File No. 2956/5.
Minister Bryan to the Secretary of State.
Lisbon, June 4, 1907.
Sir: Referring to your instructions No. 126, of April 13, 1907 (file No. 2956/1), in which I was directed to make a careful investigation of the laws relating to the Portuguese military service and of their interpretation by this Government, I have the honor to report that in addition to the existing laws the war department informs me that new regulations have been drafted and submitted to the minister for foreign affairs for his approval before publication. These regulations are specially intended to facilitate compliance with the Portuguese military laws by those subject to them who reside in distant countries, such as America and Brazil. The new rules permit Portuguese citizens living abroad to pay to the nearest consul of their country the fines which exempt them from military service. Copies of these new regulations will be sent me as soon as they are issued, and transmitted by me to the department with those now in force.
I have, etc.,