File No. 2956/13.
Minister Bryan to the Secretary of State.
Lisbon, August 26, 1907.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge your instructions of August 10, 1907 (file No. 2956/9–11) in relation to a naturalization convention between the United States of America and Portugal. In my No. 328, of July 9, 1907, I informed the department that I had expressed to the minister for foreign affairs as my opinion one identical with that you now direct me to suggest in favor of a naturalization convention. The minister after due consideration acquiesced in our contention and, as previously reported, referred the proposed treaty to the minister of justice to put in form for submission to us. Several times since the minister for foreign affairs has referred to this subject, always expressing hope that the proposed convention may soon be concluded as a further guarantee of the continuance of the friendly relations happily existing between our countries. I have, etc.,