File No. 215.1/84.
The Netherlands Minister to the Secretary of State.
Washington, November 12, 1907.
Mr. Secretary of State: The minister of Spain and the chargé d’affaires of France at The Hague delivered on the 19th of October, last, to the minister of foreign affairs in that city an identic note concerning [Page 633] the settlement of indemnities for damages caused by the events at Casablanca. The minister, in his reply, remarked that the Queen’s Government was of opinion that the international commission should also take up pecuniary claims arising from murders committed during or after the said events.
He considers the jurisdiction of the commission over such claims to be the necessary consequence of the principles upon which the jurisdiction assigned to the commission by the Franco-Spanish proposition is based.
I am instructed to make the view of the Queen’s Government known to the Government of the Republic and to point out to your excellency the advantage there would be in extending the commission’s jurisdiction as above indicated.
Hereby complying with this direction, I embrace the opportunity to renew, etc.,