Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, With the Annual Message of the President Transmitted to Congress December 3, 1907, (In two parts), Part II

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, With the Annual Message of the President Transmitted to Congress December 3, 1907, (In two parts), Part II
United States Government Printing Office
- List of papers, with subjects of correspondence
- Guatemala and Honduras (Documents 1–148)
- Impressment of aliens into the military service of Guatemala (Documents 1–2)
- Protection of Chinese in Guatemala (Documents 3–15)
- Attempt on the life of the President of Guatemala (Documents 16–18)
- Convention between the United States and Guatemala for the reciprocal
protection of patents (Document 19)
- Recognition of the provisional Government of Honduras by the United States
and Mexico (Documents 20–30)
- Good offices of the United States and Mexico for the conservation of peace
in Central America (Documents 31–80)
- Further good offices of the Presidents of the United States and Mexico for
the conservation of peace in Central America (Documents 81–98)
- Central American peace protocol, Washington, September 17, 1907 (Documents 99–147)
- Report of the Central American Peace Conference, Washington, 1907 (Document 148)
- Impressment of aliens into the military service of Guatemala (Documents 1–2)
- Haiti (Documents 149–163)
- Enforcement of the Haitian tax law of 1876 (Documents 149–161)
- Ill treatment of David A. Backer by Haitian soldiers (Documents 162–163)
- Enforcement of the Haitian tax law of 1876 (Documents 149–161)
- Italy (Documents 164–172)
- Declaration made between Italy and Denmark for the protection of
industrial models (Document 164)
- Destruction of tobacco belonging to the Italian Government (Documents 165–169)
- Commercial and navigation treaty between Italy and Russia (Documents 170–171)
- Consular jurisdiction over estates (Document 172)
- Declaration made between Italy and Denmark for the protection of
industrial models (Document 164)
- Japan (Documents 173–196)
- Treaty between Japan and France relating to the Far East (Documents 173–178)
- Transit through United States territory of criminals and fugitives from
justice in course of extradition from one foreign country to another (Documents 179–180)
- Marriage of foreigners in Japan (Document 181)
- Treaty between Japan and Russia, guaranteeing the present territory of
each, the integrity of China, and the principle of the “open door” in that
Empire (Documents 182–183)
- Exclusion of foreign laborers from Japan (Documents 184–186)
- Affairs in Korea (Documents 187–192)
- Railroads in Manchuria (Documents 193–195)
- Fishery convention between Japan and Russia (Document 196)
- Treaty between Japan and France relating to the Far East (Documents 173–178)
- Kongo (Documents 197–222)
- Investigation of affairs in the Kongo (Documents 197–222)
- Investigation of affairs in the Kongo (Documents 197–222)
- Liberia (Documents 223–224)
- Frontier agreement between France and (Document 223)
- Presidential election in (Document 224)
- Frontier agreement between France and (Document 223)
- Mexico (Documents 225–246)
- Recognition of United States meat-inspection labels (Documents 225–227)
- Passports issued under assumed names (Documents 228–229)
- Convention between the United States and, for the elimination of the
Bancos in the Rio Grande from the effects of Article II of the treaty of
November 12, 1884. (Document 230)
- Third International Sanitary Convention, Mexico City, December 2–7,
1907 (Documents 231–234)
- Message of the President of Mexico to the Mexican Congress (Document 235)
- Notice of decisions in extradition cases between the United States
and (Documents 236–237)
- Reciprocal agreement relative to the stationing of coaling vessels in the
waters of Mexico and the United States (Documents 238–239)
- Depredations of Yaqui Indians (Documents 240–245)
- Smuggling of arms and ammunition. (Documents 240–245)
- Smuggling of arms and ammunition. (Documents 240–245)
- Visit of the Secretary of State of the United States to Mexico (Document 246)
- Recognition of United States meat-inspection labels (Documents 225–227)
- Morocco (Documents 247–280)
- Protection of patents in Morocco (Documents 247–249)
- Kaid Maclean, a British officer, held prisoner by Raisuli (Documents 250–254)
- Rights of foreigners in Morocco (Documents 255–256)
- Acquisition of property for American missionaries and rental of a house in
the Moorish quarter of Mequinez (Documents 257–262)
- Political affairs in (Documents 263–280)
- Netherlands (Documents 281–288)
- International convention for the exemption of hospital ships from the
payment of all usual port dues and taxes (Documents 281–286)
- Convention between the United States and certain other powers for the
exemption of hospital ships, in time of war, from the payment of all dues
and taxes imposed for the benefit of the state (Document 287)
- Speech from the throne at the opening of the session of the
States-General (Document 288)
- Second Peace Conference at The Hague
- International convention for the exemption of hospital ships from the
payment of all usual port dues and taxes (Documents 281–286)
- Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Salvador (Documents 289–296)
- Treaty between the United States and Nicaragua for the extradition of
criminals (Document 289)
- Election of Gen. Fernando Figeroa as President of Salvador (Document 290)
- Citizenship of persons born of foreign parents in Nicaragua (Documents 291–294)
- Searching of the Pacific mail steamer San Juan by
Nicaraguan authorities (Documents 295–296)
- Treaty between the United States and Nicaragua for the extradition of
criminals (Document 289)
- Norway (Documents 297–302)
- Panama (Documents 303–307)
- Protection of Chinese interests in Panama (Documents 303–305)
- Consular jurisdiction over estates of American citizens dying in
Panama (Documents 306–307)
- Protection of Chinese interests in Panama (Documents 303–305)
- Persia (Documents 308–320)
- Murder of Rev. Benjamin W. Labaree (Documents 308–313)
- Death of Shah of Persia (Documents 314–320)
- Murder of Rev. Benjamin W. Labaree (Documents 308–313)
- Peru (Document 321)
- Message of the President of Peru to the Peruvian Congress (Document 321)
- Message of the President of Peru to the Peruvian Congress (Document 321)
- Portugal (Documents 322–342)
- An additional and amendatory agreement to the commercial agreement of May
22, 1899, between the United States and Portugal (Documents 322–323)
- Text of Agreement. (Documents 324–326)
- Effect of acceptance of titles of nobility on American citizenship (Documents 327–328)
- Military service case of Frank Freitas (Documents 329–342)
- An additional and amendatory agreement to the commercial agreement of May
22, 1899, between the United States and Portugal (Documents 322–323)
- Roumania and Servia (Documents 343–346)
- Commercial treaty between Roumania and Italy (Document 343)
- Commerce and navigation treaty between Roumania and France (Document 344)
- Commercial treaty between Servia and Italy (Document 345)
- Commercial treaty between Roumania and Belgium (Document 346)
- Commercial treaty between Roumania and Italy (Document 343)
- Russia (Documents 347–372)
- Citizenship of Clemens Belling (Documents 347–348)
- Famine in Russia (Documents 349–359)
- Convention between Russia and Great Britain concerning the interests of
their states on the continent of Asia (Document 360)
- Treaty between Russia and Japan guaranteeing the present territory of each, the integrity of China, and the principle of the “open door” in that Empire
- Sessions of the Douma (parliament); election laws; general affairs in
Russia (Documents 361–372)
- Citizenship of Clemens Belling (Documents 347–348)
- Siam (Document 373)
- Treaties between Siam and France (Document 373)
- Treaties between Siam and France (Document 373)
- Spain (Documents 374–386)
- Payment of Spanish indemnity under treaty of 1834 (Documents 374–380)
- Arbitration treaty between Spain and Switzerland (Document 381)
- Status of child born of foreign parents and adopted by an American
citizen (Documents 382–383)
- Decorations conferred upon American citizens prior to their receiving
appointment in the diplomatic service (Documents 384–385)
- Agreement of Spain with France and Great Britain for the preservation of
their territorial status quo in the Mediterranean and on the Atlantic coasts
of Europe and Asia (Document 386)
- Payment of Spanish indemnity under treaty of 1834 (Documents 374–380)
- Sweden (Documents 387–396)
- Death of King Oscar II of Sweden and the accession to the throne of King
Gustav V (Documents 387–394)
- Political conditions (Documents 395–396)
- Death of King Oscar II of Sweden and the accession to the throne of King
Gustav V (Documents 387–394)
- Switzerland (Documents 397–399)
- Convention for the amelioration of the condition of the wounded of the
armies in the field (Document 397)
- Deportation of persons merely charged with crime (Documents 398–399)
- Convention for the amelioration of the condition of the wounded of the
armies in the field (Document 397)
- Turkey (Documents 400–432)
- Equal treatment for American institutions (Documents 400–404)
- Increase of Turkish customs duties (Documents 405–417)
- Settlement of the Manoukian estate (Documents 418–419)
- Citizenship of Nicholas and Theodore S. Theodore (Documents 420–421)
- Opening by Turkish authorities of mail addressed to American
missionaries (Documents 422–424)
- Removal of restrictions on American patent medicines imported into
Turkey (Document 425)
- Extradition procedure (Documents 426–427)
- Protection of American citizens against acts of brigandage (Documents 428–429)
- Restrictions on the importation of typewriting machines (Documents 430–432)
- Equal treatment for American institutions (Documents 400–404)
- Egypt (Documents 433–443)
- Jurisdiction over the offense of criminal libel committed by an American
citizen in Egypt (Documents 433–440)
- Increase of taxes in Cairo (Documents 441–443)
- Improvement of Sanitary Conditions. (Documents 441–443)
- Improvement of Sanitary Conditions. (Documents 441–443)
- Jurisdiction over the offense of criminal libel committed by an American
citizen in Egypt (Documents 433–440)
- Uruguay and Paraguay (Documents 444–447)
- Law abolishing the death penalty in Uruguay (Document 444)
- Message of the President of Uruguay to the Uruguayan Congress (Document 445)
- Election of Dr. Claudio Willman as President of Uruguay (Documents 446–447)
- Law abolishing the death penalty in Uruguay (Document 444)
- Venezuela (Documents 448–453)
- Recognition of Mr. Simon Planas Suarez, a native Venezuelan, as Nicaraguan
minister to Venezuela (Documents 448–449)
- Diplomatic Immunities. (Documents 448–449)
- Diplomatic Immunities. (Documents 448–449)
- Message of the President and report of the minister for foreign
affairs (Document 450)
- Registration of Porto Ricans (Documents 451–452)
- Opening of the port of Pampatar (Document 453)
- Recognition of Mr. Simon Planas Suarez, a native Venezuelan, as Nicaraguan
minister to Venezuela (Documents 448–449)
- International Diplomatic Conferences: (Documents 454–508q)
- Second Peace Conference at The Hague (Documents 454–508a)
- Correspondence Concerning the Visit of Mr. De Martens to the Capitals
of Europe, and the Inclusion of the Subject of Disarmament in the
Programme for Discussion at the Peace Conference. (Documents 454–466)
- Acceptance of Programme and Date of Meeting. (Documents 467–471)
- The Question of Adherence of Nonsignatory States to the First
Convention of 1899 Under Article 60 to Enable Them to Participate in the
Second Conference. (Documents 472–498)
- Notifications of Adherence by Certain American States. (Documents 499–507)
- Instructions to the American Delegates to The Hague Conference,
1907. (Document 508)
- Instructions to the International (Peace) Conference at The Hague, 1899.
- Report of the Delegates of the United States to the Second
International Peace Conference Held at The Hague from June 15 to October
18, 1907. (Document 508a)
- Correspondence Concerning the Visit of Mr. De Martens to the Capitals
of Europe, and the Inclusion of the Subject of Disarmament in the
Programme for Discussion at the Peace Conference. (Documents 454–466)
- Settlement of International Disputes. (Document 508b)
- Recovery of Contract Debts. (Document 508c)
- Opening of Hostilities. (Document 508d)
- Laws and Customs of War on Land. (Document 508e)
- Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers. (Document 508f)
- Submarine Contact Mines. (Document 508g)
- Bombardment by Naval Forces. (Document 508h)
- Naval war and the Geneva Convention. (Document 508i)
- Right of Capture in Naval war. (Document 508j)
- Neutral Powers in Naval war. (Document 508k)
- Discharging Projectiles from Balloons. (Document 508l)
- Status of Enemy Merchant Ships. (Document 508m)
- Conversion of Merchant Ships into war Ships. (Document 508n)
- International Prize Court. (Document 508o)
- Final act of the Second International Peace Conference. (Documents 508p–508q)
- Signatures to the Hague Conventions of 1907.
- Brussels Sugar Convention of March, 1902, Additional act to.
- International Conference for the Regulation of the Traffic of Spirits in Africa.
- Third International Sanitary Convention, Mexico City, December 2–7, 1907.
- Convention for the Exemption of Hospital Ships, in Time of war, from the Payment of all Dues and Taxes Imposed for the Benefit of the State.
- Central American Peace Conference.
- Second Peace Conference at The Hague (Documents 454–508a)
- Index