File No. 6807/11.
Ambassador Tower to the Secretary of State.
Berlin, April 30, 1908.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Mr. Bacon’s dispatch No. 815 of the 14th of April, 1908, in relation to the subject of the establishment between the Imperial German Government and the Government of the United States of an arrangement, by treaty or otherwise, under which American citizens born in Alsace-Lorraine shall be placed upon the same footing as other American citizens of German origin upon their return to Germany for legitimate purposes, which subject was reported upon by me in my dispatch to you No. 1121, dated the 15th of March, 1907.2
In compliance with the instructions contained in Mr. Bacon’s present dispatch, I have addressed a note this day to the imperial German secretary of state for foreign affairs, in which I have requested that the answer of the German Government to a communication which I made upon this subject in a note dated the 15th of March, 1907,3 may be sent to me in order that I may transmit it to the Government of the United States.
I have, etc.,