File No. 10170/10.
The Acting Secretary of State to the Mexican Chargé.
Washington, March 10, 1908.
Sir: In answer to your note, No. 149, of the 29th ultimo, renewing your request that George Deering Reed be transported to Laredo, Tex., for delivery to the Mexican authorities with the understanding that all costs will be paid by Mexico, I have the honor to inclose herewith a copy of a letter from the Attorney General, in which he says that Mr. Thomas J. Alcott, United States marshal for the district of New Jersey, is willing, with one guard, Mr. W. B. Snowden, to undertake to deliver Reed to the Mexican authorities at Laredo.
The Attorney General suggests that, in the event the authorities of Mexico desire the marshal to undertake this mission he (the marshal) be furnished with the credentials necessary to secure the delivery to him of the person of the accused.
Accept, etc.,