File No. 8602/6–10.
The Secretary of State to
Chargé Fletcher.
Department of State,
Washington, February 12,
No. 410.]
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your
dispatch No. 801, of December 26 last, and to inform you in reply that
the department approves the attitude maintained by the legation in
respect to the imposition of taxes on American kerosene oil at Nanking
and Shun Te Fu in addition to those prescribed by treaty.
In view of the fact, as stated in your dispatch, that the principal
question involved in the Nanking case is whether the duty-free area of
an open port includes the whole area of the port or simply that section
of the city comprising the international settlement; the department
believes that you could avail of this opportunity again to impress upon
the Chinese the settled conviction of this Government that a port which,
under the treaties, has been declared open to international residents
and foreign trade, is opened in its entirety.
As bearing on the subject under consideration there is inclosed herewith
for your information a copy of the department’s instruction to the
consul general at Shanghai as to the attitude which he is to assume in
connection with the attempt of the Chinese authorities to levy likin
duties within the harbor limits of Shanghai.
I am, etc.,
The Secretary of
State to Consul General Denby.
Department of State,
Washington, December 11,
No. 45.]
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of
your No. 51 of November 1, 1907,1 and to express the department’s approval of the
joint communication to the taotai by the consular corps on the
subject of likin within the harbor limits.
[Page 139]
This department is of the opinion that no opportunity should be
overlooked in which to impress upon the Chinese Government the
interpretation which the United States attaches to the words “open
The tendency of the Chinese authorities to restrict the actual growth
of Shanghai by limiting the accommodation of foreign shipping to
within that portion of the harbor which comprises the settlement
area, as well as by other measures reported to this department in
the past, should, whenever the occasion requires, be strongly
The levying of likin dues within the harbor limits constitutes a
clear case for protest, since it is entirely proper that the whole
harbor should be included in the confines of the open port.
The department awaits with interest the result of your request for
the issuance of a proclamation prohibiting within the harbor the
levy of taxes of every nature on foreign goods excepting those
provided for by treaty.
I am, etc.,
W. J. Care, Chief Clerk
(For the Secretary of