File No. 8027/–1.
American Legation,
Sebastian, July 31,
No. 375.]
Copy of the Spanish text of the treaty and translation are herewith
convention of arbitration between spain and
The Government of His Majesty the King of Spain and the Federal
Council of the Swiss Confederation, desiring to celebrate a
convention of arbitration, in virtue of article 19 of the convention
for the peaceful solution of international conflicts, signed at The
Hague July 29, 1899.
Have authorized the undersigned to make the following
Article I.
Questions of a juridical character or those relative to the
interpretation of the treaties existing between the high contracting
parties, which arise between them, and which may not have been
solved through the diplomatic channels, shall be submitted to the
Permanent Tribunal of Arbitration established by The Hague
Convention of July 29, 1899, provided that they do not put in issue
the vital interests nor the independence nor the honor of the
contracting states, and that they do not affect the interests of
third powers.
Article II.
In each particular case the high contracting parties, before
resorting to the permanent tribunal of arbitration, will sign a
special agreement which shall define clearly the object of the
litigation, the extent of the powers of the arbitrators, and the
limitations of time which have to be observed with respect to the
constitution of the arbitration tribunal and to the proceedings.
Article III.
The present convention shall be in force during five years, beginning
with the day of exchange of the ratifications, which shall take
place in Berne as soon as possible.
Made in duplicate, in
Berne, May 14, 1907.
The Spanish minister,
Marques de Prat de Nantouillet
President of the Swiss Confederation,
This convention has been ratified, and the ratifications have
been exchanged in Berne on the 9th instant (July, 1907).