desires to secure exceptional procedure with understanding that such action is not to be invoked as precedent, department will communicate request to Attorney General, the charge for same to be included in bill rendered. | 599 |
149 | Mr. Godoy to Mr. Root | Feb. 29 | Same subject. Refers to No. 191 of Feb. 17, and renews request for transfer of Reed to Laredo, Tex., for delivery to Mexican agents. Calls attention to transfer of an offender named Morales to the same town. | 599 |
152 | Same to same | Mar. 3 | Interpretation of Article X of the extradition treaty between the United States and Mexico. Requests from department a ruling upon meaning of that part of Article X which specifies the period during which fugitives should be detained pending production of documents necessary to hearing of extradition cases. Gives reasons why Mexican Government does not concur in interpretation by United States of article cited. | 594 |
204 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Godoy | Mar. 10 | Extradition of George Deering Reed to Mexico. Acknowledges No. 204 of Feb. 29, and incloses copy of letter from Attorney General naming person willing to undertake delivery of Reed to Mexican authorities at Laredo. | 600 |
161 | Mr. Godoy to Mr. Root | Mar. 19 | Same subject. Refers to department’s No. 204 of Mar. 10, and incloses warrant issued by department together with credentials issued by the embassy to Mr. Alcott to obtain delivery of fugitive. | 600 |
213 | Mr. Root to Mr. Godoy | Mar. 28 | Same subject. Refers to department’s No. 204 of Mar. 10, and informs him that T. J. Alcott, United States marshal, left Princeton, N. J., Mar. 23, en route for Laredo, Tex., with Reed in custody for delivery to Mexican authorities. | 601 |
Mr. Thompson to Mr. Root | Apr. 2 | Messages of the President of Mexico to the Mexican Congress. Incloses newspaper clippings containing messages. | 601 | |
Apr. 9 | Copyright convention between the United States and other powers. Text. | 621 | ||
220 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Godoy | Apr. 13 | Claim of owners of Mexican steamship Tabasqueno. Refers to his No. 47 of Oct. 3, 1907, and requests explanation of certain items in statement submitted. | 619 |
202 | Mr. Godoy to Mr. Root | May 18 | Same subject. Refers to previous correspondence, particularly No. 220 of Apr. 13, and enumerates amounts acceptable to Mexican Government. | 620 |
May 25 | Same subject. Message of President to Congress submitting report by Secretary of State concerning claim, with accompanying papers. | 605 | ||
Mr. Root to Mr. Creel (telegram). | 1908. June 19 | Inauguration of the Court of Justice for Central America. Extends congratulations upon his safe return to Mexico and upon the great work for peace and civilization accomplished by his mission to Costa Rica. | 216 | |
Mr. Creel to Mr. Root (telegram). | June 20 | Same subject. Expresses appreciation of congratulations upon his return to Mexico. | 216 | |
June 29 | Arbitration convention between the united States and Mexico. Text. | 625 | ||
295 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Creel | July 16 | Interpretation of Article X of the extradition treaty between the United States and Mexico. Refers to embassy’s note No. 152 of Mar. 3, and incloses copy of letter from the Attorney General giving his opinion as to the interpretation of the forty days’ detention period of fugitive criminals. | 595 |
17 | Mr. Creel to Mr. Root | July 21 | Same subject. Refers to department’s note No. 295 of July 16, with inclosure, and says embassy agrees to rules fixed by the Attorney General for computing the forty days referred to in Article I of treaty. | 597 |
1244 | Mr. Sands to Mr. Root | Sept. 18 | Messages of the President of Mexico to the Mexican Congress. Incloses clippings from the “Mexican Herald” concerning the opening by President Diaz of the Twenty-fourth Congress on Sept. 16, and also his message. | 603 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
133 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Gummeré. | 1908. Feb. 6 | Acquisition of property for American missionaries in Morocco and rental of a house in the Moorish quarter of Mequinez. Supplementing instruction of Feb. 5, informs him of visit to department by Rev. G. S. Fisher, president of the Gospel Union Mission, and instructs him to again address the Shereefian Government and ask explanation of nonenforcement of orders given to the Basha in 1906. Incloses copy of letter to Mr. Fisher. | 638 |
Mr. Gummeré to Mr. Root | Mar. 5 | Same subject. Acknowledges instruction No. 133 of Feb. 6 and incloses copy of note to foreign office requesting explanation of nonenforcement of orders given to the Basha of Meauinez in November. 1906. | 640 | |
142 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Gummeré. | Mar. 23 | Same subject. Acknowledges his dispatch of Mar. 5 and expresses approval of his action. | 641 |
337 | Mr. Gummeré to Mr. Root | Mar. 25 | Same subject. Refers to his dispatch of Mar. 5 and incloses copy of letter from foreign office stating that as soon as order is reestablished in Mequinez orders will be given re fulfillment of Shereefian promises. | 641 |
145 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Gummeré | Apr. 13 | Same subject. Acknowledges No. 337 of Mar. 25 and expresses gratification that promises will be fulfilled when order is restored. | 642 |
Mr. Gummeré to Mr. Root | May 16 | International commission for the adjustment of damages growing out of the disorders at Casablanca. Confirming telegram of this date, reports that Sultan has named May 31 for first meeting of claims commission at Casablanca, and requests instructions re standing of claims of American citizens already submitted to department. Asks that nomination of Mr. Philip as member of commission be confirmed. Incloses copy of letter from the grand vizier to the dean of diplomatic corps in which was transmitted decree of the Sultan concerning the commission of claims. | 634 | |
Same to same (telegram) | June 18 | Recognition of Mulai Hafid as Sultan of Morocco. “Pretender proclaimed yesterday at Tetuan, eight hours from here.” | 643 | |
Same to same | do | Same subject. Confirms his telegram of even date and reports arrival of couriers announcing proclamation of Mulai Hafid as Sultan. Says Tangier is quiet. | 644 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Gummeré (telegram). | July 2 | International commission for the adjustment of damages growing out of the disorders at Casablanca. Authorizes him to sit as United States representative on mixed claims commission, and to designate a competent person to act in case it is impossible for him to act in that capacity. Gives instructions as to course to be pursued by American repsentatives in presenting their claims. | 636 | |
Mr. Philip to Mr. Root | 1908. Aug. 15 | Same subject. Reports adjournment of commission this date to reassemble Sept 24. Says he presented 16 claims for indemnity, the total awards for which amount to 194,370 francs. | 637 | |
381 | Mr. Philip to Mr. Root | Sept. 15 | Recognition of Mulai Hand as Sultan of Morocco. Transmits copy of translation of letter dated Sept. 7 from the Sultan to the dean of the diplomatic corps, requesting formal recognition by the powers signatory to the act of Algeciras. | 645 |
Oct. 19 | Same subject. Draft of note sent to Mulai Hafid by the powers submitted to department by French ambassador and Spanish charge. | 648 | ||
Mr. Root to Mr. Gummeré (telegram). | Oct. 20 | Same subject. Informs him of receipt of identical draft of note from French ambassador and Spanish charge to be communicated through the dean of diplomatic corps to Mulai Hafid, formulating terms and conditions of guarantees to be given by new Sultan as condition precedent to his recognition. Sets forth attitude of United States and instructs him re action in the matter. | 649 | |
162 | Mr. Root to Mr. Gummeré | Oct. 22 | Same subject. Quotes department’s telegram of Oct. 20, and incloses copy of draft submitted by French ambassador and Spanish charge as well as copy of department’s memorandum in response. | 651 |
Mr. Philip to Mr. Root | Nov. 18 | International commission for adjustment of damages growing out of the disorders at Casablanca. Referring to telegraphic instructions of July 29, reports the character of claims presented by him to commission, and incloses copy of note to the commission which he requested be entered upon the official minutes of the proceedings. | 638 | |
Mr. Gummeré to Mr. Root | Nov. 20 | Recognition of Mulai Hafid as Sultan of Morocco. Confirms telegram of Nov. 19, and reports delivery, by the dean of the diplomatic corps to the representative of Mulai Hafid for transmission, of letter and collective note. | 651 | |
Same to same | Dec. 7 | Same subject. Confirms telegram of this date, and reports acceptance by Mulai Hafid of all the terms of the collective note of the powers. Incloses official translation of Mulai’s reply. | 652 | |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Gummeré | Dec. 11 | Same subject. Acknowledges dispatch of Nov. 20, and says department awaits Mulai’s reply to collective note of the diplomatic corps. | 654 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Gummeré (telegram). | Dec. 17 | Same subject. Instructs him to inform dean of diplomatic corps that United States accepts assurances given by Mulai and acquiesces in concurrent notification of recognition. | 654 | |
407 | Mr. Gummeré to Mr. Root | Dec. 30 | Same subject. Reports circulation among diplomatic corps of identical letters received by the dean from the French charge d’affaires and Spanish minister, being response to Mouley Hafid’s reply to original note of the powers. Says the representatives of United States, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Holland, Russia, Great Britain, and Portugal have informed the dean of adhesion to Franco-Spanish note. | 655 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
Mr. Root to Mr. van Swinderen. | 1907. May 16 | Commercial agreement between the United States and the Netherlands. Referring to agreement signed this date, quotes instructions to be issued to customs officers of United States to take effect July 1. | 658 | |
854 | Mr. van Swinderen to Mr. Root | Nov. 12 | International commission for the adjustment of damages growing out of disorders at Casablanca. Discusses the French and Spanish identic notes of Oct. 19, and gives views of Netherlands Government concerning settlement of indemnities. | 632 |
167 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. van Swinderen. | Nov. 15 | Same subject. Acknowledges his note of Nov. 12, and states that United States would not oppose proposition set forth therein if it were found acceptable to the other interested powers. | 633 |
33 | Mr. van Swinderen to Mr. Root | 1908. Jan. 7 | Commercial agreement between the United States and Germany. Inquires whether any special steps must be taken to secure to Netherlands chambers of commerce privileges provided in agreement between United States and Germany. | 344 |
169 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. van Swinderen. | 1908. Jan. 16 | Same subject. Acknowledges his note of Jan. 7, and informs him that Treasury Department will grant privileges as soon as Netherlands chambers of commerce enjoy semiofficial status. | 345 |
150 | Mr. Royaards to Mr. Root | Feb. 13 | Same subject. Refers to department’s note of Jan. 16, and incloses copy of bulletin, No. 76, 1896, in which will be found the royal decree of May 4, 1896, concerning general regulations of chambers of commerce in the Netherlands. | 345 |
177 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Royaards | Feb. 25 | Same subject. Acknowledges his note of Feb. 13, and states that decree inclosed therein has been transmitted to Treasury Department. | 346 |
184 | Same to same | Mar. 24 | Same subject. Refers to previous correspondence and communicates purport of letter of Mar. 17 from Treasury Department. | 347 |
Mr. Root to Mr. Beaupré | May 7 | Joint international commission for investigation of opium question in the Far East. See telegram of May 7 to Great Britain. | 86 | |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Beaupré (telegram). | June 20 | Same subject. See telegram of June 20 to Japan | 92 | |
Same to same | July 11 | Same subject. See telegram of July 11 to Great Britain. | 92 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Beaupré. | July 21 | Same subject. See telegram of July 21 to Great Britain. | 93 | |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Beaupré. | Aug. 1 | Same snbject. See telegram of Auer. 1 to Japan | 94 | |
Aug. 12 | Commercial agreement between the United States and the Netherlands. Text. | 656 | ||
51 | Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Root | Sept. 7 | Joint international commission for investigation of the opium question in the Far East. Reports appointment of commissioners by the Netherlands. | 102 |
851 | Mr. Royaards to Mr. Bacon | Sept. 30 | Status of Mormon missionaries. Quotes a petition addressed to the Queen by the Interdenomination Council of Women for Christian and Patriotic Service, of New York, and says the Netherlands Government wishes to learn opinion of American authorities regarding arguments advanced and as to whether the Mormon religion is opposed to polygamy. | 659 |
210 | Mr. Adee to Mr. Royaards | Oct. 10 | Same subject. Acknowledging his note No. 851 of Sept. 30, informs him of the attitude of department toward Mormon missionaries asking protection abroad, and incloses copy of President’s proclamation pardoning Mormon adherents who had abstained from polygamy since 1890. States no final action has been taken in Congress on bills to amend Constitution bv prohibiting polvsamv. | 659 |
13 | Mr. Root to Mr. Beaupré. | Oct. 22 | Recognition of Mouley Hafid as Sultan of Morocco. See instruction No. 162 of Oct. 20 to Morocco. | 651 |
Same to same | Nov. 6 | Joint international commission for investigation of the opium question in the Far East. See telegram of Nov. 6 to Japan. | 108 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Beaupré. | Nov. 11 | Same subject. See telegram of Nov. 11 to Great Britain. | 109 | |
Same to same | Nov. 19 | Same subject. See telegram of Nov. 19 to Great Britain. | 110 | |
Mr. Beaupré to Mr. Root (telegram). | Nov. 27 | Same subject. “The Government of the Netherlands agrees to the postponement to Feb. 1 international opium conference, but desires to be informed when new date is fixed.” | 112 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Beaupré (telegram). | Dec. 3 | Same subject. See telegram of this date to Great Britain. | 114 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
Mr. Root to Mr. Espinoza (telegram). | 1908. May 28 | Inauguration of the Court of Justice for Central America. See telegram of even date to the Costa Rican minister of foreign relations, Mr. Anderson. | 216 | |
114 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Coolidge | July 15 | Protection of Chinese interests in Nicaragua. Incloses copy of note from Chinese minister requesting protection by diplomatic and consular officers, of Chinese subjects and their interests in Nicaragua. Instructs him in the sense of the minister’s note. | 661 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
1908. June 29 | Arbitration Convention between the United States and Norway. Text. | 663 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
Mr. Squiers to Mr. Root (telegram). | 1907. Apr. 4 | Commission for appraisement and settlement of damages to property in Panama Canal Zone. Reports appointment of two Panaman members of joint commission, and says both American members are in Panama. Asks that umpire be appointed immediately to avoid delay in proceedings of commission. | 670 | |
24 | Mr. Arango to Mr. Root | July 22 | Jurisdiction over the waters of Manzanilla Bay. Refers to negotiations between the Central & South American Telegraph Co. and Government of Panama for landing of company’s cable, and to report that United States had granted permission to the company to land in the Canal Zone, and and asks to be advised what has been done in the matter. | 677 |
55 | Mr. Adee to Mr. Arango | Aug. 3 | Same subject. Acknowledges his note, No. 24, of July 22, and informs him that it has been transmitted to the War Department for its views in the premises. | 678 |
56 | Same to same | Aug. 24 | Same subject. Refers to his note of July 22; to department’s reply of Aug. 3, and communicates re ply of War Department to inquiry. | 679 |
78 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Squiers | 1908. Jan. 2 | Same subject. Incloses copy of letter from the President transmitting one from the chairman and chief engineer of Isthmian Canal Commission, and instructs him to advise Panaman Government that United States holds that Panama has no jurisdiction over waters through which ships must pass in entering the canal. | 679 |
220 | Mr. Squiers to Mr. Root | Feb. 22 | Commission for appraisement and settlement of damages to property in Panama Canal Zone. Suggests, at instance of minister for foreign affairs, that he be instructed to take up the question of appointment of the fifth person or umpire of commission, and says Panaman Government is willing to accept an American citizen residing on the Isthmus. | 670 |
Mr. Root to Mr. Squiers (telegram). | Apr. 8 | Same subject. Refers to dispatch of Feb. 22, and says it would facilitate matters if Minister Arango would take up with the department the question of selecting an umpire. Directs him to interview minister for foreign affairs on this point. | 671 | |
Mr. Squiers to Mr. Root (telegram). | Apr. 9 | Same subject. Reports that minister for foreign affairs approves suggestion and will instruct Minister Arango accordingly. | 671 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Squiers (telegram). | May 21 | Same subject. Instructs him to give formal notification of appointment of Mr. Edward C. Bumpus and Hon. Edwin Denby as commissioners plenipotentiary on the tribunal for assessment of land under Article VI of treaty of Nov. 18, 1903, between United States and Panama. | 671 | |
12 | Mr. Arosemena to Mr. Root | May 27 | Same subject. Announces appointment of Srs. Gil Ponce Jaen and Santiago de la Guardia as members of commission. | 672 |
Mr. Squiers to Mr. Root | June 1 | Same subject. Incloses copy of note of May 30 from the foreign office, and copy of letter from Richard Reid Rogers, general counsel of Isthmian Canal Commission, in regard to exercise of judicial power by the point committee. | 672 | |
117 | Mr. Adee to Mr. Squiers | June 26 | Same subject. Acknowledges his dispatch of June 1, and informs him department agrees with views as expressed in notes of Minister Arias and Mr. Rogers. | 674 |
18 | Mr. Arango to Mr. Bacon | July 9 | Same subject. Proposes, by direction of Panaman Government, Mr. Edwin Denby as umpire of the mixed commission. | 674 |
339 | Mr. Weitzel to Mr. Root | Aug. 19 | Same subject. Advises department of the delivery, on Aug. 8, of the award made by the mixed commission, also the decision of the umpire, Mr. Denby, on the findings of the joint commission of 1907. Incloses text of decision published in the Canal Record. | 674 |
346 | Same to same | Aug. 31 | Election and inauguration of don José de Obaldia as President of Panama. Reports concerning a meeting of the electoral college of Panama Aug. 30, which formally declared de Obaldia elected President. | 665 |
Same to same (telegram) | Oct. 2 | Same subject. Reports re successful inauguration and appointment of José Augustin Arango as minister for foreign affairs, and of Carlos Constantine Arosemena as minister at Washington. | 665 | |
361 | Same to same | 1908. Oct. 2 | Same subject. Referring to telegram of this date reports in regard to the inaugural ceremonies, and incloses newspaper clipping containing the President’s speech. | 666 |
Mr. Arango to Mr. Root (telegram). | Oct. 3 | Same subject. Informs department of the assumption of the Presidency by Sr. de Obaldia and names members of the Cabinet appointed by the President. | 668 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Arango (telegram). | do | Same subject, Asks that his congratulations and good wishes be presented to President Obaldia. Expresses gratification at his appointment as minister for foreign affairs. | 668 | |
Mr. Arango to Mr. Root (telegram). | do | Same subject. Expresses appreciation of felicitations. | 668 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Weitzel (telegram). | do | Same subject. Instructs him to convey to new minister for foreign affairs sincere congratulations and good wishes. | 668 | |
Mr. Roosevelt to Mr. Obaldia (telegram). | do | Same subject. Extends congratulations on his auspicious inauguration. | 669 | |
Mr. Arango to Mr. Root (telegram). | Oct. 6 | Same subject. Expresses appreciation of the President and himself for kind congratulations. | 669 | |
Mr. Cromwell to Mr. Root | do | Same subject. Advises department of the inauguration of Sr. Obaldia as President, and gives the names of members of new Cabinet. | 669 | |
Mr. Obaldia to Mr. Roosevelt (telegram). | Oct. 7 | Same subject. Expresses gratitude for telegram of congratulations, and extends greetings. | 670 | |
Mr. Roosevelt to Mr. Obaldia (telegram). | Oct. 31 | Same subject. “Please accept my cordial thanks for good wishes extended by yourself and members of your Cabinet in your message of Oct. 28.” | 670 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
33 | Mr. Jackson to Mr. Root | 1908 Feb. 12 | Murder of Rev. Benjamin W. Labaree. Confirms his telegram of Feb. 9; department’s reply of Feb. 10, and expresses gratification at closing of the case. Says minister for foreign affairs thanked him, at his weekly reception, for attitude of United States re punishment of accessories to the murder. | 681 |
9 | Mr. Root to Mr. Jackson | Mar. 16 | Same subject. Acknowledges his No. 33 of Feb. 12, and informs him he has correctly apprehended the attitude of United States in the Labaree matter. | 682 |
29 | Mr. Adee to Mr. Jackson | Aug. 26 | Joint international commission for investigation of the opium question in the far East. Instructs him to extend to Persia invitation to participate in proposed joint opium commission. | 98 |
Mr. de Billier to Mr. Root (telegram). | Oct. 29 | Same subject. “The Persian Government will particinate opium international conference.” | 105 | |
33 | Mr. Adee to Mr. de Billier. | do | Same subject. Asks that names and ranks of Persian commissioners be reported at early date, also proposed plan of investigation. | 105 |
Mr. Jackson to Mr. Root (telegram). | Nov. 4 | Same subject. “Government of Persia has no objection to postponement. Local merchant Shanghai will be named the delegate No one will be sent from Persia and no preliminary investigation will be made.” | 107 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Jackson | Nov. 6 | Same subject. See telegram of Nov. 6 to Japan. | 108 | |
Mr. de Billier to Mr. Root | Nov. 11 | Same subject. Incloses copy of note from foreign office accepting invitation to participate in conference and stating that representative will be appointed. | 108 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Jackson | do | Same subject. See telegram of this date to Great Britain. | 109 | |
Same to same | Nov. 19 | Same subject. See telegram of this date to Great Britain. | 110 | |
Mr. Adee to Mr. de Billier | Dec. 1 | Same subject. See telegram of this date to Great Britain. | 113 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. jackson (telegram). | Dec. 3 | same subject, See telegram of this date to Great Britain. | 114 | |
34 | Mr. Adee to Mr. de Billier. | Dec. 8 | Same subject. Directs that the foreign office be sent an expression of appreciation. | 115 |
129 | Mr. Jackson to Mr. Root | Dec. 25 | Same subject. Reports appointment of Hadji Mirza 115 Djafar as “Commercial representative” of Persia. | 115 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
120 | Mr. Neill to Mr. Root | 1908. May 27 | Election and inauguration of Augusto B. Leguia as President of Peru. Reports election of Sr. Leguia as President; Dr. Eugenio Larrabure y Unanue as first vice-president; and Dr. Belisario Sosa as second vice-president, and says inauguration will take place Sept. 24. | 684 |
Mr. Root to Mr. Leguia (telegram). | May 28 | Same subject. Offers congratulations on his election to the presidency. | 685 | |
Mr. Leguia to Mr. Root (telegram). | May 29 | Same subject. Expresses thanks for congratulatory telegram. | 685 | |
148 | Mr. Neill to Mr. Root | July 29 | Message of the President of Peru. Reports opening of Congress July 28, and incloses copy of President’s message, together with translation of salient points thereof. | 683 |
170 | Mr. Coombs to Mr. Root | Sept. 28 | Election and inauguration of Augusto B. Leguia as President of Peru. Reports inauguration of Mr. Leguia as President on Sept. 24, and reception of the diplomatic corps by him Sept. 25. | 685 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Root (telegram). | 1908. Feb. 1 | Assassination of King and Crown Prince of Portugal, and accession of King Manuel II to the Throne. Reports assassination of the King and Crown Prince. Says the Queen and second son were saved | 686 | |
Mr. Alte to Mr. Root | Feb. 2 | Same subject. Gives text of telegram from Portuguese Government announcing the assassination of King and Crown Prince of Portugal. | 686 | |
Mr Bacon to Mr. Alte | do | Same subject. Acknowledges his note of this date, and tenders condolence and sympathetic sorrow of himself and people of United States. | 686 | |
Mr. Roosevelt to King of Portugal (telegram). | Feb. 3 | Same subject. Expresses condolence to him and to his queen mother. | 687 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Bryan (telegram). | do | Same subject. Directs him to tender to Portuguese Government condolence and sorrow of people of United States, and to minister for foreign affairs his personal sentiments. | 687 | |
374 | Mr. Bryan to Mr. Root | do | Same subject. Confirms his telegram of Feb. 1 and reports details of the tradegy and events leading to it. Calls attention to the friendly sentiment of the new King to the United States. | 687 |
375 | Same to same | do | Same subject. Confirms his telegram of this date, and gives personnel of the new ministry. | 689 |
Same to same (telegram) | Feb. 4 | Same subject. Reports date of funeral obsequies and says the Prince of Wales and other special ambassadors will attend. | 689 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Bryan (telegram) | do | Same subject. Instructs him that he will represent the President as special ambassador at the funeral. | 690 | |
Same to same (telegram) | do | Same subject. Quotes resolution adopted by the Senate, deploring the tragedy, and directs that it be communicated to the minister for foreign affairs. | 690 | |
Mr. Alte to Mr. Root | do | Same subject. Express appreciation of royal family and himself for sympathy extended by President and people of United States. | 690 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Bryan (telegram). | Feb. 5 | Same subject. Quotes resolution adopted by the House of Representatives expressing sympathy for the Portuguese Government and directs that it be transmitted through the minister for foreign affairs | 691 | |
381 | Mr. Bryan to Mr. Root | Feb. 17 | Same subject. Reports that minister for foreign affairs has requested that acknowledgments be expressed to Congress of condolatory resolutions adopted by Senate and House of Representatives; says resolutions had very happy effect in Portugal. | 691 |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Bryan | Mar. 5 | Same subject. Acknowledges his No. 381 of Feb. 17, and says copies thereof have been transmitted to Vice President and Speaker for information of Senate and House of Representatives. | 691 | |
Mr. Alte to Mr. Root | Mar. 7 | Same subject. Asks that the thanks of the King and Portuguese Government be conveyed to Senate and House of Representatives, pending receipt of fitting response from the Portuguese Parliament. | 692 | |
160 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Bryan | Mar. 10 | Joint international commission for investigation of opium question in the Far East. Instructs him to bring to attention of Portuguese Government proposal of United States for a joint commission to investigate opium question and to ask for early reply. | 79 |
54 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Alte | 1908. Mar. 19 | Assassination of King and Crown Prince of Portugal and accession of King Manuel II to the Throne. Acknowledges his note of Mar. 7, copies of which have been communicated to the Vice President and Speaker of the House of Representatives. | 692 |
Mr. Root to Mr. Bryan | May 7 | Joint international commission for investigation of opium question in the Far East. See telegram of May 7 to Great Britain. | 86 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Alte | do | Extradition convention between the United States and Portugal. Note concerning death penalty. | 699 | |
Mr. Alte to Mr. Root | do | Same subject. Note concerning death penalty | 699 | |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Bryan (telegram). | June 20 | Joint international commission for investigation of opium question in the Far East. See telegram of June 20 to Japan. | 92 | |
Same to same | July 11 | Same subject. See telegram of July 11 to Great Britain. | 92 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Bryan | July 21 | Same subject. See telegram of July 21 to Great Britain. | 93 | |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Bryan | Aug. 1 | Same subject. See telegram of Aug. 1 to Japan | 94 | |
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Root (telegram). | Aug. 3 | Samesubject. “The King of Portugal proposes naming a commission to study opium question. Later on the joint high commission will be named.” | 94 | |
170 | Mr. Root to Mr. Lorillard | Oct. 22 | Recognition of Mouley Hafid as Sultan of Morocco. See instruction No. 162 of Oct. 20 to Morocco. | 651 |
446 | Mr. Lorillard to Mr. Root | Oct. 30 | Joint international commission for investigation of the opium question in the Far East. Refers to instruction No. 160 of Mar. 10 and incloses copy of note from foreign office stating that Portuguese Government accepts invitation and intends to be represented on commission. | 106 |
Mr. Root to Mr. Bryan | Nov. 6 | Same subject. See telegram of Nov. 6 to Japan | 108 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Bryan | Nov. 11 | Same subject. See telegram of Nov. 11 to Great Britain. | 109 | |
Same to same | Nov. 19 | Same subject. See telegram of Nov. 19 to Great Britain. | 110 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Bryan (telegram). | Dec. 3 | Same subject. See telegram of this date to Great Britain. | 114 | |
Dec. 14 | Extradition convention between the United States and Portugal. | 693 | ||
do | Naturalization treaty between the United States and Portugal. | 700 | ||
do | Arbitration convention between the United States and Portugal. | 702 | ||
468 | Mr. Lorillard to Mr. Root | Dec. 19 | Joint international commission for investigation of the opium question in the Far East. Incloses note from foreign office announcing appointment of Oscar George Potier and Carlos Assumpcao, as Portuguese delegates. | 115 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
265 | Mr. Schuyler to Mr. Root | 1907. Apr. 25 | Declaration re Baltic Sea. Reports the signing on Apr. 23 by the representatives of Russia, Germany, Sweden, and Denmark, of a convention for the preservation of the status quo on the Baltic. | 704 |
Baron Rosen to Mr. Root | Oct. 25 | Commercial agreement between the United States and Germany. Requests that customs privileges granted by United States to German chambers of commerce as regards certificates of value for goods shipped to United States be extended to committees of Russian exchanges. | 347 | |
53 | Mr. Root to Baron Rosen. | Oct. 31 | Same subject. Acknowledges note of Oct. 25 and asks that department be furnished with text of articles 591–598 of Russian code of commerce, and those statutes of the St. Petersburg exchange which define powers of committees of Russian exchanges. | 348 |
103 | Baron Rosen to Mr. Root | 1908. Mar. 14 | Same subject. In reply to No. 53 of Oct. 31, incloses articles of Russian commercial code, etc., requested by department, and makes certain explanations. | 348 |
69 | Mr. Bacon to Baron Rosen. | Mar. 18 | Same subject. Acknowledges his note of Mar. 14, and states it will receive consideration. | 350 |
73 | Same to same | Apr. 3 | Same subject. Refers to his note of Mar. 14, and incloses copy of letter of Mar. 31 from Treasury Department. | 350 |
172 | Mr. Adee to Mr. Riddle | Aug. 26 | Joint international commission for investigation of the opium question in the Far East. Instructs him to extend to Russia invitation to participate. | 98 |
188 | Mr. Root to Mr. Riddle | Oct. 22 | Recognition of Mouley Hafid as Sultan of Morocco. See instruction No. 162 of Oct. 20 to Morocco. | 651 |
Same to same | 1908 Nov. 6 | Joint international commission for investigation of the opium question in the Far East. See telegram of Nov. 6 to Japan. | 108 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Riddle | Nov. 11 | Same subject. See telegram of Nov. 11 to Great “Britain. | 109 | |
Same to same | Nov. 19 | Same subject. See telegram of Nov. 19 to Great Britain. | 110 | |
Mr. Riddle to Mr. Root (telegram). | Nov. 26 | Same subject. “Postponement of International Commission to Feb. 1 is entirely acceptable to Russian Government.” | 112 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Riddle (telegram). | Dec. 3 | Same subject. See telegram of this date to Great Britain. | 114 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
66 | Mr. Gregory to Mr. Root | 1908. Apr. 7 | Flying of foreign flags in Salvador. Refers to department’s No. 19 of Mar. 19, concerning the flying of foreign flags, and incloses copy of executive order of Feb. 1, 1908. | 705 |
77 | Same to same | Apr. 21 | Decree relating to treaties, status of foreigners, etc. Transmits decree. | 705 |
90 | Mr. Dodge to Mr. Root | May 23 | Same subject. Incloses copy of act of National 707 Legislative Assembly promulgated May 8, approving executive decree of April 13. | 707 |
Mr. Root to Mr. Rodriguez (telegram). | May 28 | Inauguration of the court of justice for Central 216 America. See telegram of even date to the Costa Rican minister of foreign relations, Mr. Anderson. | 216 | |
July 23 | Naturalization convention between the united 707 States and Salvador. | 707 |
san marino.
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
San Marino, Republic of | 1908. | Extradition treaty between the United States and the Republic of San Marino. Text. | 710 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
370 | Mr. King to Mr. Root | 1908. Jan. 8 | Rules for international courts as established by treaty of Mar. 23, 1907, between Siam and France. Incloses copy of rules, and says these rules will probably largely enter into whatever treaty negotiations may pass between Siam and Great Britain. | 715 |
Mr. Root to Mr. King (telegram). | Oct. 2 | Joint international commission for investigation of the opium question in the Far East, Instructs him to extend invitation to Siam. | 103 | |
Mr. MacMurray to Mr. Root (telegram). | Oct. 20 | Same subject. “Siamese Government accepts invitation to participate Shanghai opium conference.” | 104 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. King | Oct. 22 | Same subject. Outlines scope of preliminary investigations, and directs him to report names and ranks of Siamese commissioners. | 105 | |
Same to same | Nov. 6 | Same subject. See telegram of Nov. 6 Japan. | 108 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. King | Nov. 11 | Same subject. See telegram of Nov. 11 to Great Britain. | 109 | |
Same to same | Nov. 19 | Same subject. See telegram of Nov. 19 to Great Britain. | 110 | |
Mr. King to Mr. Root (telegram). | Nov. 23 | Same subject. States that Siamese Government would not object to postponement of conference to Feb. 1 next | 112 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. King (telegram). | Dec. 3 | Same subject. See telegram of this date to Great Britain. | 114 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
Mr. Pastor to Mr. Root | 1907. Oct. 21 | International commission for the adjustment of damages growing out of the disorders at Casablanca. States that copy of circular relative to indemnities was mailed from Madrid Oct. 16. | 630 | |
55 | Mr. Root to Mr. Pastor | Oct. 23 | Same subject. Acknowledges note of Oct. 21; quotes memorandum left at department by French ambassador/and states that department has informed the ambassador of its approval of an indemnity commission. | 631 |
56 | Same to same | 1907. Oct. 29 | Same subject. Acknowledges note of Oct. 28, and states that proposal for constitution of a commission meets with approval. | 632 |
Memorandum to Spanish legation. | Dec. 3 | Same subject. See memorandum of Dec. 3 to the French embassy. | 633 | |
Memorandum from Spanish legation. | 1908. Jan. 17 | Recognition of Mulai Hafid as Sultan of Morocco. Gives attitude of Spanish Government re defense of interests in Morocco, and requests department’s opinion thereon. | 642 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Pina | Jan. 20 | Same subject. Refers to oral promise, and incloses memorandum giving department’s opinion as to such action as may prove necessary to protect life and propery. | 643 | |
474 | Mr. Collier to Mr. Root | Feb. 4 | Adhesion of Spain to the declaration of Paris of 1856. Transmits text of royal decree whereby Spain accepts all the rules, including that for abolition of privateering, laid down in declaration of Paris of 1856. | 720 |
May 21 | Extradition treaty between the United States and Spain. Text. | 723 | ||
June 3 | Arbitration convention between the United States and Spain. Text. | 721 | ||
Mr. Pastor to Mr. Root | Sept. 12 | Commercial agreement between the United States and Germany. Requests that certificates issued by chambers of commerce of Spain be accepted as are those of Germany, France, and Great Britain. | 351 | |
107 | Mr. Adee to Mr. Pastor | Sept. 18 | Same subject. Acknowledges his note of Sept. 12, and asks that department be furnished with information as to organization and operation of Spanish chambers of commerce. | 352 |
Mr. Pastor to Mr. Root | Sept. 24 | Same subject. Refers to department’s note of Sept. 18, and says copy of laws and regulations governing chambers of commerce will be forwarded as soon as received from Madrid. | 352 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Pastor | Sept. 30 | Same subject. Acknowledges his note of Sept. 24, and says information contained therein has been communicated to Treasury Department | 353 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Pastor | Oct. 9 | Recognition of Mulai Hafid as Sultan of Morocco. See note of Oct. 9 French ambassador | 647 | |
108 | Same to same | Oct. 14 | Commercial agreement between the United States and Germany. Refers to previous correspondnece and informs him that provisions of point” F “have been extended to Spanish chambers of commerce. | 353 |
Mr. Root to Mr. Collier (telegram). | Oct. 20 | Recognition of Mulaia Hafid as Sultan of Morocco. See telegram of Oct. 20 to Morocco. | 649 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Pastor | do | Same subject. Referring to interview of Oct. 19 and draft of note, incloses memorandum in response whereby United States acquieses in proposed conditions precedent to the recognition of Mulai. | 650 | |
Memorandum from Spanish Legation. | Dec. 17 | Same subject. Expresses satisfaction at reply from Muley Hafid to collective note sent through dean of the diplomatic corps, and says powers signatory to the act of Algeciras have decided to recognize Mulai as Sultan. | 654 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Pina | Dec. 19 | Same subject. Informs him of telegraphic instructions sent to American minister at Tangier Dec. 17. | 655 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
150 | Mr. Graves to Mr. Root | 1908. Jan. 16 | Speech of King Gustav V at the opening of the Riksdag. Reports in regard to the opening of the Riksdag, and incloses copy of the King’s speech. | 730 |
Sept. 1 | Arbitration convention between the United States and Sweden. Text. | 731 | ||
108 | Mr. Root to Mr. Graves | Oct. 22 | Recognition of Mulai Hafid as Sultan of Morocco. See instruction No. 162 of Oct. 20 to Morocco. | 651 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
65 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Vogel | 1908. Mar. 5 | Protection afforded Swiss citizens in Colombia by the American Legation. Incloses copy of correspondence between the legation at Bogota and department concerning use of legation’s good offices in behalf of Swiss citizens in Colombia. | 734 |
Dec. 23 | Arbitration convention between the United States and Switzerland. Text. | 734 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Leishman | 1908. June 30 | Status of residents of Turkey who claim to be naturalized American citizens. Refers to circular instruction of Apr. 19, 1907, and incloses copy of remonstrance which E. C. Tambaky and others have addressed to the President in which they criticize department’s interpretation of act of Mar. 2, 1907, in reference to expatriation of citizens and their protection abroad. | 738 | |
Mr. Leishman to Mr. Root (telegram). | July 24 | Political reforms in Turkey. Reports that the Sultan has proclaimed the constitution, which had lapsed for 30 years, and sent orders to all governors with a view to proceeding to election of parliamentary representatives. | 745 | |
Same to same (telegram) | July 28 | Same subject. Reports proclamation of amnesty for all political prisoners, and changes in the ministry, pressure being brought to bear upon the Sultan to dismiss the palace clique who are held responsible for deplorable state of affairs which brought about the revolution. | 746 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Leishman (telegram). | July 30 | Rights of American citizens to prosecute claims against the Turkish Government in courts of that country. Acknowledges his telegram of July 25; informs him of pro visions of sec. 1068 of Revised Statutes and instructs him to reply whether an American citizen could sue Turkish Governmentin Turkishcourts and whether remedy accorded is as practicable, efficient, and absolute as remedy in Court of Claims. Also nature of cases in which Americans can sue Turkish Government in those courts. | 737 | |
Same to same (telegram). | Aug. 3 | Political reforms in Turkey. Instructs him to express sympathetic interest with which the President has observed the confirmation of representative Government in Turkish dominions. | 746 | |
733 | Mr. Leishman to Mr. Root | do | Same subject. Refers to previous dispatches and reports formal proclamation of the constitution. | 746 |
738 | Same to same | Aug 8 | Same subject. Reports further in regard to recent occurrences and the enormous impetus the power of the Young Turks has recently received. | 747 |
751 | Same to same | Aug. 20 | Same subject. Referring to recent dispatches, reports further concerning the new Government; states that sudden death of new minister of war was a severe blow to the reformers, and that bands in Smyrna and Macedonia are laying down arms. | 748 |
415 | Mr. Adee to Mr. Leishman | Aug. 26 | Joint international commission for investigation of opium question in the Far East. Instructs him to extend to Turkey invitation to participate. | 98 |
417 | Same to same | Aug. 31 | Removal of restrictions on emigration of wives and minor children of naturalized citizens of Ottoman origin. Instructs him to report whether there has been any change in attitude of Turkish Government in matters of assessment of personal taxes in Turkey against former Ottoman subjects, and emigration of their relatives other than wives and minor children. | 757 |
774 | Mr. Leishman to Mr. Root | Sept. 19 | Removal of restrictions on the sale of the Bible and other books, typewriters, etc. Reports settlement of difficulty regarding Bible colportage in consequence of which the American Bible Society will probably have no further cause for complaint. | 755 |
775 | Same to same | Sept. 28 | Political reforms in Turkey. Reports in regard to the new constitutional Government, the establishment of which has eliminated the cause of much annoyance to the United States and other countries. Says the strained, relations with Bulgaria threatens the stability of the Government. | 749 |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Leishman (telegram). | do | Same subject. Intorms him that Navy Department has detailed the Scorpion to be stationed at Constantinople, and that vessel is ready for immediate departure as soon as department can be assured informally that request for permission to pass the Dardanelles will be granted. | 751 | |
784 | Mr. Leishman to Mr. Root | do | Removal of restrictions on emigration of wives and minor children of naturalized American citizens of Ottoman origin. Reports that henceforth no action upon the part of United States will be necessary, as according to the constitution all Ottoman subjects enjoy right of free travel. | 757 |
785 | Same to same | do | Same subject. Acknowledges No. 417 of Sept. 31 and reports concerning regulations governing emigration and immigration under the new form of Government. | 758 |
434 | Mr. Root to Mr. Leishman | 1908. Oct. 2 | Removal of restrictions on the importation of typewriting machines. Incloses copy of letter from Remington Typewriter Co., inquiring concerning removal of restrictions on importation of typewriters, and instructs him to make inquiry in regard to this matter and report. Quotes pertinent statement in report from Consul Jewett at Trebizond. | 755 |
795 | Mr. Leishman to Mr. Root | Oct. 6 | Rights of American citizens to prosecute claims against the Turkish Government in courts of that country. Acknowledges telegram of July 30 and answers department’s inquiries. | 737 |
Same to same (telegram) | Oct. 9 | Political reforms in Turkey. Reports that although rumors of war continue to circulate it is hoped that recourse to arms will be avoided, as leaders of constitutional party are doing everything to calm the bellicose spirit of the army. | 751 | |
807 | Same to same | Oct. 17 | Removal of restrictions on the importation of typewriting machines. Acknowledges No. 434 of Oct. 2; refers to his No. 774 of Sept. 19, and reports that no restrictions whatever exist on importation of printing machinery. | 756 |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Leishman (telegram). | Oct. 21 | Political reforms in Turkey. Informs him the Scorpion will sail on Oct. 22 and that her commander, Lieut. Commander G. W. Logan, U. S. Navy, will telegraph from Malta to settle formalities for passage of the Dardanelles. Directs that an expression of the President’s satisfaction at permission granted by Ottoman Government be conveyed to the Sultan. | 751 | |
Mr. Leishman to Mr. Root (telegram). | do | Same subject. Quotes note received from the ministry for foreign affairs informing the embassy that an imperial irade authorizes the passage through the Dardanelles of the Scorpion. | 752 | |
440 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Leishman | Oct. 26 | Same subject. Refers to department’s telegram of Oct. 21, and incloses copy of letter to Secretary of the Navy regarding the detail of U. S. S. Scorpion as stationnaire at Constantinople. | 752 |
Mr. Leishman to Mr. Root (telegram). | Nov. 19 | Joint international commission for investigation of the opium question in the Far East. Quotes reply from Sublime Porte to effect that as there is no representative in China, Turkey can not be represented on international commission. | 110 | |
447 | Mr. Bacon to Mr. Leishman | Nov. 27 | Same subject. Acknowledges telegram of Nov. 19 and expresses regret that Ottoman Government will not participate. | 112 |
Mr. Leishman to Mr. Root, (telegram). | Dec. 4 | Political reforms in Turkey: “Scorpion arrived today.” | 753 | |
Mr. Leishman to Mr. Bacon (telegram). | Dec. 16 | Same subject. Says that congratulatory telegrams to Turkish Parliament are being received from European Parliaments and suggests that United States take similar action. | 753 | |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Leishman (telegram). | Dec. 17 | Same subject. Quotes congratulatory resolutions passed by Senate and House of Representatives, and instructs him to communicate them to the Turkish Parliament through appropriate channel. | 753 | |
846 | Mr. Leishman to Mr. Root | do | Same subject. Reports opening of Turkish Parliament by the Sultan this date. Says the representatives took the oath of fidelity to the constitution and to the Sultan so long as he respected the constitution. | 754 |
848 | Same to same | Dec. 18 | Same subject. Acknowledges telegram of Dec. 17 and reports that copy of congratulations to Ottoman Government have been handed to minister for foreign atfairs. | 754 |
uruguay and paraguay.
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
Mr. O’Brien to Mr. Root (telegram). | 1908. July 7 | Revolution in Paraguay. Reports re beginning of revolution in Asuncion July 2; the resignation of President Ferreira and assumption of the presidency by Vice President Navero revolutionary sympathizer; and intervention of diplomatic corps resulting in cessation of hostilities. | 760 | |
Same to same (telegram) | July 8 | Same subject. Reports dissolution of Paraguayan Congress by new President and declaration of 30 days’ martial law. | 760 | |
Same to same (telegram) | July 9 | Same subject. Reports reception on July 8, by minister for foreign affairs, of representatives of United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, and Italy. | 760 | |
1908. July 10 | Extradition treaty between United States and Uruguay. Text. | 769 | ||
28 | Mr. O’Brien to Mr. Root | July 16 | Revolution in Paraguay. Incloses report made as dean of diplomatic corps covering proceedings taken by the body in connection with revolution which broke out in Asuncion, July 2. | 761 |
No. | From and to whom. | Date. | Subject. | Page. |
Mr. Root to Mr. Russell | 1907. Feb. 28 | Severing of diplomatic relations between the United States and Venezuela. Informs him of most careful reexamination of claims of Americans against Venezuela; discusses status of claims and instructs him to bring them again to attention of Venezuelan Government, and also to deliver copy of this instruction to minister for foreign affairs. | 774 | |
186 | Mr. Russell to Mr. Root | Apr. 7 | Same subject. Incloses copy of note to minister for foreign affairs presenting the five cases in which American citizens claim redress and copy of reply from minister for foreign affairs stating that he can not fail to take the favorable action in each case that American Government expects. | 797 |
188 | Same to same | Apr. 28 | Same subject. Referring to instructions of Feb. 28, incloses copy of note from minister for foreign affairs transmitting memorandum discussing points raised by American Government in above instructions. Says Venezuelan Government is disposed to come to some amicable arrangement in regard to Critchfield case, and will consider proposition from United States and Venezuela Company for a new contract. | 798 |
90 | Mr. Root to Mr. Russell | June 21 | Same subject. Acknowledges his No. 188 of Apr. 28; expresses regret at position assumed by Venezuelan Government, and instructs him to reiterate views expressed in instruction of Feb. 23. Outlines brief reply to be made to each point raised by memorandum of Venezuela. | 800 |
Mr. Russell to Mr. Root (telegram). | July 27 | Same subject. Reports Venezuelan Government reiterates position stated in memorandum, and asks whether he shall present formal proposition for arbitration as per instructions in No. 90 of June 21. | 805 | |
218 | Same to same | Aug. 4 | Same subject. Refers to instruction No. 90 of June 21, and incloses copy of correspondence with foreign office in regard to the five cases. | 805 |
Mr. Bacon to Mr. Russell (telegram). | Aug. 6 | Same subject. “Answering yours July 27, you will present formal proposal for arbitration, following instruction No. 90.” | 811 | |
Mr. Russell to Mr. Root (telegram). | Aug. 22 | Same subject. Reports presentation of formal proposition for arbitration on June 13, and says Government of Venezuela adheres wholly to position as stated in memorandum of Apr. 23, and in note of July 24. | 811 | |
228 | Same to same | Aug. 24 | Same subject. Refers to his telegram of Aug. 22, and incloses copy of his note of Aug. 13 to minister for foreign affairs and copy of reply. | 811 |
Mr. Adee to Mr. Russell (telegram). | Sept. 14 | Same subject. Quotes language to be embodied in a note to the minister for foreign affairs when the Venezuelan Government pays the first installment due United States on awards of mixed commission of 1903. | 812 | |
Mr. Russell to Mr. Root (telegram). | Sept. 27 | Same subject. Reports Venezuelan Government considers money received by him as paid on account of all the awards of mixed commission of 1903, including award to Orinoco Steamship Co., and that it does not consider there is any question pending in regard to award to said company. | 813 | |
236 | Same to same | Sept. 28 | Same subject. Refers to department’s telegram of Sept. 14, and reports accepting 33,771,10 bolivars, first installment of money due on account of awards of mixed commission of 1903. Reports concerning strained situation and suggests that means of cable communication with Curacao be afforded him. Incloses correspondence with foreign office. | 813 |
Mr. Root to Mr. Russell (telegram). | Dec. 16 | Same subject. Quotes language to be embodied in note to minister for foreign affairs acknowledging receipt of first payment on awards to American claimants. | 817 | |
269 | Mr. Russell to Mr. Root | 1908. Jan. 4 | Same subject. Refers to telegram of Dec. 19, 1907, and incloses copy of note of Dec. 30 to minister for foreign affairs and his reply of Jan. 3 in regard to the quotas collected and forwarded to Washington. | 817 |
121 | Mr. Root to Mr. Russell | Jan. 21 | Same subject. Acknowledges his No. 269 of Jan 4 with inclosures, and instructs him in acknowledging receipt of all payments to say that American Government adheres to its position as set forth in his note of Dec. 30, 1907. | 818 |
Same to same (telegram) | Feb. 18 | Same subject. Instructs him to ascertain whether refusal of Venezuela to accept American proposal of arbitration is designed to apply to each and every one of the five claims, presented on Mar. 30 or which, if any, she is willing to arbitrate. | 819 | |
289 | Mr. Russell to Mr. Root | Feb. 29 | Same subject. Incloses copy of note to minister for foreign affairs of Feb. 22 and reply thereto of Feb. 29 reproposed arbitration of pending claims. | 819 |
Same to same (telegram) | do | Same subject. Reports minister for foreign affairs states Venezuela refrains from considering question of arbitration because it has received no refutation of arguments in notes of July 9 and Sept. 20. | 820 | |
Mr. Root to Mr. Sleeper (telegram). | June 13 | Same subject. Instructs him to advise Government of intention to close American legation and place interests, property, etc., in hands of Brazil, and also to apply for his passports and safe conduct, leaving legation clerk Brewer to watch over archives and property. | 820 | |
335 | Mr. Sleeper to Mr. Root | June 22 | Same subject. Acknowledges telegram of June 15 and incloses correspondence with minister for foreign affairs relative to discontinuance of diplomatic relations. Announces intended departure for United States June 24 or 25. | 821 |
Mr. Brewer to Mr. Root | Aug. 5 | Same subject. Acknowledges inclosures sent through Brazilian ambassador at Washington and says that in view of suspension of his consular functions Brazilian chargé at Caracas will not hand over monthly payments on accounts of awards of mixed commission of 1903, nor furnish copies of communications with foreign office. Asks for specific instructions. | 829 |